# Log Analyzer rules The Log Prettifier processes both Unity output and existing log files thanks to a set of JSON rules. They are meant to be customizable to fit as best as possible your logging specifications. The default rules config found under [config/log_rules.json](https://github.com/DragonBox/u3d/blob/master/config/log_rules.json) is packaged with u3d. To use a custom ruleset set the `U3D_RULES_PATH` environment variable to point to the path of the overriding config. ``` U3D_RULES_PATH=./my_custom_rules.json u3d prettify ... [...] Using ./my_custom_rules.json for prettify rules path ``` This document explains how to customize the ruleset. ## I - Foreword ### A - Log Prettifying Philosophy The main thing to understand behind our rule system is that it is based on a whitelist approach: anything coming in the analyzer will be ignored unless it matches a rule, in which case it will be processed accordingly. The reason behind this approach is that Unity generates a lot of unwanted noise that would have been complicated to filter out. By filtering in, only relevant and/or expected information will be logged, allowing for a much clearer output, and better understanding of what is happening during Unity's runtime. ### B - Patterns The log analyzer relies heavily on 'patterns' to follow the Unity output and extract information. These patterns are regular expressions which will be used to parse the returned lines. They are declared as regular `string` in the rules file, but are parsed to standard Ruby Regexp later on, and therefore follow their syntax. For more information on how to use patterns, please refer to [Ruby's Regexp Documentation](https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.1/Regexp.html). ## II - Phases ### A - Phased behaviour of the prettifier As Unity usually goes through different phases during running, compilation or whichever action you want it to perform, the information (and its processing) that it will output will most likely be dependent on the action being performed. Therefore, our log prettifier behaves in a phased fashion. It has an inner memory keeping track of the active 'phase' Unity is going through, the ruleset it applies depends on it. A phase is started when a given pattern is encountered in the logs, and ends in two different ways: either a terminating pattern is met, or another phase starts. Because there are rules that you may want to apply throughout the whole analysis, there is a peculiar phase: the 'GENERAL' one. It contains a generic set of rules which will be applied in parallel to the active phase's ruleset, and allows for not having to repeat rules in different phases. The main use which this phase was designed for is exceptions catching, warnings and errors no matter the active phase, but it is obviously not limited to that. ### B - Phase syntax The syntax of phases is as follows: ```json "PHASE_NAME": { "active": true, "silent": false, "comment": "This is an optional comment for clarity purpose", "phase_start_pattern": "This pattern ends the phase", "phase_end_pattern": "This pattern ends the phase", "rules": { "rule_1": {}, "rule_2": {} } } ``` * `active`: controls whether or not the phase should be active. If the phase is not active the analyzer will never try to start it, nor applying its rules. * __[OPTIONAL]__ `silent`: the phase will start and end normally, it will nonetheless never try to apply its rules, resulting in the phase being logically present, even though silent. More or less an alternative to toggling off every rule in its ruleset. * __[OPTIONAL]__ `comment`: short description of the phase. This section is only for readability purpose and will be ignored during parsing as it does not contain logic. * `phase_start_pattern`: this is a mandatory pattern that controls the condition under which the phase will start. * __[OPTIONAL]__ `phase_end_pattern`: this patterns specifies when the phase should end. It is optional because a phase will also end when another one begins, as stated in II A. This is used when you know exactly when the phase has finished. * `rules`: contains a set of rules. See III for further information on rule declaration. ## III - Rules ### A - Rule declaration The information contained in Unity's log can be formatted differently: it can be contained in a single line, spread on several, the lines can contain exactly what you want or be way too verbose for your liking. In consequence, the rule syntax is pretty loose to cover as many cases as possible, and below is describe syntax for some archetypal rules. They contain nonetheless two mandatory sections: ```json "rule_name": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "This pattern will start the rule" } ``` Similarly to phases, `active` will control whether or not the rule should be applied, and the `start_pattern` will trigger the rule. ### B - One line parsing The most basic rule is when you want to extract a single line without having to do any processing on it. Here is an example: ```json "asset_DB_loading": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "Loading Asset Database ?... {,2}\\d+\\.?\\d*" } ``` This example rule extracts the line stating whether the asset database has successfully loaded, and the time and logs it as is. ### C - One line parsing with data extraction When the line formatting does not suit your needs, you may want to process it rather than simply logging it. Here is an example which occurs at the beginning of the compile phase: ```json "target": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "- starting compile (?.+), for buildtarget (?.+)", "start_message": "Target: %{path} (buildtarget %{target})" } ``` Simple rewording of the base log, by extracting the meaningful information and putting it back where it was needed. ### D - Multi-line parsing and displaying The following rule illustrates when you want to log a chunk of lines as they appear in Unity at the same time. This structure is useful when you know exactly where the block begins and ends. If not, please check section F. ```json "percentage": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "Textures\\s+\\d+\\.?\\d* .b\\s+\\d{1,3}\\.?\\d*%", "end_pattern": "Complete size\\s+\\d+\\.?\\d* .b\\s+\\d{1,3}\\.?\\d*%", "store_lines": true } ``` `start_pattern` and `end_pattern` are the limits in between which the lines will be parsed. `store_lines` indicates that we want these lines stored, and displayed later on. ### E - Multi-line parsing and displaying with line filtering and data extraction This example illustrates several additional functionalities in comparison to the previous sections. ```json "fail": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "^(?Failed to .+)\\n", "end_pattern": "Filename: (?:[\\w/:]+/(?\\w+\\.\\w+))? Line: (?-?\\d+)", "start_message": false, "end_message": "%{file}(line %{line}): %{fail}", "store_lines": true, "ignore_lines": [ "UnityEditor", "UnityEngine", "^\\n" ] } ``` * `start_message` set to `false` allows for silent rule start. It will start to parse the log, without logging neither the original line nor a reworded version of it. Useful here not to log twice the information. It is not the case here, but this can be applied to the `end_message` in the same fashion to allow for a silent rule ending. * `ignore_lines` must be used alongside `store_lines` set to `true`. It will filter the lines so that unwanted lines are not logged. This is really useful here in the case of a fail to log only your applicative stack and not the Unity message logging one, by making the fail message cleaner. * This example illustrates also that you can extract data on the first line and use it upon rule termination. The rule has a 'context' which keeps track of extracted data. _Note_: this is a modified version of the actual rule, for example purposes. ### F - Multi-line with no clear entry point (memory fetching) This section illustrates how a rule will fetch lines from the previously logged lines. It is used when you want to log several lines, but the fixed 'entry point' is not at the beginning of the block. ```json "log": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "UnityEngine\\.Debug:Log\\(Object\\)", "fetch_first_line_not_matching": [ "UnityEngine\\.", "^\\n" ], "fetched_line_pattern": "(?.*)\\n", "fetched_line_message": false, "start_message": false, "end_pattern": "Filename: (?:[\\w/:]+/(?\\w+\\.\\w+))? Line: (?-?\\d+)", "end_message": "[LOG] %{file}(line %{line}): %{message}" } ``` The key feature here is the `fetch_first_line_not_matching` pattern. The last lines will be fetched from memory, from the most recent to the oldest, and the first one not matching the specified patterns will be fetched. The `fetched_line_pattern` then extracts data from the fetched line. This previous rule is used to keep tracks of the Debug.Log messages. Because they log the messages first and you probably don't know it or don't want to create a specific rule for every single message, backtracking is necessary. As the full stack isn't necessary either, the `store_lines` is absent (default is `false`) so the full stack is not displayed. ### G - Logging color code You can specify the color of the message created by your rules by specifying a type: ```json "target": { "active": true, "type": "warning" } ``` It will output it differently based on this type. Correct types are: * `message`: normal logging __[DEFAULT]__ * `warning`: yellow * `error` : red * `success`: green