require 'spec_helper' module Spree describe Api::OrdersController do render_views let!(:order) { create(:order) } let(:attributes) { [:number, :item_total, :total, :state, :adjustment_total, :user_id, :created_at, :updated_at, :completed_at, :payment_total, :shipment_state, :payment_state, :email, :special_instructions] } before do stub_authentication! end it "cannot view all orders" do api_get :index assert_unauthorized! end it "can view their own order" do Order.any_instance.stub :user => current_api_user api_get :show, :id => order.to_param response.status.should == 200 json_response.should have_attributes(attributes) end # Regression test for #1992 it "can view an order not in a standard state" do Order.any_instance.stub :user => current_api_user order.update_column(:state, 'shipped') api_get :show, :id => order.to_param end it "can not view someone else's order" do Order.any_instance.stub :user => stub_model(Spree::LegacyUser) api_get :show, :id => order.to_param assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot cancel an order that doesn't belong to them" do order.update_attribute(:completed_at, order.update_attribute(:shipment_state, "ready") api_put :cancel, :id => order.to_param assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot add address information to an order that doesn't belong to them" do api_put :address, :id => order.to_param assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot change delivery information on an order that doesn't belong to them" do api_put :delivery, :id => order.to_param assert_unauthorized! end it "can create an order" do variant = create(:variant) api_post :create, :order => { :line_items => [{ :variant_id => variant.to_param, :quantity => 5 }] } response.status.should == 201 order = Order.last order.line_items.count.should == 1 order.line_items.first.variant.should == variant order.line_items.first.quantity.should == 5 json_response["state"].should == "address" end it "can create an order without any parameters" do lambda { api_post :create }.should_not raise_error(NoMethodError) response.status.should == 201 order = Order.last json_response["state"].should == "address" end context "working with an order" do before do Order.any_instance.stub :user => current_api_user create(:payment_method) # Switch from cart to address order.ship_address.should be_nil order.state.should == "address" end def clean_address(address) address.delete(:state) address.delete(:country) address end let(:address_params) { { :country_id =>, :state_id => } } let(:shipping_address) { clean_address(attributes_for(:address).merge!(address_params)) } let(:billing_address) { clean_address(attributes_for(:address).merge!(address_params)) } let!(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method) } let!(:payment_method) { create(:payment_method) } it "can add address information to an order" do api_put :address, :id => order.to_param, :shipping_address => shipping_address, :billing_address => billing_address response.status.should == 200 order.reload order.shipping_address.reload order.billing_address.reload # We can assume the rest of the parameters are set if these two are order.shipping_address.firstname.should == shipping_address[:firstname] order.billing_address.firstname.should == billing_address[:firstname] order.state.should == "delivery" json_response["shipping_methods"].should_not be_empty end it "can add just shipping address information to an order" do api_put :address, :id => order.to_param, :shipping_address => shipping_address response.status.should == 200 order.reload order.shipping_address.reload order.shipping_address.firstname.should == shipping_address[:firstname] order.bill_address.should be_nil end it "cannot use an address that has no valid shipping methods" do shipping_method.destroy api_put :address, :id => order.to_param, :shipping_address => shipping_address, :billing_address => billing_address response.status.should == 422 json_response["errors"]["base"].should == ["No shipping methods available for selected location, please change your address and try again."] end it "can not add invalid ship address information to an order" do shipping_address[:firstname] = "" api_put :address, :id => order.to_param, :shipping_address => shipping_address, :billing_address => billing_address response.status.should == 422 json_response["errors"]["ship_address.firstname"].should_not be_blank end it "can not add invalid ship address information to an order" do billing_address[:firstname] = "" api_put :address, :id => order.to_param, :shipping_address => shipping_address, :billing_address => billing_address response.status.should == 422 json_response["errors"]["bill_address.firstname"].should_not be_blank end it "can add line items" do api_put :update, :id => order.to_param, :order => { :line_items => [{:variant_id => create(:variant).id, :quantity => 2}] } response.status.should == 200 json_response['item_total'].to_f.should_not == order.item_total.to_f end context "with a line item" do before do order.line_items << create(:line_item) end context "for delivery" do before do order.update_attribute(:state, "delivery") end it "can select a shipping method for an order" do order.shipping_method.should be_nil api_put :delivery, :id => order.to_param, :shipping_method_id => response.status.should == 200 order.reload order.state.should == "payment" order.shipping_method.should == shipping_method end it "cannot select an invalid shipping method for an order" do order.shipping_method.should be_nil api_put :delivery, :id => order.to_param, :shipping_method_id => '1234567890' response.status.should == 422 json_response["errors"].should include("Invalid shipping method specified.") end end it "can empty an order" do api_put :empty, :id => order.to_param response.status.should == 200 order.reload.line_items.should be_empty end end end context "as an admin" do sign_in_as_admin! context "with no orders" do before { Spree::Order.delete_all } it "still returns a root :orders key" do api_get :index json_response["orders"].should == [] end end context "with two orders" do before { create(:order) } it "can view all orders" do api_get :index json_response["orders"].first.should have_attributes(attributes) json_response["count"].should == 2 json_response["current_page"].should == 1 json_response["pages"].should == 1 end # Test for #1763 it "can control the page size through a parameter" do api_get :index, :per_page => 1 json_response["orders"].count.should == 1 json_response["orders"].first.should have_attributes(attributes) json_response["count"].should == 1 json_response["current_page"].should == 1 json_response["pages"].should == 2 end end context "search" do before do create(:order) Spree::Order.last.update_attribute(:email, '') end let(:expected_result) { Spree::Order.last } it "can query the results through a parameter" do api_get :index, :q => { :email_cont => 'spree' } json_response["orders"].count.should == 1 json_response["orders"].first.should have_attributes(attributes) json_response["orders"].first["email"].should == json_response["count"].should == 1 json_response["current_page"].should == 1 json_response["pages"].should == 1 end end context "can cancel an order" do before do order.completed_at = order.state = 'complete' order.shipment_state = 'ready'! end specify do api_put :cancel, :id => order.to_param json_response["state"].should == "canceled" end end end end end