require 'rake/testtask' do |test| test.libs << 'lib' << 'test' test.pattern = 'test/bugs/*_bugs.rb' test.verbose = true end desc "Test ROXML using the default parser selection behavior" task :test do require 'rake/runtest' Rake.run_tests 'test/unit/*_test.rb' end namespace :test do desc "Test ROXML under the Nokogiri parser" task :nokogiri do module ROXML XML_PARSER = 'nokogiri' end Rake::Task["test"].invoke end desc "Test ROXML under the LibXML parser" task :libxml do module ROXML XML_PARSER = 'libxml' end Rake::Task["test"].invoke end desc "Runs tests under RCOV" task :rcov do system "rcov -T --no-html -x '^/' #{FileList['test/unit/*_test.rb']}" end end