#!/usr/bin/env macruby __DIR__ = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(__DIR__, '..', 'lib') require 'ichabod' require 'ichabod/repl' if STDIN.stat.size > 0 input = STDIN.read puts Ichabod.parse(input) exit end case ARGV.first when '-h', '--help' puts "Run it:" puts " $ ichabod -e '(string to eval)'" puts " $ ichabod -p '(string to eval; result will puts)'" puts " $ ichabod --jasmine '(http address/path to jasmine tests)'" puts " $ ichabod --qunit '(http address/path to qunit tests)'" puts " $ ichabod file.js" puts " $ ichabod file.html" puts " $ ichabod http://example.com" puts " $ cat file.html | ichabod" puts " $ ichabod" when '-e' Ichabod.eval(ARGV.last) when '-p' puts Ichabod.eval(ARGV.last) when '--jasmine', '-j' puts Ichabod::Tests.jasmine(ARGV.last) when '--qunit', '-q' puts Ichabod::Tests.qunit(ARGV.last) when nil Ichabod::Repl.start else ARGV[-1][/\.js$/] ? Ichabod.eval_file(ARGV.last) : Ichabod.open(ARGV.last) end