module Switchman module TestHelper class << self def recreate_persistent_test_shards(dont_create: false) # recreate the default shard (it got buhleted) ::GuardRail.activate(:deploy) { Switchman.cache.clear } if Shard.default(reload: true).is_a?(DefaultShard) begin Shard.create!(default: true) rescue raise unless dont_create # database doesn't exist yet, presumably cause we're creating it right now return [nil, nil] end Shard.default(reload: true) end # can't auto-create a new shard on the default shard's db server if the # default shard is split across multiple db servers if ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.connection_pool_list.length > 1 server1 = DatabaseServer.create(Shard.default.database_server.config) else server1 = Shard.default.database_server end server2 = DatabaseServer.create(Shard.default.database_server.config) if server1 == Shard.default.database_server && server1.config[:shard1] && server1.config[:shard2] # look for the shards in the db already shard1 = find_existing_test_shard(server1, server1.config[:shard1]) shard2 = find_existing_test_shard(server2, server1.config[:shard2]) shard1 ||= = server1.config[:shard1]! if shard1.changed? shard2 ||= = server1.config[:shard2]! if shard2.changed? recreate_shards = begin shard1.activate { ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables == [] } rescue ::ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid # e.g. `ERROR: invalid value for parameter "search_path"` true end if recreate_shards if dont_create shard1.destroy shard2.destroy return [nil, nil] end shard1.drop_database rescue nil shard1.destroy shard2.drop_database rescue nil shard2.destroy shard1 = server1.create_new_shard(:name => server1.config[:shard1]) shard2 = server2.create_new_shard(:name => server1.config[:shard2]) end [shard1, shard2] else [server1, server2] end end private def find_existing_test_shard(server, name) if server == Shard.default.database_server server.shards.where(name: name).first else shard = Shard.where("database_server_id IS NOT NULL AND name=?", name).first # if somehow databases got created in a different order, change the shard to match shard.database_server = server if shard shard end end end end end