require "spec_helper" describe Mongo::Fixture::Inserter do describe ".new" do it "should accept an argument" do double "fixture" end end describe "#simplify" do context "when receiving a multidimensional hash containing a field with raw and processed" do it "should convert it in a simple hash using the processed value as replacement" do base_hash = { :name => "Jane", :band => "Witherspoons", :pass => { :raw => "secret", :processed => "53oih7fhjdgj3f8=" }, :email => { :raw => " ", :processed => "" } } fixture = double 'fixture', :data => {} ins = fixture simplified = ins.simplify base_hash simplified.should == { :name => "Jane", :band => "Witherspoons", :pass => "53oih7fhjdgj3f8=", :email => "" } end end context "the multidimensional array is missing the processed part of the field" do before do @base_hash = { :name => "Jane", :pass => { :raw => "secret", :not_processed => "53oih7fhjdgj3f8=" }, :email => { :raw => " ", :processed => "" } } end it "should raise an exception" do fixture = double 'fixture', :data => {}, :rollback => nil ins = fixture expect { ins.simplify @base_hash }.to raise_error Mongo::Fixture::ReferencedRecordNotFoundError, "This fixture does not include data for the collections [raw,not_processed]" end it "should call #resolve_field_hash with the data hash" do fixture = double 'fixture', :data => {} ins = fixture ins.should_receive(:resolve_field_hash).with :raw => "secret", :not_processed => "53oih7fhjdgj3f8=" ins.should_receive(:resolve_field_hash).with :raw => " ", :processed => "" ins.simplify @base_hash end end end describe "#resolve_field_hash" do context "the data is not a hash" do it "should raise a wrong argument exception" do inserter = double 'fixture' expect { inserter.resolve_field_hash "not a hash" }.to raise_error ArgumentError, "Hash expected" end end context "at leasts one key matches a collection name" do context "no record name matches an existing record in target collection" do before do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :name => "Jose" } }, :comments => { :demo => { :text => "Hola", :user => { :users => "lula" } } } } end it "should raise an exception" do coll = double "collection", :insert => nil connection = double "connection", :[] => coll fixture = double 'fixture', :data => @data, :connection => connection inserter = fixture expect { inserter.resolve_field_hash :users => "lula" }.to raise_error Mongo::Fixture::ReferencedRecordNotFoundError, "The collection 'users' doesn't include the record 'lula'" end end end context "many to many associations" do before do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :username => "jose", :pass => "secret" }, :lula => { :username => "lula", :pass => { :raw => "moresecret", :processed => "asdfhjlueiwywhetkjtret66666666" } } }, :admins => { :superadmin => { :login => "super" } }, :comments => { :demo => { :text => "Simple text", :user => { :users => [ "pepe", "lula" ], :admins => "superadmin" } }, :another => { :text => "Die another day", :user => { :users => "pepe" } } } } end it "should send to each comment the respective ids" do pepe_id = "ladjsfljasf" lula_id = "gsuyhkasrhte" superadmin_id = "323454" lula_record_data = double "lula record data" lula_record_data.should_receive( :[] ).with("_id").and_return lula_id lula_record = double "lula record", :first => lula_record_data pepe_record_data = double "pepe record data" pepe_record_data.should_receive(:[]).twice.with("_id").and_return(pepe_id) pepe_record = double "pepe record" pepe_record.should_receive(:first).twice.and_return pepe_record_data admin_record_data = double "admin record data" admin_record_data.should_receive(:[]).with("_id").and_return superadmin_id admin_record = double "admin record", :first => admin_record_data admins = double "admins", :insert => nil admins.should_receive(:find).with( :login => "super" ).and_return admin_record users = double 'users', :insert => nil users.should_receive(:find).twice.with( :username => "jose", :pass => "secret" ).and_return pepe_record users.should_receive(:find).with( :username => "lula", :pass => "asdfhjlueiwywhetkjtret66666666" ).and_return lula_record connection = double 'connection' connection.should_receive(:[]).exactly(5).times.with(:users).and_return users connection.should_receive(:[]).twice.with(:admins).and_return admins fixture = double 'fixture', :data => @data, :connection => connection inserter = fixture inserter.resolve_field_hash( :users => [ "pepe", "lula" ] ).should == [ pepe_id, lula_id ] inserter.resolve_field_hash( :admins => "superadmin" ).should == superadmin_id inserter.resolve_field_hash( :users => "pepe" ).should == pepe_id end context "some user is missing" do before do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :username => "jose", :pass => "secret" }, :lula => { :username => "lula", :pass => { :raw => "moresecret", :processed => "asdfhjlueiwywhetkjtret66666666" } } }, :comments => { :demo => { :text => "Simple text", :user => { :users => [ "pepe", "lula", "noexiste" ], } }, } } end it "should raise an exception" do pepe_id = "ladjsfljasf" lula_id = "gsuyhkasrhte" lula_data = double "lula_data" lula_data.should_receive(:[]).with("_id").and_return lula_id lula = double "lula", :first => lula_data pepe_data = double "pepe_data" pepe_data.should_receive(:[]).with("_id").and_return pepe_id pepe = double "pepe", :first => pepe_data users = double "users", :insert => nil users.should_receive(:find).with( :username => "jose", :pass => "secret" ).and_return pepe users.should_receive(:find).with( :username => "lula", :pass => "asdfhjlueiwywhetkjtret66666666" ).and_return lula connection = double "connection" connection.should_receive(:[]).exactly(4).times.with(:users).and_return users fixture = double "fixture", :data => @data, :connection => connection inserter = fixture expect { inserter.resolve_field_hash( :users => [ "pepe", "lula", "noexiste" ] ) }.to raise_error Mongo::Fixture::ReferencedRecordNotFoundError, "The collection 'users' doesn't include the record 'noexiste'" end end end context "reference from one record to another" do context "the key matches a collection name" do context "the referenced record exists" do it "should call #data_was_inserted_in? with the collections name" do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :name => "Jose" } }, :comments => { :demo => { :text => "hola", :user => {:users => "pepe" } } } } pepe_data = double "pepe_data", :[] => nil pepe = double "pepe", :insert => nil pepe.should_receive(:find).with(:name => "Jose").and_return double"pepeee", :first => pepe_data connection = double "connection" connection.should_receive(:[]).twice.with(:users).and_return pepe fixture = double "fixture", :data => @data, :connection => connection inserter = fixture inserter.should_receive(:data_was_inserted_in?).twice.with(:users) inserter.resolve_field_hash(:users => "pepe") end context "the data wasn't inserted into users" do it "should call #insert_data_for with the collections name" do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :name => "Jose" } }, :comments => { :demo => { :text => "hola", :user => {:users => "pepe" } } } } pepe_data = double "pepe_data", :[] => nil pepe = double "pepe" pepe.should_receive(:find).with(:name => "Jose").and_return double"pepeee", :first => pepe_data connection = double "connection" connection.should_receive(:[]).with(:users).and_return pepe fixture = double "fixture", :data => @data, :connection => connection inserter = fixture inserter.should_receive(:insert_data_for).with(:users) inserter.resolve_field_hash(:users => "pepe") end end context "the data was inserted into users" do it "should NOT call #insert_data_for with the collections name" do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :name => "Jose" } }, :comments => { :demo => { :text => "hola", :user => {:users => "pepe" } } } } pepe_data = double "pepe_data", :[] => nil pepe = double "pepe" pepe.should_receive(:find).with(:name => "Jose").and_return double"pepeee", :first => pepe_data connection = double "connection" connection.should_receive(:[]).with(:users).and_return pepe fixture = double "fixture", :data => @data, :connection => connection inserter = fixture inserter.should_receive(:insert_data_for).with(:users) inserter.resolve_field_hash(:users => "pepe") end end it "should return the object id of the referenced record" do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :name => "Jose" } }, :comments => { :demo => { :text => "hola", :user => {:users => "pepe" } } } } actual_record = double "actual_record" actual_record.should_receive(:[]).with("_id").and_return "un id" record_from_db = double 'record from db', :first => actual_record collection = double 'collection', :insert => nil collection.should_receive(:find).with(:name => "Jose").and_return record_from_db fixture = double 'fixture', :data => @data, :connection => double( :[] => collection) inserter = fixture inserter.resolve_field_hash( :users => "pepe" ).should == "un id" end end context "the referenced record exists, but have complex field values" do it "should return the object id of the referenced record" do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :name => "Jose", :pass => { :raw => "a", :processed => "234" } } }, :comments => { :demo => { :text => "hola", :user => {:users => "pepe" } } } } actual_record = double "actual_record" actual_record.should_receive(:[]).with("_id").and_return "un id" record_from_db = double 'record from db', :first => actual_record collection = double 'collection', :insert => nil collection.should_receive(:find).with(:name => "Jose", :pass => "234").and_return record_from_db fixture = double 'fixture', :data => @data, :connection => double( :[] => collection) inserter = fixture inserter.resolve_field_hash( :users => "pepe" ).should == "un id" end end context "the referenced record does not exist" do it "should raise an error" do data = { :users => "user" } inserter = double 'fixture', :data => {} expect { inserter.resolve_field_hash data }.to raise_error Mongo::Fixture::ReferencedRecordNotFoundError, "This fixture does not include data for the collections [users]" end end end context "no key matches a collection name" do it "should raise an error" do data = { :users => "user", :comments => "comment"} fixture = stub 'fixture', :data => { :collection => "", :another_collection => ""} inserter = fixture expect { inserter.resolve_field_hash data }.to raise_error Mongo::Fixture::ReferencedRecordNotFoundError, "This fixture does not include data for the collections [users,comments]" end end end context "there is a :processed key" do it "should return the value of the :processed field" do data = { :raw => "hello", :processed => "hash" } inserter = double "fixture" inserter.resolve_field_hash(data).should == "hash" end end end describe "#data_was_inserted_in?" do context "there is a simple fixture and a collection has been inserted by this fixture" do before do Fast.file.write "test/fixtures/test/users.yaml", "pepe: { user: pepe }" end it "should return true" do database = double 'database' coll = double 'collection', :count => 0, :insert => nil database.stub :[] => coll fix = :test, database ins = fix.inserter ins.data_was_inserted_in?(:users).should === true end after do Fast.dir.remove! :test end end context "there is a simple fixture and a collection was inserted but not this" do before do Fast.file.write "test/fixtures/test/users.yaml", "pepe: { user: pepe }" end it "should return false" do database = double 'database' coll = double 'collection', :count => 0, :insert => nil database.stub :[] => coll fix = :test, database ins = fix def ins.loot data_was_inserted_in?(:comment).should === false end ins.loot end after do Fast.dir.remove! :test end end end describe "#insert_data_for" do context "provided the collection has data in the fixture" do it "should insert the data of the collection using the fixture's connection" do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :name => "Jose" } } } collection = double "collection" collection.should_receive(:insert).with( :name => "Jose" ) connection = double 'connection' connection.should_receive(:[]).with(:users).and_return collection fixture = double "fixture", :data => @data fixture.should_receive(:connection).and_return connection inserter = fixture inserter.insert_data_for :users end it "should add the collection as inserted" do @data = { :users => { :pepe => { :name => "Jose" } } } collection = double "collection" collection.should_receive(:insert).with( :name => "Jose" ) connection = double 'connection' connection.should_receive(:[]).with(:users).and_return collection fixture = double "fixture", :data => @data fixture.should_receive(:connection).and_return connection inserter = fixture inserter.insert_data_for :users inserter.inserted.should include :users end end end describe "#fixture" do it "should return the fixture" do fixture = double "fixture" inserter = fixture inserter.fixture.should === fixture end end end