module WebTranslateIt class CommandLine # rubocop:todo Metrics/ClassLength attr_accessor :configuration, :global_options, :command_options, :parameters def initialize(command, command_options, _global_options, parameters, project_path) # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength self.command_options = command_options self.parameters = parameters unless command == 'init' message = case command when 'pull' 'Pulling files' when 'push' 'Pushing files' when 'add' 'Creating master files' when 'rm' 'Deleting files' when 'mv' 'Moving files' when 'addlocale' 'Adding locale' when 'rmlocale' 'Deleting locale' else 'Gathering information' end throb do print " #{message}" self.configuration =, configuration_file_path) print " #{message} on #{configuration.project_name}" end end success = send(command) exit 1 unless success end def pull # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity complete_success = true $stdout.sync = true before_pull_hook # Selecting files to pull files = [] fetch_locales_to_pull.each do |locale| files |= configuration.files.find_all { |file| file.locale == locale } end found_files = [] parameters.each do |parameter| found_files += files.find_all { |file| File.fnmatch(parameter, file.file_path) } end files = found_files if parameters.any? files = files.uniq.sort { |a, b| a.file_path <=> b.file_path } if files.empty? puts 'No files to pull.' else # Now actually pulling files time = threads = [] n_threads = (files.size.to_f / 3).ceil >= 10 ? 10 : (files.size.to_f / 3).ceil ArrayUtil.chunk(files, n_threads).each do |file_array| next if file_array.empty? threads << do |f_array| do |http| f_array.each do |file| success = file.fetch(http, command_options.force) complete_success = false unless success end end end end threads.each(&:join) time = - time puts "Pulled #{files.size} files at #{(files.size / time).round} files/sec, using #{n_threads} threads." after_pull_hook complete_success end end def before_pull_hook return unless configuration.before_pull output = `#{configuration.before_pull}` if $CHILD_STATUS.success? puts output else abort "Error: before_pull command exited with: #{output}" end end def after_pull_hook return unless configuration.after_pull output = `#{configuration.after_pull}` if $CHILD_STATUS.success? puts output else abort "Error: after_pull command exited with: #{output}" end end def push # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity puts 'The `--low-priority` option in `wti push --low-priority` was removed and does nothing' if command_options.low_priority complete_success = true $stdout.sync = true before_push_hook do |http| fetch_locales_to_push(configuration).each do |locale| files = if parameters.any? configuration.files.find_all { |file| parameters.include?(file.file_path) }.sort { |a, b| a.file_path <=> b.file_path } else configuration.files.find_all { |file| file.locale == locale }.sort { |a, b| a.file_path <=> b.file_path } end if files.empty? puts "Couldn't find any local files registered on WebTranslateIt to push." else files.each do |file| success = file.upload(http, command_options[:merge], command_options.ignore_missing, command_options.label, command_options[:minor], command_options.force) complete_success = false unless success end end end end after_push_hook complete_success end def before_push_hook return unless configuration.before_push output = `#{configuration.before_push}` if $CHILD_STATUS.success? puts output else abort "Error: before_push command exited with: #{output}" end end def after_push_hook return unless configuration.after_push output = `#{configuration.after_push}` if $CHILD_STATUS.success? puts output else abort "Error: after_push command exited with: #{output}" end end def add # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity complete_success = true $stdout.sync = true if parameters == [] puts StringUtil.failure('Error: You must provide the path to the master file to add.') puts 'Usage: wti add path/to/master_file_1 path/to/master_file_2 ...' exit end do |http| added = configuration.files.find_all { |file| file.locale == configuration.source_locale }.collect { |file| File.expand_path(file.file_path) }.to_set to_add = parameters.reject { |param| added.include?(File.expand_path(param)) } if to_add.any? to_add.each do |param| file =, param.gsub(/ /, '\\ '), nil, configuration.api_key) success = file.create(http) complete_success = false unless success end else puts 'No new master file to add.' end end complete_success end def rm # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity complete_success = true $stdout.sync = true if parameters == [] puts StringUtil.failure('Error: You must provide the path to the master file to remove.') puts 'Usage: wti rm path/to/master_file_1 path/to/master_file_2 ...' exit end do |http| # rubocop:todo Metrics/BlockLength parameters.each do |param| next unless Util.ask_yes_no("Are you sure you want to delete the master file #{param}?\nThis will also delete its target files and translations.", false) files = configuration.files.find_all { |file| file.file_path == param } if files.any? files.each do |master_file| master_file.delete(http) # delete files if File.exist?(master_file.file_path) success = File.delete(master_file.file_path) puts StringUtil.success("Deleted master file #{master_file.file_path}.") if success end complete_success = false unless success configuration.files.find_all { |file| file.master_id == }.each do |target_file| if File.exist?(target_file.file_path) success = File.delete(target_file.file_path) puts StringUtil.success("Deleted target file #{target_file.file_path}.") if success else puts StringUtil.failure("Target file #{target_file.file_path} doesn’t exist locally") end complete_success = false unless success end end puts StringUtil.success('All done.') if complete_success else puts StringUtil.failure("#{param}: File doesn’t exist on project.") end end end complete_success end def mv # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity complete_success = true $stdout.sync = true if parameters.count != 2 puts StringUtil.failure('Error: You must provide the source path and destination path of the master file to move.') puts 'Usage: wti mv path/to/master_file_old_path path/to/master_file_new_path ...' exit end source = parameters[0] destination = parameters[1] do |http| if Util.ask_yes_no("Are you sure you want to move the master file #{source} and its target files?", true) configuration.files.find_all { |file| file.file_path == source }.each do |master_file| master_file.upload(http, false, false, nil, false, false, true, true, destination) # move master file if File.exist?(source) success = File.rename(source, destination) if File.exist?(source) puts StringUtil.success("Moved master file #{master_file.file_path}.") if success end complete_success = false unless success configuration.files.find_all { |file| file.master_id == }.each do |target_file| if File.exist?(target_file.file_path) success = File.delete(target_file.file_path) complete_success = false unless success end end configuration.reload configuration.files.find_all { |file| file.master_id == }.each do |target_file| success = target_file.fetch(http) complete_success = false unless success end puts StringUtil.success('All done.') if complete_success end end end complete_success end def addlocale # rubocop:todo Metrics/MethodLength $stdout.sync = true if parameters == [] puts StringUtil.failure('Locale code missing.') puts 'Usage: wti addlocale fr es ...' exit 1 end parameters.each do |param| print StringUtil.success("Adding locale #{param.upcase}... ") do WebTranslateIt::Project.create_locale(param) end puts 'Done.' end end def rmlocale # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength $stdout.sync = true if parameters == [] puts StringUtil.failure('Error: You must provide the locale code to remove.') puts 'Usage: wti rmlocale fr es ...' exit 1 end parameters.each do |param| next unless Util.ask_yes_no("Are you certain you want to delete the locale #{param.upcase}?\nThis will also delete its files and translations.", false) print StringUtil.success("Deleting locale #{param.upcase}... ") do WebTranslateIt::Project.delete_locale(param) end puts 'Done.' end end def init # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity puts '# Initializing project' if parameters.any? api_key = parameters[0] path = '.wti' else api_key = Util.ask(' Project API Key:') path = Util.ask(' Path to configuration file:', '.wti') end FileUtils.mkpath(path.split('/')[0..path.split('/').size - 2].join('/')) unless path.split('/').size == 1 project = if RUBY_VERSION >= '3.1' YAML.safe_load WebTranslateIt::Project.fetch_info(api_key), permitted_classes: [Time] else YAML.load WebTranslateIt::Project.fetch_info(api_key) end project_info = project['project'] if File.exist?(path) && !File.writable?(path) puts StringUtil.failure("Error: `#{path}` file is not writable.") exit 1 end, 'w') { |file| file << generate_configuration(api_key, project_info) } puts '' puts " The project #{project_info['name']} was successfully initialized." puts '' if project_info['source_locale']['code'].nil? || project_info['target_locales'].size <= 1 || project_info['project_files'].none? puts '' puts ' There are a few more things to set up:' puts '' end if project_info['source_locale']['code'].nil? puts " *) You don't have a source locale setup." puts ' Add the source locale with: `wti addlocale <locale_code>`' puts '' end if project_info['target_locales'].size <= 1 puts " *) You don't have a target locale setup." puts ' Add the first target locale with: `wti addlocale <locale_code>`' puts '' end if project_info['project_files'].none? puts " *) You don't have linguistic files setup." puts ' Add a master file with: `wti add <path/to/file.xml>`' puts '' end puts 'You can now use `wti` to push and pull your language files.' puts 'Check `wti --help` for help.' true end def match # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity configuration.files.find_all { |mf| mf.locale == configuration.source_locale }.each do |master_file| if File.exist?(master_file.file_path) puts StringUtil.important(master_file.file_path) + " (#{master_file.locale})" else puts StringUtil.failure(master_file.file_path) + " (#{master_file.locale})" end configuration.files.find_all { |f| f.master_id == }.each do |file| if File.exist?(file.file_path) puts "- #{file.file_path}" + " (#{file.locale})" else puts StringUtil.failure("- #{file.file_path}") + " (#{file.locale})" end end end true end def status # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity if parameters.any? file = configuration.files.find { |f| parameters.first.strip == f.file_path } abort "File '#{parameters.first}' not found." unless file file_id = file.master_id || puts "Statistics for '#{parameters.first}':" end stats = YAML.load(Project.fetch_stats(configuration.api_key, file_id)) completely_translated = true completely_proofread = true stats.each do |locale, values| percent_translated = Util.calculate_percentage(values['count_strings_to_proofread'].to_i + values['count_strings_done'].to_i + values['count_strings_to_verify'].to_i, values['count_strings'].to_i) percent_completed = Util.calculate_percentage(values['count_strings_done'].to_i, values['count_strings'].to_i) completely_translated = false if percent_translated != 100 completely_proofread = false if percent_completed != 100 puts "#{locale}: #{percent_translated}% translated, #{percent_completed}% completed." end exit 100 unless completely_translated exit 101 unless completely_proofread true end def fetch_locales_to_pull # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity if command_options.locale command_options.locale.split.each do |locale| puts "Locale #{locale} doesn't exist -- `wti addlocale #{locale}` to add it." unless configuration.target_locales.include?(locale) end locales = command_options.locale.split elsif configuration.needed_locales.any? locales = configuration.needed_locales else locales = configuration.target_locales configuration.ignore_locales.each { |locale_to_delete| locales.delete(locale_to_delete) } if configuration.ignore_locales.any? end locales.push(configuration.source_locale) if command_options.all locales.uniq end def fetch_locales_to_push(configuration) # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity if command_options.locale command_options.locale.split.each do |locale| puts "Locale #{locale} doesn't exist -- `wti addlocale #{locale}` to add it." unless configuration.target_locales.include?(locale) end locales = command_options.locale.split else locales = [configuration.source_locale] end if command_options.all puts '`wti push --all` was deprecated in wti 2.3. Use `wti push --target` instead.' return [] elsif locales = configuration.target_locales.reject { |locale| locale == configuration.source_locale } end locales.uniq end def configuration_file_path return command_options.config if command_options.config return '.wti' unless File.exist?('config/translation.yml') puts 'Warning: `config/translation.yml` is deprecated in favour of a `.wti` file.' return 'config/translation.yml' unless Util.ask_yes_no('Would you like to migrate your configuration now?', true) return '.wti' if'config/translation.yml', '.wti') puts 'Couldn’t move `config/translation.yml`.' false end def generate_configuration(api_key, project_info) <<~FILE # Required - The Project API Token from # More information: api_key: #{api_key} # Optional - Locales not to sync with WebTranslateIt. # Takes a string, a symbol, or an array of string or symbol. # ignore_locales: [#{project_info['source_locale']['code']}] # Optional - Locales to sync with WebTranslateIt. # Takes a string, a symbol, or an array of string or symbol. # needed_locales: #{project_info['target_locales'].map { |locale| locale['code'] }} # Optional: files not to sync with WebTranslateIt. # Takes an array of globs. # ignore_files: ['somefile*.csv'] # Optional - Hooks # Takes a string containing a command to run. # before_pull: "echo 'some unix command'" # Command executed before pulling files # after_pull: "touch tmp/restart.txt" # Command executed after pulling files # before_push: "echo 'some unix command'" # Command executed before pushing files # after_push: "touch tmp/restart.txt" # Command executed after pushing files FILE end def throb # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength throb = %w[⠋ ⠙ ⠹ ⠸ ⠼ ⠴ ⠦ ⠧ ⠇ ⠏] throb.reverse! if rand > 0.5 i = rand throb.length thread = do dot = lambda do print "\r#{throb[i]}\e[?25l" i = (i + 1) % throb.length sleep 0.1 and end end yield ensure if thread thread.kill puts "\r\e[0G#\e[?25h" end end end end