    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
       "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String and FORTRAN_BOOLS.include? self",
       "This variable must be a fortran boolean. (In Ruby this is represented as a string: e.g. '.true.')"}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? String",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be a string."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Integer",
      :explanation=>"This variable must be an integer."}],
   :help=>"Tests whether the routines for writing arrays work",
    [{:test=>"kind_of? Numeric",
       "This variable must be a floating point number (an integer is also acceptable: it will be converted into a floating point number)."}],