require 'active_support' module Isimud # A structured message format useful for processing events. # Note that each message has a routing key automatically constructed based on four properties: # type.eventful_type.eventful_id.action # Any blank or nil properties are omitted from the routing key. # For convenience, you may construct an event using an eventful object, which sets the eventful_type and eventful_id class Event include Isimud::Logging attr_accessor :type, :action, :user_id, :occurred_at, :eventful_type, :eventful_id, :attributes, :parameters attr_reader :timestamp attr_writer :exchange DEFAULT_TYPE = :model # Initialize a new Event. # @overload new(user, eventful, attributes) # @param[#id] user user associated by the event # @param[ActiveRecord::Base] eventful object associated with event # @param[Hash] parameters optional additional attributes # @overload new(attributes) # @param[Hash] attributes event attributes # @option attributes [Integer] :user_id ID of User associated with event # @option attributes [String] :eventful_type type of object associated with event # @option attributes [Integer] :eventful_id id of object associated with event # @option attributes [String] :exchange (Isimud.events_exchange) exchange for publishing event # @option attributes [#id] :eventful object associated with event. This sets :eventful_type and :eventful_id based # on the class and ID of the object. # @option attributes [String, Symbol] :type (:model) event type # @option attributes [String, Symbol] :action event action # @option attributes [Time] :occurred_at ( date and time event occurred # @option attributes [Hash] :attributes event attributes # @option attributes [Hash] :parameters additional parameters (deprecated) def initialize(*args) options = args.extract_options!.with_indifferent_access self.type = options.delete(:type).try(:to_sym) || DEFAULT_TYPE = options.delete(:exchange) self.action = options.delete(:action).try(:to_sym) self.user_id = options.delete(:user_id) self.occurred_at = if (occurred = options.delete(:occurred_at)) occurred.kind_of?(String) ? Time.parse(occurred) : occurred else end @timestamp = eventful_object = options.delete(:eventful) if args.length > 0 self.parameters = options if (user = args.shift) self.user_id = end eventful_object ||= args.shift end if eventful_object self.eventful_type = self.eventful_id = else self.eventful_type = options.delete(:eventful_type) self.eventful_id = options.delete(:eventful_id) end self.attributes = options.delete(:attributes) self.parameters = options.delete(:parameters) || options end def exchange @exchange || Isimud.events_exchange end def routing_key [type.to_s, eventful_type, eventful_id, action].compact.join('.') end # Message ID, which is generated from the exchange, routing_key, user_id, and timestamp. This is practically # guaranteed to be unique across all publishers. def message_id [exchange, routing_key, user_id, timestamp.to_i, timestamp.nsec].join(':') end # Return hash of data to be serialized to JSON # @option options [Boolean] :omit_parameters when set, do not include attributes or parameters in data # @return [Hash] data to serialize def as_json(options = {}) session_id = parameters.delete(:session_id) || Thread.current[:keas_session_id] data = {type: type, action: action, user_id: user_id, occurred_at: occurred_at, eventful_type: eventful_type, eventful_id: eventful_id, session_id: session_id} unless options[:omit_parameters] data[:parameters] = parameters data[:attributes] = attributes end data end def serialize self.to_json end class << self def parse(data) end def publish(*args)*args).publish end alias_method :dispatch, :publish end def publish data = self.serialize log "Event#publish: exchange #{exchange} message_id=#{message_id}" Isimud.client.publish(exchange, routing_key, data, message_id: message_id) end end end