require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' class NotifierTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class OriginalException < Exception end class ContinuedException < Exception end include DefinesConstants def setup super reset_config end def assert_sent(notice, notice_args) assert_received(ErrornotNotifier::Notice, :new) {|expect| expect.with(has_entries(notice_args)) } assert_received(notice, :to_xml) assert_received(ErrornotNotifier.sender, :send_to_errornot) {|expect| expect.with(notice.to_xml) } end def set_public_env ErrornotNotifier.configure { |config| config.environment_name = 'production' } end def set_development_env ErrornotNotifier.configure { |config| config.environment_name = 'development' } end should "yield and save a configuration when configuring" do yielded_configuration = nil ErrornotNotifier.configure do |config| yielded_configuration = config end assert_kind_of ErrornotNotifier::Configuration, yielded_configuration assert_equal yielded_configuration, ErrornotNotifier.configuration end should "not remove existing config options when configuring twice" do first_config = nil ErrornotNotifier.configure do |config| first_config = config end ErrornotNotifier.configure do |config| assert_equal first_config, config end end should "configure the sender" do sender = stub_sender ErrornotNotifier::Sender.stubs(:new => sender) configuration = nil ErrornotNotifier.configure { |yielded_config| configuration = yielded_config } assert_received(ErrornotNotifier::Sender, :new) { |expect| expect.with(configuration) } assert_equal sender, ErrornotNotifier.sender end should "create and send a notice for an exception" do set_public_env exception = build_exception stub_sender! notice = stub_notice! ErrornotNotifier.notify(exception) assert_sent notice, :exception => exception end should "create and send a notice for a hash" do set_public_env notice = stub_notice! notice_args = { :error_message => 'uh oh' } stub_sender! ErrornotNotifier.notify(notice_args) assert_sent(notice, notice_args) end should "create and sent a notice for an exception and hash" do set_public_env exception = build_exception notice = stub_notice! notice_args = { :error_message => 'uh oh' } stub_sender! ErrornotNotifier.notify(exception, notice_args) assert_sent(notice, notice_args.merge(:exception => exception)) end should "not create a notice in a development environment" do set_development_env sender = stub_sender! ErrornotNotifier.notify(build_exception) ErrornotNotifier.notify_or_ignore(build_exception) assert_received(sender, :send_to_errornot) {|expect| expect.never } end should "not deliver an ignored exception when notifying implicitly" do set_public_env exception = build_exception sender = stub_sender! notice = stub_notice! notice.stubs(:ignore? => true) ErrornotNotifier.notify_or_ignore(exception) assert_received(sender, :send_to_errornot) {|expect| expect.never } end should "deliver an ignored exception when notifying manually" do set_public_env exception = build_exception sender = stub_sender! notice = stub_notice! notice.stubs(:ignore? => true) ErrornotNotifier.notify(exception) assert_sent(notice, :exception => exception) end should "pass config to created notices" do exception = build_exception config_opts = { 'one' => 'two', 'three' => 'four' } notice = stub_notice! stub_sender! ErrornotNotifier.configuration = stub('config', :merge => config_opts, :public? => true) ErrornotNotifier.notify(exception) assert_received(ErrornotNotifier::Notice, :new) do |expect| expect.with(has_entries(config_opts)) end end context "building notice JSON for an exception" do setup do @params = { :controller => "users", :action => "create" } @exception = build_exception @hash = ErrornotNotifier.build_lookup_hash_for(@exception, @params) end should "set action" do assert_equal @params[:action], @hash[:action] end should "set controller" do assert_equal @params[:controller], @hash[:component] end should "set line number" do assert @hash[:line_number] =~ /\d+/ end should "set file" do assert_match /test\/helper\.rb$/, @hash[:file] end should "set rails_env to production" do assert_equal 'production', @hash[:environment_name] end should "set error class" do assert_equal 'RuntimeError', @hash[:error_class] end should "not set file or line number with no backtrace" do @exception.stubs(:backtrace).returns([]) @hash = ErrornotNotifier.build_lookup_hash_for(@exception) assert_nil @hash[:line_number] assert_nil @hash[:file] end should "not set action or controller when not provided" do @hash = ErrornotNotifier.build_lookup_hash_for(@exception) assert_nil @hash[:action] assert_nil @hash[:controller] end context "when an exception that provides #original_exception is raised" do setup do @exception.stubs(:original_exception).returns(begin raise rescue Exception => e e end) end should "unwrap exceptions that provide #original_exception" do @hash = ErrornotNotifier.build_lookup_hash_for(@exception) assert_equal "NotifierTest::OriginalException", @hash[:error_class] end end context "when an exception that provides #continued_exception is raised" do setup do @exception.stubs(:continued_exception).returns(begin raise rescue Exception => e e end) end should "unwrap exceptions that provide #continued_exception" do @hash = ErrornotNotifier.build_lookup_hash_for(@exception) assert_equal "NotifierTest::ContinuedException", @hash[:error_class] end end end end