module SymmetricEncryption module Utils module Files private attr_reader :file_name def read_file_and_decode(file_name) raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, 'file_name is mandatory for each key_file entry') unless file_name raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, "File #{file_name} could not be found") unless ::File.exist?(file_name) # TODO: Validate that file is not globally readable. decode64(read_from_file(file_name)) end def write_encoded_to_file(file_name, encrypted_data_key) write_to_file(file_name, encode64(encrypted_data_key)) end def encode64(data) Base64.strict_encode64(data) end def decode64(data) Base64.strict_decode64(data) end # Write to the supplied file_name, backing up the existing file if present def write_to_file(file_name, data) key_path = ::File.dirname(file_name) ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(key_path) unless ::File.rename(file_name, "#{file_name}.#{}") if ::File.exist?(file_name), 'wb', 0o600) { |file| file.write(data) } end # Read from the file, raising an exception if it is not found def read_from_file(file_name), 'rb', &:read) rescue Errno::ENOENT raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, "Symmetric Encryption key file: '#{file_name}' not found or readable") end end end end