require 'shoulda' require 'ffi' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) # Since the tests will call Gtk+ functions, Gtk+ must be initialized. module DummyGtk module Lib extend FFI::Library ffi_lib "gtk-x11-2.0" attach_function :gtk_init, [:pointer, :pointer], :void end def self.init Lib.gtk_init nil, nil end end DummyGtk.init # Need a dummy module for some tests. module Lib end class Test::Unit::TestCase def cws code code.gsub(/(^\s*|\s*$)/, "") end def get_function_introspection_data namespace, function GirFFI::IRepository.default.require namespace, nil GirFFI::Builder.send :function_introspection_data, namespace, function end def get_method_introspection_data namespace, klass, function GirFFI::IRepository.default.require namespace, nil GirFFI::Builder.send :method_introspection_data, namespace, klass, function end end