# frozen_string_literal: true module Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora class Persister # Responsible for converting {Valkyrie::Resource} to {LDP::Container::Basic} class ModelConverter attr_reader :resource, :adapter, :subject_uri delegate :connection, :connection_prefix, :base_path, to: :adapter # @param [Valkyrie::Resource] resource # @param [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::MetadataAdapter] adapter # @param [RDF::URI] subject_uri def initialize(resource:, adapter:, subject_uri: RDF::URI("")) @resource = resource @adapter = adapter @subject_uri = subject_uri end # Convert a Valkyrie Resource into a RDF LDP basic container # @return [Ldp::Container::Basic] def convert graph_resource.graph.delete([nil, nil, nil]) properties.each do |property| values = resource_attributes[property] output = property_converter.for(Property.new(subject_uri, property, values, adapter, resource)).result graph_resource.graph << output.to_graph end graph_resource end # Access the Valkyrie attribute names to be used for the Fedora resource properties # Filters resource properties to remove properties that should not be persisted to Fedora. # * new_record is a virtual property for marking unsaved objects # @return [Array] def properties resource_attributes.keys - [:new_record] end delegate :attributes, to: :resource, prefix: true # Construct the LDP Basic Container modeling the Valkyrie Resource in Fedora # @see https://www.w3.org/TR/ldp/#ldpc # @return [Ldp::Container::Basic] def graph_resource @graph_resource ||= ::Ldp::Container::Basic.new(connection, subject, nil, base_path) end # Generate a URI from the Valkyrie Resource ID to be used as the RDF subject for Fedora LDP resources # @return [RDF::URI] def subject adapter.id_to_uri(resource.id) if resource.try(:id) end # Provide the Class used for values # This should be derived from Valkyrie::ValueMapper as a base class # @return [Class] def property_converter FedoraValue end # Class modeling properties for Fedora LDP resources # These map directly to attributes on the Valkyrie resources and generate a new graph or populate an existing graph class Property attr_reader :key, :value, :subject, :adapter, :resource delegate :schema, to: :adapter # @param [RDF::URI] subject RDF URI referencing the LDP container in the graph store # @param [Symbol] key attribute key used to map to the RDF predicate # @param [Object] value # @param [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::MetadataAdapter] adapter # @param [Valkyrie::Resource] resource def initialize(subject, key, value, adapter, resource) @subject = subject @key = key @value = value @adapter = adapter @resource = resource end # Populate the RDF graph containing statements about the LDP container # @param [RDF::Graph] graph # @return [RDF::Graph] def to_graph(graph = RDF::Graph.new) Array(value).each do |val| graph << RDF::Statement.new(subject, predicate, val) end graph end # Retrieve the RDF predicate for this Valkyrie Resource attribute (being converted) # This is used to generate RDF statements (triples) from Resource attributes # @return [RDF::URI] def predicate schema.predicate_for(resource: resource, property: key) end end # Class modeling RDF properties which are sets of graphs # (i. e. this generates a parent graph from a set of child graphs) class CompositeProperty attr_reader :properties # @param [Array] properties def initialize(properties) @properties = properties end # Generate the RDF graph # @param [RDF::Graph] graph RDF graph being populated with "member" graphs # @return [RDF::Graph] the populated "parent" graph def to_graph(graph = RDF::Graph.new) properties.each do |property| property.to_graph(graph) end graph end end # Class modeling RDF properties which are single, existing graphs # (i. e. this inserts a single existing "child" graph into a "parent" graph) class GraphProperty attr_reader :key, :graph, :subject, :adapter, :resource # @param [RDF::URI] subject RDF URI referencing the LDP container in the graph store # @param [Symbol] key attribute key used to map to the RDF predicate # @param [RDF::Graph] graph RDF graph for the existing property # @param [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::MetadataAdapter] adapter # @param [Valkyrie::Resource] resource def initialize(subject, key, graph, adapter, resource) @subject = subject @key = key @graph = graph @adapter = adapter @resource = resource end # Appends the existing graph to a new or existing "parent" graph # @param [RDF::Graph] passed_graph # @return [RDF::Graph] the updated "parent" graph def to_graph(passed_graph = RDF::Graph.new) passed_graph << graph end end # (Abstract) base class for Fedora property values class FedoraValue < ::Valkyrie::ValueMapper end # Class mapping Fedora property values which must be ordered # This assumes that the value being mapped is actually an Array (or Enumerable) class OrderedMembers < ::Valkyrie::ValueMapper FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the Valkyrie attribute value can be ordered # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && value.key == :member_ids && Array(value.value).present? end # Construct a graph from the value array # @return [GraphProperty] def result initialize_list apply_first_and_last GraphProperty.new(value.subject, value.key, graph, value.adapter, value.resource) end # Generate the RDF Graph from from the ordered value array # @return [RDF::Graph] def graph @graph ||= ordered_list.to_graph end # Append the RDF statements asserting that two RDF resources are the "first" and "last" elements of the linked list # @return [RDF::Graph] def apply_first_and_last return if ordered_list.to_a.empty? graph << RDF::Statement.new(value.subject, ::RDF::Vocab::IANA.first, ordered_list.head.next.rdf_subject) graph << RDF::Statement.new(value.subject, ::RDF::Vocab::IANA.last, ordered_list.tail.prev.rdf_subject) end # Populate an OrderedList object (wrapping an RDF graph implementation of a linked list) using the value array def initialize_list Array(value.value).each_with_index do |val, index| ordered_list.insert_proxy_for_at(index, calling_mapper.for(Property.new(value.subject, :member_id, val, value.adapter, value.resource)).result.value) end end # Construct an OrderedList object # @return [OrderedList] def ordered_list @ordered_list ||= OrderedList.new(RDF::Graph.new, nil, nil, value.adapter) end end class OrderedProperties < ::Valkyrie::ValueMapper FedoraValue.register(self) def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && ordered?(value) && !OrderedMembers.handles?(value) && Array(value.value).present? && value.value.is_a?(Array) end def self.ordered?(value) return false unless value.resource.class.attribute_names.include?(value.key) value.resource.ordered_attribute?(value.key) end delegate :subject, to: :value def result initialize_list apply_first_and_last GraphProperty.new(value.subject, value.key, graph, value.adapter, value.resource) end def graph @graph ||= ordered_list.to_graph end def apply_first_and_last return if ordered_list.to_a.empty? graph << RDF::Statement.new(subject, predicate, node_id) graph << RDF::Statement.new(node_id, ::RDF::Vocab::IANA.first, ordered_list.head.next.rdf_subject) graph << RDF::Statement.new(node_id, ::RDF::Vocab::IANA.last, ordered_list.tail.prev.rdf_subject) end def node_id @node_id ||= ordered_list.send(:new_node_subject) end def predicate value.schema.predicate_for(resource: value.resource, property: value.key) end def initialize_list Array(value.value).each_with_index do |val, index| property = NestedProperty.new(value: val, scope: value) obj = calling_mapper.for(property.property).result # Append value directly if possible. if obj.respond_to?(:value) ordered_list.insert_proxy_for_at(index, proxy_for_value(obj.value)) # If value is a nested object, take its graph and append it. elsif obj.respond_to?(:graph) append_to_graph(obj: obj, index: index, property: property.property) end graph << ordered_list.to_graph end end def proxy_for_value(value) if value.is_a?(RDF::Literal) && value.datatype == PermissiveSchema.valkyrie_id ordered_list.adapter.id_to_uri(value) else value end end class NestedProperty attr_reader :value, :scope def initialize(value:, scope:) @value = value @scope = scope end def property @property ||= Property.new(node, key, value, scope.adapter, scope.resource) end def key scope.key.to_s.singularize.to_sym end def node @node ||= ::RDF::URI("##{::RDF::Node.new.id}") end end def append_to_graph(obj:, index:, property:) proxy_node = obj.graph.query([nil, property.predicate, nil]).objects[0] obj.graph.delete([nil, property.predicate, nil]) ordered_list.insert_proxy_for_at(index, proxy_node) obj.to_graph(graph) end def ordered_list @ordered_list ||= OrderedList.new(RDF::Graph.new, nil, nil, value.adapter) end end # Class mapping Valkyrie attribute values which have already been # mapped to Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property objects class NestedProperty < ::Valkyrie::ValueMapper FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the Valkyrie attribute value can be ordered # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && (value.value.is_a?(Hash) || value.value.is_a?(Valkyrie::Resource)) && value.value[:internal_resource] end # Generate a new parent graph containing the child graph generated from the ModelConverter::Property objects # @return [GraphProperty] def result nested_graph << RDF::Statement.new(value.subject, value.predicate, subject_uri) GraphProperty.new(value.subject, value.key, nested_graph, value.adapter, value.resource) end # Generate the "child" graph from the value in the ModelConverter::Property # @return [RDF::Graph] def nested_graph @nested_graph ||= ModelConverter.new(resource: Valkyrie::Types::Anything[value.value], adapter: value.adapter, subject_uri: subject_uri).convert.graph end # Generate a new RDF hash URI for the "child" graph for the ModelConverter::Property # @see https://github.com/fcrepo4/fcrepo4/blob/master/fcrepo-kernel-modeshape/src/main/java/org/fcrepo/kernel/modeshape/rdf/JcrRdfTools.java#L455 # @return [RDF::Graph] def subject_uri @subject_uri ||= ::RDF::URI(RDF::Node.new.to_s.gsub("_:", "#")) end end # Class used to map values converted into default Ruby data types (e. g. Strings) # into Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property objects class MappedFedoraValue < ::Valkyrie::ValueMapper private # Map a default Ruby data type # (This maps the existing Property to a FedoraValue first) # @param [Object] converted_value # @return [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property] def map_value(converted_value:) calling_mapper.for( Property.new( value.subject, value.key, converted_value, value.adapter, value.resource ) ).result end end # Class mapping Property objects for Valkyrie IDs using typed RDF literals # This generates a custom datatype URI for Valkyrie IDs # @see https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-Graph-Literal # @see https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#datatype-iris class NestedInternalValkyrieID < MappedFedoraValue FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the value is a Property for Valkyrie ID with a hash URI for the RDF graph # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && value.value.is_a?(Valkyrie::ID) && value.subject.to_s.include?("#") end # Converts the RDF literal into the Property # For example, a Valkyrie::ID with the value "db67d786-d187-46b8-a44f-a494f0c65ec2" # will first be mapped to RDF::Literal "db67d786-d187-46b8-a44f-a494f0c65ec2"^^ # @return [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property] def result map_value(converted_value: RDF::Literal.new( value.value, datatype: PermissiveSchema.valkyrie_id )) end end # Class mapping Property objects for Valkyrie IDs which have not been mapped to Fedora LDP URIs class InternalValkyrieID < MappedFedoraValue FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the value is a Property for Valkyrie ID which is not contain an adapter resource path URI # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && value.value.is_a?(Valkyrie::ID) && !value.value.to_s.include?("://") end # Generates the Property for this URI # For example, a Valkyrie::ID with the value "c0831f2e-f86b-4d4a-9331-020b7418b068" # will first be mapped to # @return [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property] def result map_value(converted_value: value.adapter.id_to_uri(value.value)) end end # Class for mapping Property objects for Boolean values class BooleanValue < MappedFedoraValue FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the value is a Property for boolean values # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && ([true, false].include? value.value) end # Generates the Property for this boolean # RDF::Literal::Boolean:0x3fc310fdf120("false"^^) # @return [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property] def result map_value(converted_value: RDF::Literal.new( value.value, datatype: PermissiveSchema.valkyrie_bool )) end end # Class for mapping Property objects for Integer values class IntegerValue < MappedFedoraValue FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the value is a Property for Integer values # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && value.value.is_a?(Integer) end # Generates the Property for this Integer # #)> # @return [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property] def result map_value(converted_value: RDF::Literal.new( value.value, datatype: PermissiveSchema.valkyrie_int )) end end class FloatValue < MappedFedoraValue FedoraValue.register(self) def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && value.value.is_a?(Float) end def result map_value(converted_value: RDF::Literal.new( value.value, datatype: PermissiveSchema.valkyrie_float )) end end # Class for mapping Property objects for DateTime values class DateTimeValue < MappedFedoraValue FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the value is a Property for DateTime values # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && value.value.is_a?(DateTime) end # Generates the Property for this DateTime # This will first be mapped to an RDF::Literal::DateTime object such as "2018-08-08T11:24:18.2087-04:00"^^ # @return [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property] def result map_value(converted_value: RDF::Literal.new( value.value, datatype: PermissiveSchema.valkyrie_datetime )) end end # Class for mapping Property objects for Time values # Technically Valkyrie does not support time, but when other persisters support time # this code will make Fedora compliant with the established patterns. # # https://github.com/samvera-labs/valkyrie/wiki/Supported-Data-Types class TimeValue < MappedFedoraValue FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the value is a Property for Time values # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && value.value.is_a?(Time) end # Generates the Property for this Time # This will first be mapped to an RDF::Literal::DateTime object such as "2018-08-08T11:24:18.2087-04:00"^^ # @return [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property] def result # cast it to datetime for storage, to preserve milliseconds and date map_value(converted_value: RDF::Literal.new( value.value.to_datetime, datatype: PermissiveSchema.valkyrie_time )) end end # Class for mapping Property objects for simple Valkyrie IDs class IdentifiableValue < MappedFedoraValue FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the value is a Property for Valkyrie::ID values # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && value.value.is_a?(Valkyrie::ID) end # Converts the RDF literal into the Property # For example, a Valkyrie::ID with the value "adapter://1" # will first be mapped to RDF::Literal "adapter://1"^^ # @return [Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::Persister::ModelConverter::Property] def result map_value(converted_value: RDF::Literal.new( value.value, datatype: PermissiveSchema.valkyrie_id )) end end # Class mapping Property objects for value arrays class EnumerableValue < MappedFedoraValue FedoraValue.register(self) # Determines whether or not the value is a Property for Array values # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] def self.handles?(value) value.is_a?(Property) && value.value.is_a?(Array) end # Construct a CompositeProperty composed of the mapped Array elements # @return [CompositeProperty] def result new_values = value.value.map do |val| map_value(converted_value: val) end CompositeProperty.new(new_values) end end end end end