module Authlogic # This is a module the contains regular expressions used throughout Authlogic. The point of extracting # them out into their own module is to make them easily available to you for other uses. Ex: # # validates_format_of :my_email_field, :with => module Regex # A general email regular expression. It allows top level domains (TLD) to be from 2 - 4 in length, any # TLD longer than that must be manually specified. The decisions behind this regular expression were made # by reading this website:, which is an excellent resource # for regular expressions. def return @email_regex if @email_regex email_name_regex = '[A-Z0-9_\.%\+\-]+' domain_head_regex = '(?:[A-Z0-9\-]+\.)+' domain_tld_regex = '(?:[A-Z]{2,4}|museum|travel)' @email_regex = /\A#{email_name_regex}@#{domain_head_regex}#{domain_tld_regex}\z/i end # A simple regular expression that only allows for letters, numbers, spaces, and .-_@. Just a standard login / username # regular expression. def self.login /\A\w[\w\.+\-_@ ]+\z/ end end end