= muddyit_fu Muddy is an information extraction platform. For further details see the '{Getting Started with Muddy}[http://blog.muddy.it/2009/11/getting-started-with-muddy]' article. This gem provides access to the Muddy platform via it's API (see {Muddy Developer Guide}[http://muddy.it/developers/]). == Installation sudo gem install gemcutter sudo gem tumble sudo gem install muddyit_fu == Authentication and authorisation Muddy supports OAuth and HTTP Basic auth for authentication and authorisation. We recommend you use OAuth wherever possible when accessing Muddy. An example of using OAuth with the Muddy platform is described in the {Building with Muddy and OAuth}[http://blog.muddy.it/2010/01/building-with-muddy-and-oauth] article. === Example muddyit.yml for OAuth --- consumer_key: YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY consumer_secret: YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET access_token: YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN access_token_secret: YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET === Example muddyit.yml for HTTP Basic Auth --- username: YOUR_USERNAME password: YOUR_PASSWORD == Simplest entity extraction example This example uses the basic 'extract' method to retrieve a list of entities from a piece of source text. require 'muddyit_fu' muddyit = Muddyit.new('./config.yml') page = muddyit.extract(ARGV[0]) page.entities.each do |entity| puts "\t#{entity.term}, #{entity.uri}, #{entity.classification}" end == Working with web pages instead of text Muddy uses an intelligent extraction method to identify the key text on any given web page, meaning that the entities extracted are relevant to the article and don't include spurious results from navigation sidebars or page footers. To work with a URL rather than text, just specify a URL instead : page = muddyit.extract('http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/8450854.stm') == Storing extraction results in a collection Muddy allows you to store the entity extraction results so aggregate operations can be performed over a collection of content (a 'collection' has many analysed 'pages'). A basic Muddy account provides a single 'collection' where extraction results can be stored. To store a page against a collection, the collection must first be found : collection = muddyit.collections.find(:all).first Once a collection has been found, entity extraction results can be stored in it: collection.pages.create('http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8011321.stm', {:minium_confidence => 0.2}) == Working with a collection A collection allows aggregate operations to be perfomed on itself and on it's members. A collection is identified by it's 'collection token'. This is an alphanumeric six character string (e.g. 'a0ret4'). A collection can be found if it's token is known : collection = muddyit.collections.find('a0ret4') === Viewing all analysed pages You can iterate through all the analysed pages in a collection, be aware that the Muddy API provides the pages as paginated sets, so it may take some time to page through a complete set of pages in a collection (due to repeated HTTP requests for each new paginated set of results). require 'muddyit_fu' muddyit = Muddyit.new('./config.yml') collection = muddyit.collections.find(:all).first collection.pages.find(:all) do |page| puts page.title page.entities.each do |entity| puts "\t#{entity.uri}" end end === Finding a particular page or pages Each page in a collection is assigned a unique alphanumeric identifier. Whilst this can be used to find a given page in a collection, it is possible to search for the page using other attributes : page = collection.pages.find('5d0e32b6-fd0b-400a-ac49-dae965a292df') page = collection.pages.find(:all, :uri => 'http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8186840.stm').first page = collection.pages.find(:all, :title => 'BBC NEWS | Business | ITV in 25m Friends Reunited sale').first === Rereshing a page's results A page can be 'refereshed' (the entity extraction is run again) by calling the refresh method on a page object : page = collection.pages.find('5d0e32b6-fd0b-400a-ac49-dae965a292df') updated_page = page.update === Deleting a page from a collection A page can be removed from a collection by calling the 'destroy' method on a page object : page = collection.pages.find('5d0e32b6-fd0b-400a-ac49-dae965a292df') page.destroy === View all pages containing entity 'Gordon Brown' If we want to find all pages that reference the grounded entity for 'Gordon Brown' then it can be searched for using it's DBpedia URI : require 'muddyit_fu' muddyit = Muddyit.new('./config.yml') collection = muddyit.collections.find('a0ret4') collection.pages.find_by_entity('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Gordon_Brown') do |page| puts "#{page.identifier} - #{page.title}" end === Find related entities for 'Gordon Brown' To find other entities that occur frequently with 'Gordon Brown' in this collection : require 'muddyit_fu' muddyit = Muddyit.new('./config.yml') collection = muddyit.collections.find('a0ret4') puts "Related entity\tOccurance collection.entities.find_related('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Gordon_Brown').each do |entry| puts "#{entry[:entity].uri}\t#{entry[:count]}" end === Find related content for : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7878418.stm To find other content in the collection that shares similar entities with the analysed page that has a uri 'http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7878418.stm' : require 'muddyit_fu' muddyit = Muddyit.new('./config.yml') collection = muddyit.collections.find(:all).first page = collection.pages.find(:all, :uri => 'http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7878418.stm').first puts "Page : #{page.title}\n\n" page.related_content.each do |results| puts "#{results[:page].title} #{results[:count]}" end == Batch processing content and the Muddy queue The Muddy platform runs a background job queue that allows many requests to be made in quick succession (rather than waiting for the full extraction request to complete), with analysis of the pages happening asynchronously via the queue and being stored in the collection at a later time. This can be useful when trying to analyse large content collections. To send a request to the queue use : collection = muddyit.collections.find('a0ret4') collection.pages.create('http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8011321.stm', {:realtime => false}) == Contact Author: Rob Lee Email: support [at] muddy.it Main Repository: http://github.com/rattle/muddyit_fu/tree/master