require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') module ICU describe Tournament do context "a basic tournament" do it "has a name, start date, some players and some results" do expect do t ='Bangor Bash', '2009-11-09') t.add_player('Bobby', 'Fischer', 1)) t.add_player('Garry', 'Kasparov', 2)) t.add_player('Mark', 'Orr', 3)) t.add_result(, 1, '=', :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W')) t.add_result(, 2, 'L', :opponent => 3, :colour => 'W')) t.add_result(, 3, 'W', :opponent => 1, :colour => 'W')) t.validate! end.not_to raise_error end end context "documentation example" do before(:each) do @t = t ='Bangor Masters', '2009-11-09') t.add_player('Bobby', 'Fischer', 10)) t.add_player('Garry', 'Kasparov', 20)) t.add_player('Mark', 'Orr', 30)) t.add_result(, 10, 'D', :opponent => 30, :colour => 'W')) t.add_result(, 20, 'W', :opponent => 30, :colour => 'B')) t.add_result(, 20, 'L', :opponent => 10, :colour => 'W')) t.validate!(:rerank => true) @s = < 'Edinburgh') end it "may be specified in constructor" do expect( eq('Edinburgh') end it "can be replaced by accessor" do = 'Glasgow' expect( eq('Glasgow') end it "can be set to nil" do = '' expect( be_nil end it "should not be without letters if set" do expect { = '123' }.to raise_error(/invalid.*city/) end end context "federation" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :fed => 'SCO') end it "may be specified in constructor" do expect(@t.fed).to eq('SCO') end it "can be replaced by accessor" do @t.fed = 'IRL' expect(@t.fed).to eq('IRL') end it "can be set to nil" do @t.fed = '' expect(@t.fed).to be_nil end it "three letters will automatically be upcased" do @t.fed = 'rus' expect(@t.fed).to eq('RUS') end it "should not be without letters if set" do expect { @t.fed = '123' }.to raise_error(/invalid.*federation/) end end context "start date" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09') end it "must be specified in constructor" do expect(@t.start).to eq('2009-11-09') end it "can be replaced by accessor" do @t.start = '16th June 2010' expect(@t.start).to eq('2010-06-16') end it "should be a valid date" do expect {'Edinburgh Masters', ' ') }.to raise_error(/invalid.*date/) expect { @t.start = 'X' }.to raise_error(/invalid.*date/) end end context "finish date" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :finish => '12th November 2009') end it "may be specified in constructor" do expect(@t.finish).to eq('2009-11-12') end it "can be replaced by accessor" do @t.finish = '16th December 2009' expect(@t.finish).to eq('2009-12-16') end it "can be set to nil" do @t.finish = '' expect(@t.finish).to be_nil end it "should be a valid date" do expect {'Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :finish => 'next week') }.to raise_error(/invalid.*date/) expect { @t.finish = 'X' }.to raise_error(/invalid.*date/) end end context "rounds" do it "defaults to nil" do expect('Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09').rounds).to be_nil end it "should be a positive integer or nil" do expect('Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :rounds => 3).rounds).to eq(3) expect('Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :rounds => ' 10 ').rounds).to eq(10) expect('Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :rounds => nil).rounds).to be_nil expect {'Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :rounds => ' 0 ') }.to raise_error(/invalid.*rounds/) end end context "last_round" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09') @t.add_player(@mark ='Mark', 'Orr', 1)) @t.add_player(@gary ='Gary', 'Kasparov', 2)) @t.add_player(@boby ='Bobby', 'Fischer', 3)) end it "depends on the players results" do expect(@t.last_round).to eq(0) @t.add_result(, 1, 'W', :opponent => 2)) expect(@t.last_round).to eq(1) @t.add_result(, 2, 'D', :opponent => 3)) expect(@t.last_round).to eq(2) @t.add_result(, 3, 'L', :opponent => 1)) expect(@t.last_round).to eq(5) end end context "round date" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09') end it "should default to none" do expect(@t.round_dates.size).to eq(0) end it "should be added one by one in the correct order" do @t.add_round_date('09/11/2009') @t.add_round_date('10th November 2009') @t.add_round_date('2009-11-11') expect(@t.round_dates.join('|')).to eq('2009-11-09|2009-11-10|2009-11-11') end end context "site" do it "defaults to nil" do expect('Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09').site).to be_nil end it "should be a reasonably valid looking URL" do expect('Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :site => '').site).to eq('') expect('Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :site => '').site).to eq('') expect {'Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :site => 'X') }.to raise_error(/invalid.*site/) end end context "type, arbiter, deputy and time control" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :type => 'Swiss', :arbiter => 'Gerry Graham', :deputy => 'Herbert Scarry', :time_control => '120 minutes') end it "may be specified in constructor" do expect(@t.type).to eq('Swiss') expect(@t.arbiter).to eq('Gerry Graham') expect(@t.deputy).to eq('Herbert Scarry') expect(@t.time_control).to eq('120 minutes') end it "can be replaced by accessor" do @t.type = 'all-play-all' expect(@t.type).to eq('all-play-all') @t.arbiter = 'Michael Crowe' expect(@t.arbiter).to eq('Michael Crowe') @t.deputy = 'Mark Orr' expect(@t.deputy).to eq('Mark Orr') @t.time_control = '90 minutes' expect(@t.time_control).to eq('90 minutes') end it "can be set to nil" do @t.type = '' expect(@t.type).to be_nil @t.arbiter = '' expect(@t.arbiter).to be_nil @t.deputy = '' expect(@t.deputy).to be_nil @t.time_control = '' expect(@t.time_control).to be_nil end it "should be valid" do expect { @t.type = '123' }.to raise_error(/invalid.*type/) expect { @t.arbiter = '123' }.to raise_error(/invalid.*arbiter/) expect { @t.deputy = '123' }.to raise_error(/invalid.*deputy/) expect { @t.time_control = 'abc' }.to raise_error(/invalid.*time.*control/) end end context "tie breaks" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09') end it "should an empty tie breaks list by default" do expect(@t.tie_breaks).to be_an_instance_of(Array) expect(@t.tie_breaks).to be_empty end it "should be settable to one or more valid tie break methods" do @t.tie_breaks = [:neustadtl] expect(@t.tie_breaks.join('|')).to eq("neustadtl") @t.tie_breaks = [:neustadtl, :blacks] expect(@t.tie_breaks.join('|')).to eq("neustadtl|blacks") @t.tie_breaks = ['Wins', 'Sonneborn-Berger', :harkness] expect(@t.tie_breaks.join('|')).to eq("wins|neustadtl|harkness") @t.tie_breaks = [] expect(@t.tie_breaks.join('|')).to eq("") end it "should rasie an error is not given an array" do expect { @t.tie_breaks = :neustadtl }.to raise_error(/array/i) end it "should rasie an error is given any invalid tie-break methods" do expect { @t.tie_breaks = ["My Bum"] }.to raise_error(/invalid/i) expect { @t.tie_breaks = [:neustadtl, "Your arse"] }.to raise_error(/invalid/i) end end context "players" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09') end it "should have unique numbers" do @t.add_player('Mark', 'Orr', 1)) expect { @t.add_player('Bobby', 'Fischer', 1)) }.to raise_error(/player.*unique/) end it "can be added one at a time" do @t.add_player('Mark', 'Orr', -1)) @t.add_player('Gary', 'Kasparov', -2)) @t.add_player('Bobby', 'Fischer', -3)) expect(@t.players.size).to eq(3) expect(@t.player(-1).first_name).to eq('Mark') end end context "results" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09', :rounds => 3) @t.add_player(@mark ='Mark', 'Orr', 1)) @t.add_player(@gary ='Gary', 'Kasparov', 2)) @t.add_player(@boby ='Bobby', 'Fischer', 3)) end it "can be added one at a time" do @t.add_result(, 1, 'W', :opponent => 2)) @t.add_result(, 2, 'D', :opponent => 3)) @t.add_result(, 3, 'L', :opponent => 1, :rateable => false)) expect(@mark.results.size).to eq(2) expect(@mark.points).to eq(2.0) expect(@gary.results.size).to eq(2) expect(@gary.points).to eq(0.5) expect(@boby.results.size).to eq(2) expect(@boby.points).to eq(0.5) end it "results with asymmetric scores cannot be added unless both results are unrateable" do @t.add_result(, 1, 'W', :opponent => 2)) expect { @t.add_result(, 2, 'D', :opponent => 1)) }.to raise_error(/result.*match/) expect { @t.add_result(, 2, 'L', :opponent => 1, :rateable => false)) }.to raise_error(/result.*match/) expect { @t.add_result(, 3, 'L', :opponent => 1, :rateable => false)) }.not_to raise_error end it "should have a defined player" do expect { @t.add_result(, 4, 'L', :opponent => 1)) }.to raise_error(/player.*exist/) end it "should have a defined opponent" do expect { @t.add_result(, 1, 'W', :opponent => 4)) }.to raise_error(/opponent.*exist/) end it "should be consistent with the tournament's number of rounds" do expect { @t.add_result(, 1, 'W', :opponent => 2)) }.to raise_error(/round/) end it "documentation example should ne correct" do @t.add_result(, 2, 'L', :opponent => 1, :rateable => false)) @t.add_result(, 1, 'L', :opponent => 2, :rateable => false)) expect(@t.player(1).results.first.points).to eq(0.0) expect(@t.player(2).results.first.points).to eq(0.0) end end context "finding players" do before(:all) do @t ='Bangor Bash', '2009-11-09') @t.add_player('Bobby', 'Fischer', 1, :fed => 'USA')) @t.add_player('Garry', 'Gary Kasparov', 2, :fed => 'RUS')) @t.add_player('Mark', 'Orr', 3, :fed => 'IRL')) end it "should find players based on loose equality" do expect(@t.find_player('Mark', 'Orr', 4, :fed => 'IRL')).num).to eq(3) expect(@t.find_player('Mark', 'Orr', 4, :fed => 'USA'))).to be_nil expect(@t.find_player('Mark', 'Sax', 4, :fed => 'IRL'))).to be_nil expect(@t.find_player('John', 'Orr', 4, :fed => 'IRL'))).to be_nil end end context "teams" do before(:each) do @t ='Bangor Bash', '2009-11-09') end it "should be able to create a new team, add it and retrieve it" do team ='Wandering Dragons') expect(@t.add_team(team)).to be_an_instance_of Team expect(@t.get_team(' wandering dragons ')).to be_an_instance_of Team expect(@t.get_team('Blundering Bishops')).to be_nil end it "should be able to create and add a new team and retrieve it" do expect(@t.add_team('Blundering Bishops')).to be_an_instance_of Team expect(@t.get_team(' blundering bishops ')).to be_an_instance_of Team expect(@t.get_team('Wandering Dragons')).to be_nil end it "should throw and exception if there is an attempt to add a team with a name that matches an existing team" do expect { @t.add_team('Blundering Bishops') }.not_to raise_error expect { @t.add_team('Wandering Dragons') }.not_to raise_error expect { @t.add_team(' wandering dragons ') }.to raise_error(/similar.*exists/) end end context "validation" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09') @t.add_player(@mark ='Mark', 'Orr', 1)) @t.add_player(@gary ='Gary', 'Kasparov', 2)) @t.add_player(@boby ='Bobby', 'Fischer', 3)) @t.add_result(, 1, 'W', :opponent => 2)) @t.add_result(, 2, 'W', :opponent => 3)) @t.add_result(, 3, 'L', :opponent => 1)) @t.add_round_date('2009-11-09') @t.add_round_date('2009-11-10') @t.add_round_date('2009-11-11') end it "should be valid" do expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey end it "should have side effect of setting number of rounds" do expect(@t.rounds).to be_nil @t.invalid expect(@t.rounds).to eq(3) end it "should detect an inconsistent start date" do @t.start = '2009-11-10' expect { @t.validate! }.to raise_error(/first round.*not match.*start/) end it "should detect an inconsistent finish date" do @t.finish = '2009-11-10' expect { @t.validate! }.to raise_error(/last round.*not match.*end/) end it "should have side effect of setting missing finish date" do expect(@t.finish).to be_nil @t.invalid expect(@t.finish).to eq('2009-11-11') end it "should detect inconsistent round dates" do @t.add_round_date('2009-11-12') expect { @t.validate! }.to raise_error(/round dates.*match.*rounds/) end it "should have the side effect of providing missing ranks if the rerank option is set" do expect({ |p| p.rank }.size).to eq(0) @t.invalid(:rerank => true) expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(1) expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(2) expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(3) end it "should have the side effect of correcting bad ranks if the rerank option is set" do @t.player(1).rank = 2 @t.player(2).rank = 1 @t.player(3).rank = 3 @t.invalid(:rerank => true) expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(1) expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(2) expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(3) end it "should detect missranked players" do @t.player(1).rank = 2 @t.player(2).rank = 1 @t.player(3).rank = 3 expect { @t.validate! }.to raise_error(/player 2.*above.*player 1/) end it "should be valid if there are teams, every player is in one of them, and no team has an invalid member" do team1 ='International Masters') team2 ='World Champions') @t.add_team(team1) @t.add_team(team2) expect(@t.invalid).to match(/not.*member/) team1.add_member(1) team2.add_member(2) team2.add_member(3) expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey team1.add_member(4) expect(@t.invalid).to match(/not.*valid/) end it "should not be valid if one player is in more than one team" do team1 ='XInternational Masters') team1.add_member(1) team2 ='XWorld Champions') team2.add_member(2) team2.add_member(3) @t.add_team(team1) @t.add_team(team2) expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey team1.add_member(2) expect(@t.invalid).to match(/already.*member/) end it "should not be valid if two players share the same ICU or FIDE ID" do @t.player(1).id = 1350 @t.player(2).id = 1350 expect(@t.invalid).to match(/duplicate.*ICU/) end it "should allow players to have no results" do (1..3).each { |r| @t.player(1).remove_result(r) } expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey end it "should not allow asymmetric scores for rateable results" do @t.player(1).find_result(1).score = 'L' expect(@t.invalid).to match(/result.*reverse/) end it "should allow asymmetric scores for unrateable results" do @t.player(1).find_result(1).score = 'L' (1..2).each do |p| r = @t.player(p).find_result(1) r.rateable = false r.score = 'L' end expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey end end context "renumbering" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09') @t.add_player(@mark ='Mark', 'Orr', 20)) @t.add_player(@boby ='Bobby', 'Fischer', 10)) @t.add_player(@gary ='Gary', 'Kasparov', 30)) @t.add_result(, 20, 'W', :opponent => 10)) @t.add_result(, 30, 'W', :opponent => 10)) @t.add_result(, 20, 'W', :opponent => 30)) end it "sample tournament is valid but unranked" do expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey expect(@t.player(10).rank).to be_nil expect({ |p| p.num }.join('|')).to eq('10|20|30') expect({ |p| p.last_name }.join('|')).to eq('Fischer|Orr|Kasparov') end it "should be renumberable by name in the absence of ranking" do @t.renumber expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey expect({ |p| p.num }.join('|')).to eq('1|2|3') expect({ |p| p.last_name }.join('|')).to eq('Fischer|Kasparov|Orr') end it "should be renumberable by rank if the tournament is ranked" do @t.rerank.renumber expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey expect({ |p| p.num }.join('|')).to eq('1|2|3') expect({ |p| p.rank }.join('|')).to eq('1|2|3') expect({ |p| p.last_name }.join('|')).to eq('Orr|Kasparov|Fischer') end it "should be renumberable by name even if the tourament is ranked" do @t.rerank.renumber(:name) expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey expect({ |p| p.num }.join('|')).to eq('1|2|3') expect({ |p| p.last_name }.join('|')).to eq('Fischer|Kasparov|Orr') end it "should be renumberable by order" do @t.rerank.renumber(:order) expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey expect({ |p| p.num }.join('|')).to eq('1|2|3') expect({ |p| p.last_name }.join('|')).to eq('Fischer|Orr|Kasparov') end end context "reranking" do before(:each) do @t ='Edinburgh Masters', '2009-11-09') @t.add_player(@boby ='Bobby', 'Fischer', 1, :rating => 2600)) @t.add_player(@gary ='Gary', 'Kasparov', 2, :rating => 2700)) @t.add_player(@boby ='Micky', 'Mouse', 3)) @t.add_player(@boby ='Minnie', 'Mouse', 4, :rating => 1500)) @t.add_player(@boby ='Gearoidin', 'Ui Laighleis', 5, :rating => 1700)) @t.add_player(@mark ='Mark', 'Orr', 6, :rating => 2300)) @t.add_result(, 1, 'W', :opponent => 6, :colour => 'W')) @t.add_result(, 1, 'W', :opponent => 3, :colour => 'B')) @t.add_result(, 1, 'W', :opponent => 5, :colour => 'W')) @t.add_result(, 2, 'W', :opponent => 5, :colour => 'B')) @t.add_result(, 2, 'W', :opponent => 4, :colour => 'W')) @t.add_result(, 2, 'W', :opponent => 3, :colour => 'B')) @t.add_result(, 3, 'W', :opponent => 4, :colour => 'W')) @t.add_result(, 4, 'W', :opponent => 6, :colour => 'W')) @t.add_result(, 5, 'D', :opponent => 6, :colour => 'W')) end it "should initially be valid but unranked" do expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey expect(@t.player(1).rank).to be_nil end it "should have correct default tie break scores" do scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq('Fischer, Bobby') expect(scores[5]).to eq('Ui Laighleis, Gearoidin') end it "should have correct actual scores" do expect(@t.player(1).points).to eq(3.0) expect(@t.player(2).points).to eq(3.0) expect(@t.player(3).points).to eq(1.0) expect(@t.player(4).points).to eq(1.0) expect(@t.player(5).points).to eq(0.5) expect(@t.player(6).points).to eq(0.5) end it "should have correct Buchholz tie break scores" do @t.tie_breaks = ["Buchholz"] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(2.0) expect(scores[2]).to eq(2.5) expect(scores[3]).to eq(7.0) expect(scores[4]).to eq(4.5) expect(scores[5]).to eq(6.5) expect(scores[6]).to eq(4.5) end it "Buchholz should be sensitive to unplayed games" do @t.player(1).find_result(1).opponent = nil @t.player(6).find_result(1).opponent = nil @t.tie_breaks = ["Buchholz"] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(1.5) # 0.5 from Orr changed to 0 expect(scores[2]).to eq(2.5) # didn't play Fischer or Orr so unaffected expect(scores[3]).to eq(6.5) # 3 from Fischer's changed to 2.5 expect(scores[4]).to eq(5.0) # 0.5 from Orr changed to 1 (because Orr's unrated loss to Fischer now counts as a draw) expect(scores[5]).to eq(6.5) # 3 from Fischer changed to 2.5, 0.5 from Orr changed to 1 (cancels out) expect(scores[6]).to eq(1.5) # 3 from Fischer changed to 0 end it "should have correct progressive tie break scores" do @t.tie_breaks = [:progressive] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(6.0) expect(scores[2]).to eq(6.0) expect(scores[3]).to eq(3.0) expect(scores[4]).to eq(1.0) expect(scores[5]).to eq(1.0) expect(scores[6]).to eq(1.0) end it "should have correct ratings tie break scores" do @t.tie_breaks = ['ratings'] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(4000) expect(scores[2]).to eq(3200) expect(scores[3]).to eq(6800) expect(scores[4]).to eq(5000) expect(scores[5]).to eq(7600) expect(scores[6]).to eq(5800) end it "should have correct Neustadtl tie break scores" do @t.tie_breaks = [:neustadtl] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(2.0) expect(scores[2]).to eq(2.5) expect(scores[3]).to eq(1.0) expect(scores[4]).to eq(0.5) expect(scores[5]).to eq(0.25) expect(scores[6]).to eq(0.25) end it "Neustadtl should be sensitive to unplayed games" do @t.player(1).find_result(1).opponent = nil @t.player(6).find_result(1).opponent = nil @t.tie_breaks = ["Neustadtl"] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(1.5) # 0.5 from Orr changed to 0 expect(scores[2]).to eq(2.5) # didn't play Fischer or Orr so unaffected expect(scores[3]).to eq(1.0) # win against Minnie unaffected expect(scores[4]).to eq(1.0) # 0.5 from Orr changed to 1 (because Orr's unrated loss to Fischer now counts as a draw) expect(scores[5]).to eq(0.5) # 0.25 from Orr changed to 0.5 expect(scores[6]).to eq(0.25) # loss against Fisher and unplayed against Fisher equivalent end it "should have correct Harkness tie break scores" do @t.tie_breaks = ['harkness'] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(0.5) expect(scores[2]).to eq(1.0) expect(scores[3]).to eq(3.0) expect(scores[4]).to eq(1.0) expect(scores[5]).to eq(3.0) expect(scores[6]).to eq(1.0) end it "should have correct Modified Median tie break scores" do @t.tie_breaks = ['Modified Median'] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(1.5) expect(scores[2]).to eq(2.0) expect(scores[3]).to eq(4.0) expect(scores[4]).to eq(1.5) expect(scores[5]).to eq(3.5) expect(scores[6]).to eq(1.5) end it "should have correct tie break scores for number of blacks" do @t.tie_breaks = ['Blacks'] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[3]).to eq(0) expect(scores[4]).to eq(2) end it "number of blacks should should be sensitive to unplayed games" do @t.player(2).find_result(1).opponent = nil @t.player(4).find_result(1).opponent = nil @t.tie_breaks = [:blacks] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[3]).to eq(0) expect(scores[4]).to eq(1) end it "should have correct tie break scores for number of wins" do @t.tie_breaks = [:wins] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(3) expect(scores[6]).to eq(0) end it "number of wins should should be sensitive to unplayed games" do @t.player(1).find_result(1).opponent = nil @t.player(6).find_result(1).opponent = nil @t.tie_breaks = ['WINS'] scores = @t.tie_break_scores expect(scores[1]).to eq(2) expect(scores[6]).to eq(0) end it "should use names for tie breaking by default" do @t.rerank expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(1) # 3.0/"Fischer" expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(2) # 3.0/"Kasparov" expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(3) # 1.0/"Mouse,Mickey" expect(@t.player(4).rank).to eq(4) # 1.0/"Mouse,Minnie" expect(@t.player(6).rank).to eq(5) # 0.5/"Ui" expect(@t.player(5).rank).to eq(6) # 0.5/"Orr" end it "should be configurable to use Buchholz" do @t.tie_breaks = ['Buchholz'] @t.rerank expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(1) # 3.0/2.5 expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(2) # 3.0/2.0 expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(3) # 1.0/7.0 expect(@t.player(4).rank).to eq(4) # 1.0/4.5 expect(@t.player(5).rank).to eq(5) # 0.5/6.5 expect(@t.player(6).rank).to eq(6) # 0.5/4.5 end it "should be configurable to use Neustadtl" do @t.tie_breaks = [:neustadtl] @t.rerank expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(1) # 3.0/2.5 expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(2) # 3.0/2.0 expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(3) # 1.0/1.0 expect(@t.player(4).rank).to eq(4) # 1.0/0.5 expect(@t.player(6).rank).to eq(5) # 0.5/0.25/"Orr" expect(@t.player(5).rank).to eq(6) # 0.5/0.25/"Ui" end it "should be configurable to use number of blacks" do @t.tie_breaks = [:blacks] @t.rerank expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(1) # 3.0/2 expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(2) # 3.0/1 expect(@t.player(4).rank).to eq(3) # 1.0/2 expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(4) # 1.0/1 expect(@t.player(6).rank).to eq(5) # 0.5/2 expect(@t.player(5).rank).to eq(6) # 0.5/1 end it "should be configurable to use number of wins" do @t.tie_breaks = [:wins] @t.rerank expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(1) # 3.0/3/"Fi" expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(2) # 3.0/3/"Ka" expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(3) # 1.0/1/"Mic" expect(@t.player(4).rank).to eq(4) # 1.0/1/"Min" expect(@t.player(6).rank).to eq(5) # 0.5/0/"Orr" expect(@t.player(5).rank).to eq(6) # 0.5/0/"Ui" end it "should exhibit equivalence between Neustadtl and Sonneborn-Berger" do @t.tie_breaks = ['Sonneborn-Berger'] @t.rerank expect((1..6).inject(''){ |t,r| t << @t.player(r).rank.to_s }).to eq('213465') end it "should be able to use more than one method" do @t.tie_breaks = [:neustadtl, :buchholz] @t.rerank expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(1) # 3.0/2.5 expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(2) # 3.0/2.0 expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(3) # 1.0/1.0 expect(@t.player(4).rank).to eq(4) # 1.0/0.5 expect(@t.player(5).rank).to eq(5) # 0.5/0.25/6.5 expect(@t.player(6).rank).to eq(6) # 0.5/0.25/4.5 end it "should be possible as a side effect of validation" do @t.tie_breaks = [:buchholz] expect(@t.invalid(:rerank => true)).to be_falsey expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(1) # 3/3 expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(2) # 3/2 expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(3) # 1/7 expect(@t.player(4).rank).to eq(4) # 1/4 expect(@t.player(5).rank).to eq(5) # 1/6 expect(@t.player(6).rank).to eq(6) # 0/5 end it "should be possible as a side effect of validation with multiple tie break methods" do @t.tie_breaks = [:neustadtl, :buchholz] expect(@t.invalid(:rerank => true)).to be_falsey expect(@t.player(2).rank).to eq(1) # 3/3 expect(@t.player(1).rank).to eq(2) # 3/2 expect(@t.player(3).rank).to eq(3) # 1/7 expect(@t.player(4).rank).to eq(4) # 1/4 expect(@t.player(5).rank).to eq(5) # 1/6 expect(@t.player(6).rank).to eq(6) # 0/5 end end context "convenience file parser" do before(:all) do @s = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/samples' @c = ICU::Tournament end it "should parse a valid SwissPerfect file" do t = nil expect { t = @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/sp/", 'SwissPerfect', :start => '2010-05-08') }.not_to raise_error expect(t.players.size).to eq(77) expect(t.start).to eq('2010-05-08') end it "should parse a valid CSV file" do t = nil expect { t = @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/fcsv/valid.csv", 'ForeignCSV') }.not_to raise_error expect(t.players.size).to eq(16) end it "should parse a valid Krause file" do t = nil expect { t = @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/krause/", 'Krause') }.not_to raise_error expect(t.players.size).to eq(12) end it "should ignore options where appropriate" do t = nil expect { t = @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/krause/", 'Krause', :start => '2010-05-08') }.not_to raise_error expect(t.start).to eq('2008-02-01') end it "should raise exceptions for invalid files" do expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/sp/", 'SwissPerfect', :start => '2010-05-08') }.to raise_error(/files/) expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/krause/", 'Krause') }.to raise_error(/name/) expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/fcsv/invalid.csv", 'ForeignCSV') }.to raise_error(/termination/) end it "should raise exceptions if the wrong type is used" do expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/krause/", 'ForeignCSV') }.to raise_error(/expected/) expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/fcsv/valid.csv", 'SwissPerfect') }.to raise_error(/cannot/) expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/sp/", 'Krause') }.to raise_error(/(invalid|conversion)/i) end it "should raise an exception if file does not exist" do expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/nosuchfile.cvs", 'ForeignCSV') }.to raise_error(/no such file/i) expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/", 'SwissPerfect') }.to raise_error(/invalid/i) expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/", 'Krause') }.to raise_error(/no such file/i) end it "should raise an exception if an invalid type is used" do expect { @c.parse_file!("#{@s}/krause/", 'NoSuchType') }.to raise_error(/invalid format/i) end end context "type specific validation" do before(:all) do @t ='Bangor Bash', '2009-11-09') @t.add_player('Bobby', 'Fischer', 1)) @t.add_player('Garry', 'Kasparov', 2)) @t.add_player('Mark', 'Orr', 3)) @t.add_result(, 1, '=', :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W')) @t.add_result(, 2, 'L', :opponent => 3, :colour => 'W')) @t.add_result(, 3, 'W', :opponent => 1, :colour => 'W')) end it "should pass generic validation" do expect(@t.invalid).to be_falsey end it "should fail type-specific validation when the type supplied is inappropriate" do expect(@t.invalid(:type => String)).to match(/invalid type/) expect(@t.invalid(:type => "AbCd")).to match(/invalid type/) end end end end