require 'yaml' # This model is the actual list of valid service types. Not ActiveRecord, # just load from config/service_type_values.yml into memory (loaded on file load, initialization) # # This is stored in lib/ intentionally, to avoid Rails dev-mode auto-reloading, # because we store state in this class, and reloading was losing state we # intentionally set, eg for plugins adding new service types. # # ServiceTypeValues have human-displayable names, that are controlled by Rails I18n, # using standard Rails I18n pluralization forms, so for instance: # # For a ServiceTypeValue with name 'fulltext', key in i18n at '' # represents the singular (non-plural) name of objects of this ServiceTypeValue, and # 'umlaut.service_type_names.fulltext.other' is the plural name. # # Other languages may have more complex pluralization rules, but Umlaut at present only # looks up a plural form for 10 items, so 'other' is probably all that is used. # # If you want to load additional custom service type values from your own custom .yml file # (say in a plugin), do `ServiceTypeValue.merge_yml_file!( filepath_to_yml )`, perhaps # in an initializer. class ServiceTypeValue attr_accessor :name, :id attr_writer :display_name, :display_name_plural class << self; attr_accessor :values; end def initialize(hash) hash.each_pair do |key, value| self.send(key.to_s+"=", value) end end def self.find(name) values[name.to_sym] or raise"No ServiceTypeValue found for #{name}") end def self.[](name) find(name) end def display_name I18n.t(, :scope => "umlaut.service_type_names", :default => :default, :count => 1) end # Some languages may have multiple plural forms, but Umlaut at # present is not sophisticated enough to use em all, we just look up # the plural form for 10 items -- most Umlaut use of plural form # is for either zero or indetermininate number. But it still may need # enhancing. def display_name_pluralize I18n.t(, :scope => "umlaut.service_type_names", :default => :default, :count => 10) end @@distro_conf_file = File.join(Umlaut::Engine.root, "db", "orig_fixed_data", "service_type_values.yml") @@local_conf_file = File.join(Rails.root, "config", "umlaut_service_type_values.yml") # Loads from config files, distro and local, into memory. def self.load_values! # Load in starting set of ServiceTypeValue, merge in local defines. self.merge_yml_file! @@distro_conf_file if File.exists?( @@local_conf_file ) self.merge_yml_file! @@local_conf_file end end def self.merge_hash!(definition_hash) self.values ||= {} definition_hash.each_pair do |name, value_hash| self.values[name.to_sym] = => name)) end end def self.merge_yml_file!(filepath) self.merge_hash! YAML.load_file(filepath) end # We're doing this outside of a method body on purpose, when this # file gets loaded, immediately load the default values. self.load_values! end