module Axlsx #A CatAxis object defines a chart category axis class CatAxis < Axis # From the docs: This element specifies that this axis is a date or text axis based on the data that is used for the axis labels, not a specific choice. # @return [Boolean] attr_reader :auto # specifies how the perpendicular axis is crossed # must be one of [:ctr, :l, :r] # @return [Symbol] attr_reader :lblAlgn # The offset of the labels # must be between a string between 0 and 1000 # @return [Integer] attr_reader :lblOffset # regex for validating label offset LBL_OFFSET_REGEX = /0*(([0-9])|([1-9][0-9])|([1-9][0-9][0-9])|1000)%/ # Creates a new CatAxis object # @param [Integer] axId the id of this axis. Inherited # @param [Integer] crossAx the id of the perpendicular axis. Inherited # @option options [Symbol] axPos. Inherited # @option options [Symbol] tickLblPos. Inherited # @option options [Symbol] crosses. Inherited # @option options [Boolean] auto # @option options [Symbol] lblAlgn # @option options [Integer] lblOffset def initialize(axId, crossAx, options={}) = 1 self.lblAlgn = :ctr self.lblOffset = "100%" super(axId, crossAx, options) end # From the docs: This element specifies that this axis is a date or text axis based on the data that is used for the axis labels, not a specific choice. def auto=(v) Axlsx::validate_boolean(v); @auto = v; end # specifies how the perpendicular axis is crossed # must be one of [:ctr, :l, :r] def lblAlgn=(v) RestrictionValidator.validate "#{self.class}.lblAlgn", [:ctr, :l, :r], v; @lblAlgn = v; end # The offset of the labels # must be between a string between 0 and 1000 def lblOffset=(v) RegexValidator.validate "#{self.class}.lblOffset", LBL_OFFSET_REGEX, v; @lblOffset = v; end # Serializes the category axis # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] xml The document builder instance this objects xml will be added to. # @return [String] def to_xml(xml) xml.catAx { super(xml) :val=>@auto xml.lblAlgn :val=>@lblAlgn xml.lblOffset :val=>@lblOffset } end end end