require 'fileutils' module HtmlMockup::Release::Processors class Requirejs < Base # @option options [Hash] :build_files An a hash of files to build (as key) and the target directory in the release to put it as value, each one will be built in a separate directory. (default is {"javascripts/" => "javascripts"}) # @option options [String] :node The system path for node (defaults to "node" in path) # @option options [String] :rjs The system path to the requirejs optimizer (r.js) (defaults to "../vendor/requirejs/r.js" (relative to source_path)) def call(release, options={}) options = { :build_files => {"javascripts/" => "javascripts"}, :rjs => release.source_path + "../vendor/requirejs/r.js", :node => "node" }.update(options) begin `#{options[:node]} -v` rescue Errno::ENOENT raise RuntimeError, "Could not find node in #{node.inspect}" end if !File.exist?(options[:rjs]) raise RuntimeError, "Could not find r.js optimizer at #{options[:rjs].inspect}" end options[:build_files].each do |build_file, target| build_file = release.build_path + build_file target = release.build_path + target release.log(self, "Optimizing #{build_file}") # Hack to create tempfile in build t ="requirejs", release.build_path) tmp_build_dir = t.path t.close t.unlink # Run r.js optimizer output = `#{options[:node]} #{options[:rjs]} -o #{build_file} dir=#{tmp_build_dir}` # Check if r.js succeeded unless $?.success? raise RuntimeError, "Asset compilation with node failed.\nr.js output:\n #{output}" end if File.exist?(target) release.log(self, "Removing target #{target}") FileUtils.rm_rf(target) end # Move the tmp_build_dir to target, target) end end end end