--- regenerate: false --- {% capture cache %} {% comment %} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/core/js/adapter/iframer.js # Liquid template to create the Template Adapter for J1 iFrameResizer # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # http://davidjbradshaw.github.io/iframe-resizer/ # # Copyright (C) 2019 Juergen Adams # Copyright (C) 2013-15 David J. Bradshaw # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # For details, see https://jekyll.one # iFrameResizer is licensed under under the MIT License. # For details, see http://davidjbradshaw.github.io/iframe-resizer/ # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/core/js/adapter/iframer.js # J1 Adapter for J1 iFrameResizer # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # http://davidjbradshaw.github.io/iframe-resizer/ # # Copyright (C) 2019 Juergen Adams # Copyright (C) 2013-15 David J. Bradshaw # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # For details, see https://jekyll.one # iFrameResizer is licensed under under the MIT License. # For details, see http://davidjbradshaw.github.io/iframe-resizer/ # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adapter generated: {{site.time}} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ {% assign config = site.data.modules.j1_iframe_resizer %} j1.IFramer = (function (j1, window) { return { // Initialize init: function ( options ) { this.settings = $.extend({}, options); if (this.settings.minHeight === undefined) { this.settings.minHeight = {{config.minHeight}}; } if (this.settings.checkOrigin === undefined) { this.settings.checkOrigin = {{config.checkOrigin}}; } if (this.settings.log === undefined) { this.settings.log = {{config.log}}; } iFrameResize({ // Options log: this.settings.log, autoResize: {{config.autoResize | json }}, bodyBackground: {{config.bodyBackground | json }}, bodyMargin: {{config.bodyMargin | json }}, checkOrigin: {{config.checkOrigin | json }}, inPageLinks: {{config.inPageLinks | json }}, interval: {{config.interval | json }}, heightCalculationMethod: {{config.heightCalculationMethod | json }}, maxHeight: {{config.maxHeight | json }}, minWidth: {{config.minWidth | json }}, maxWidth: {{config.maxWidth}}, minHeight: this.settings.minHeight, resizeFrom: {{config.resizeFrom | json }}, scrolling: {{config.scrolling | json }}, sizeHeight: {{config.sizeHeight | json }}, sizeWidth: {{config.sizeWidth | json }}, tolerance: {{config.tolerance | json }}, widthCalculationMethod: {{config.widthCalculationMethod | json }}, targetOrigin: this.settings.checkOrigin }); return; } // END init }; // END return })(j1, window); {% endcapture %} {{ cache | strip_empty_lines }} {% assign cache = nil %}