require "oddb2xml/util" require "oddb2xml/parslet_compositions" require "yaml" module Oddb2xml # Calc is responsible for analysing the columns "Packungsgrösse" and "Einheit" # GalenicGroup ="GalenicGroup", :oid, :descriptions) GalenicForm ="GalenicForm", :oid, :descriptions, :galenic_group) class GalenicGroup def description(lang = "de") descriptions[lang] end end class GalenicForm def description(lang = "de") descriptions[lang] end end class Calc FLUIDFORMS = [ "Ampulle(n)", "Beutel", "Bolus/Boli", "Bq", "Dose(n)", "Durchstechflasche(n)", "Einmaldosenbehälter", "Einzeldose(n)", "Fertigspritze", "Fertigspritze(n)", "Flasche(n)", "I.E.", "Infusionskonzentrat", "Infusionslösung", "Infusionsemulsion", "Inhalationen", "Inhalator", "Injektions-Set", "Injektions-Sets", "Injektor(en), vorgefüllt/Pen", "Klistier(e)", "MBq", "Pipetten", "Sachet(s)", "Spritze(n)", "Sprühstösse", "Stechampulle (Lyophilisat) und Ampulle (Solvens)", "Stechampulle", "Suspension", "Zylinderampulle(n)", "cartouches", "dose(s)", "flacon perforable", "sacchetto", "vorgefüllter Injektor" ] FESTE_FORMEN = [ "Depotabs", "Dragée(s)", "Generator mit folgenden Aktivitäten:", "Filmtabletten", "Gerät", "Kapsel(n)", "Kautabletten", "Lutschtabletten", "Kugeln", "Ovulum", "Packung(en)", "Pflaster", "Schmelzfilme", "Set", "Strips", "Stück", "Suppositorien", "Tablette(n)", "Tüchlein", "Urethrastab", "Vaginalzäpfchen", "comprimé", "comprimé pelliculé", "comprimés", "comprimés à libération modifiée", "comprimés à croquer sécables", "imprägnierter Verband", "magensaftresistente Filmtabletten", "ovale Körper", "tube(s)" ] MEASUREMENTS = ["g", "kg", "l", "mg", "ml", "cm", "GBq"] OTHERS = ["Kombipackung", "emballage combiné"] UNKNOWN_GALENIC_FORM = 140 UNKNOWN_GALENIC_GROUP = 1 DATA_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "data")) @@galenic_groups = YAML.safe_load_file(File.join(DATA_DIR, "gal_groups.yaml"), permitted_classes: [ Oddb2xml::GalenicForm, Oddb2xml::GalenicGroup, Symbol]) @@galenic_forms = YAML.safe_load_file(File.join(DATA_DIR, "gal_forms.yaml"), permitted_classes: [ Oddb2xml::GalenicForm, Oddb2xml::GalenicGroup, Symbol]) @@new_galenic_forms = [] @@names_without_galenic_forms = [] @@rules_counter = {} attr_accessor :galenic_form, :unit, :pkg_size attr_reader :name, :substances, :composition, :compositions, :column_c attr_reader :selling_units, :count, :multi, :measure, :addition, :scale # s.a. commercial_form in def self.get_galenic_group(name, lang = "de") @@galenic_groups.values.collect { |galenic_group| return galenic_group if galenic_group.descriptions[lang].eql?(name) } @@galenic_groups[1] end def self.report_conversion lines = ["", "", "Report of used conversion rules", "-------------------------------", ""] @@rules_counter.each { |key, value| lines << "#{key}: #{value} occurrences" } lines << "" lines << "" lines end def self.get_galenic_form(name, lang = "de") @@galenic_forms.values.collect { |galenic_form| return galenic_form if galenic_form.descriptions[lang].eql?(name) if name && galenic_form.descriptions[lang].eql?(name.sub(" / ", "/")) return galenic_form end } @@galenic_forms[UNKNOWN_GALENIC_FORM] end def self.dump_new_galenic_forms if @@new_galenic_forms.size > 0 "\n\n\nAdded the following galenic_forms\n" + @@new_galenic_forms.uniq.join("\n") else "\n\n\nNo new galenic forms added" end end def self.dump_names_without_galenic_forms if @@names_without_galenic_forms.size > 0 "\n\n\nThe following products did not have a galenic form in column Präparateliste\n" + @@names_without_galenic_forms.sort.uniq.join("\n") else "\n\n\nColumn Präparateliste has everywhere a name\n" end end private def remove_duplicated_spaces(string) string ? string.to_s.gsub(/\s\s+/, " ") : nil end public def initialize(column_c = nil, size = nil, unit = nil, active_substance = nil, composition = nil) @column_c = column_c ? column_c.gsub(/\s\s+/, " ") : nil @name, gal_form = ParseGalenicForm.from_string(column_c) gal_form = gal_form.gsub(/\s\s+/, " ").sub(" / ", "/") if gal_form @galenic_form = search_galenic_info(gal_form) @pkg_size = remove_duplicated_spaces(size) @unit = unit @selling_units = getSellingUnits(@name, @pkg_size, @unit) @composition = composition @measure = unit if unit && !@measure if column_c unless @galenic_form parts = column_c.split(/\s+|,|-/) parts.each { |part| if (idx = searchExactGalform(part)) @galenic_form = idx break end } end end if @measure && !@galenic_form @galenic_form ||= searchExactGalform(@measure) @galenic_form ||= searchExactGalform(@measure.sub("(n)", "n")) end handleUnknownGalform(gal_form) @measure = @galenic_form.description if @galenic_form && !@measure @compositions = if composition ParseUtil.parse_compositions(composition, active_substance) else [] end end def galenic_group @@galenic_groups[@galenic_form.galenic_group] end # helper for generating csv def headers ["name", "pkg_size", "selling_units", "measure", # "count", "multi", "addition", "scale", "unit", "galenic_form", "galenic_group"] end def to_array [@name, @pkg_size, @selling_units, @measure, # @count, @multi, @addition, @scale, @unit, galenic_form ? galenic_form.description : "", galenic_group ? galenic_group.description : ""] end private def update_rule(rulename) @@rules_counter[rulename] ||= 0 @@rules_counter[rulename] += 1 end def getSellingUnits(part_from_name_c, pkg_size_l, einheit_m) # break_condition = (defined?(Pry) && false) # /5 x 2500 ml/.match(pkg_size_l)) return pkgSizeToInt(pkg_size_l) unless part_from_name_c part_from_name_c = part_from_name_c.gsub(/[()]/, "_") MEASUREMENTS.each { |x| if einheit_m && /^#{x}$/i.match(einheit_m) puts "measurement in einheit_m #{einheit_m} matched: #{x}" if $VERBOSE update_rule("measurement einheit_m") @measure = x # binding.pry if break_condition return pkgSizeToInt(pkg_size_l, true) end } FESTE_FORMEN.each { |x| if part_from_name_c && (x.gsub(/[()]/, "_")).match(part_from_name_c) puts "feste_form in #{part_from_name_c} matched: #{x}" if $VERBOSE update_rule("feste_form name_C") @measure = x # binding.pry if break_condition return pkgSizeToInt(pkg_size_l) end if einheit_m && x.eql?(einheit_m) puts "feste_form in einheit_m #{einheit_m} matched: #{x}" if $VERBOSE update_rule("feste_form einheit_m") @measure = x # binding.pry if break_condition return pkgSizeToInt(pkg_size_l) end } FLUIDFORMS.each { |x| if part_from_name_c && x.match(part_from_name_c) puts "liquid_form in #{part_from_name_c} matched: #{x}" if $VERBOSE update_rule("liquid_form name_C") @measure = x # binding.pry if break_condition return pkgSizeToInt(pkg_size_l, true) end if part_from_name_c && x.match(part_from_name_c.split(" ")[0]) puts "liquid_form in #{part_from_name_c} matched: #{x}" if $VERBOSE update_rule("liquid_form first_part") # binding.pry if break_condition return pkgSizeToInt(pkg_size_l, true) end if einheit_m && x.eql?(einheit_m) puts "liquid_form in einheit_m #{einheit_m} matched: #{x}" if $VERBOSE update_rule("liquid_form einheit_m") @measure = x # binding.pry if break_condition return pkgSizeToInt(pkg_size_l, MEASUREMENTS.find { |x| pkg_size_l.index(" #{x}") }) end } MEASUREMENTS.each { |x| if pkg_size_l&.split(" ")&.index(x) puts "measurement in pkg_size_l #{pkg_size_l} matched: #{x}" if $VERBOSE update_rule("measurement pkg_size_l") @measure = x # binding.pry if break_condition return pkgSizeToInt(pkg_size_l, true) end } # binding.pry if break_condition puts "Could not find anything for name_C #{part_from_name_c} pkg_size_l: #{pkg_size_l} einheit_m #{einheit_m}" if $VERBOSE update_rule("unbekannt") "unbekannt" rescue RegexpError puts "RegexpError for M: #{einheit_m} pkg_size_l #{pkg_size_l} C: #{part_from_name_c}" update_rule("RegexpError") "error" end def pkgSizeToInt(pkg_size, skip_last_part = false) return pkg_size if pkg_size.is_a?(Integer) return 1 unless pkg_size parts = pkg_size.split(/\s*x\s*/i) parts = parts[0..-2] if skip_last_part && (parts.size > 1) last_multiplier = parts[-1].to_i > 0 ? parts[-1].to_i : 1 if parts.size == 3 parts[0].to_i * parts[1].to_i * last_multiplier elsif parts.size == 2 parts[0].to_i * last_multiplier elsif parts.size == 1 last_multiplier else 1 end end def searchExactGalform(name) return nil unless name if (idx = @@galenic_forms.values.find { |x| x.descriptions["de"] && x.descriptions["de"].downcase.eql?(name.downcase) }) || (idx = @@galenic_forms.values.find { |x| x.descriptions["fr"] && x.descriptions["fr"].downcase.eql?(name.downcase) }) || (idx = @@galenic_forms.values.find { |x| x.descriptions["en"] && x.descriptions["en"].downcase.eql?(name.downcase) }) return idx end nil end def handleUnknownGalform(gal_form) return if @galenic_form if gal_form @galenic_form =, {"de" => remove_duplicated_spaces(gal_form.gsub(" +", " "))}, @@galenic_forms[UNKNOWN_GALENIC_FORM]) @@new_galenic_forms << gal_form else @galenic_form = @@galenic_forms[UNKNOWN_GALENIC_FORM] end end def search_galenic_info(gal_form) if (idx = searchExactGalform(gal_form)) return idx end if gal_form&.index(",") parts = gal_form.split(/\s+|,/) parts.each { |part| if (idx = searchExactGalform(part)) return idx end } elsif gal_form if gal_form.eql?("capsule") idx = searchExactGalform("capsules") return idx end if (idx = searchExactGalform(gal_form)) return idx end end nil end end end