keep: # - validate_each # - validate # # ActiveModel::API implements persisted? to return false, which is the most common case. You may want to override it in your class - persisted? # - cast - serialize - deserialize - serializable? - type - changed_in_place? gems: - activesupport dynamic: # # - name: [new, assign_attributes, attributes=] unless: has_argument: 0 calls: keyword: '**' add_suffix: '=' # - name: define_model_callbacks has_argument: only defines: argument: '*' add_prefix: - value: 'before_' any: - has_argument: at: only has_value: before - has_argument: at: only has_value: has_argument: at: '*' has_value: before - unless: has_argument: only - value: 'after_' any: - has_argument: at: only has_value: after - has_argument: at: only has_value: has_argument: at: '*' has_value: after - unless: has_argument: only - value: 'around_' any: - has_argument: at: only has_value: around - has_argument: at: only has_value: has_argument: at: '*' has_value: around - unless: has_argument: only - names: - after_initialize - before_validation - after_validation calls: - arguments: '*' - arguments: [if, unless] nested: '*' - name: - validates_associated calls: - arguments: '*' - arguments: [if, unless] nested: '*' # - name: [validates, validates!] calls: - arguments: - '*' - 'in' - within - scope - with - without - arguments: [if, unless] nested: '*' - arguments: [inclusion, exclusion] nested: arguments: - 'in' - within - arguments: format nested: arguments: - with - without - arguments: length nested: arguments: - is - minimum - maximum - arguments: [comparison, numericality] nested: arguments: - greater_than - greater_than_or_equal_to - equal_to - less_than - less_than_or_equal_to - other_than - keywords: unless: [if, unless, 'on', allow_blank, allow_nil, strict] camelize: true add_suffix: Validator split: '::' - name: validates_confirmation_of calls: argument: '*' transforms: - original - add_suffix: '_confirmation' - name: [validates, validates!] has_argument: confirmation calls: argument: '*' add_suffix: _confirmation - name: [validates_comparison_of, validates_numericality_of] calls: argument: - greater_than - greater_than_or_equal_to - equal_to - less_than - less_than_or_equal_to - other_than # why!? - name: validates_numericality_of calls: argument: - only_integer - name: [validates_exclusion_of, validates_inclusion_of] calls: argument: - 'in' - within - name: validates_length_of calls: [is, minimum, maximum] - name: validates_format_of calls: [with, without] - name: - validates_absence_of - validates_acceptance_of - validates_comparison_of - validates_confirmation_of - validates_exclusion_of - validates_format_of - validates_inclusion_of - validates_length_of - validates_numericality_of - validates_presence_of - validates_size_of calls: - arguments: '*' - arguments: [if, unless] nested: '*' - names: # # - validate - validate_associated - validates_each calls: - arguments: '*' - arguments: [if, unless] nested: '*' # - name: validates_with calls: arguments: [if, unless] nested: '*' # # - name: [attribute, alias_attribute] defines: argument: 0 transforms: - original - add_suffix: '=' - add_suffix: '?' - add_suffix: _was - add_suffix: _changed? - add_suffix: _previously_changed? - add_suffix: _previously_was - add_suffix: _will_change! - name: alias_attribute calls: argument: 1 - name: resource calls: - argument: 0 camelize: true pluralize: true add_suffix: Controller split: '::' - name: - new - assign_attributes calls: keyword: '**' add_suffix: '='