require File.expand_path('../../../shared/rational/comparison', __FILE__) ruby_version_is ""..."1.9" do describe "Rational#<=> when passed a Rational object" do it_behaves_like(:rational_cmp_rat, :<=>) end describe "Rational#<=> when passed a Integer object" do it_behaves_like(:rational_cmp_int, :<=>) end describe "Rational#<=> when passed a Float object" do it_behaves_like(:rational_cmp_float, :<=>) end describe "Rational#<=> when passed an Object that responds to #coerce" do it_behaves_like(:rational_cmp_coerce, :<=>) end describe "Rational#<=> when passed a non-Numeric Object that doesn't respond to #coerce" do it_behaves_like(:rational_cmp_other, :<=>) end end