# OpenapiClient::RecurringPaymentDetailsResponse ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **client_request_id** | **String** | Echoes back the value in the request header for tracking. | [optional] **api_trace_id** | **String** | Request identifier in API, can be used to request logs from the support team. | [optional] **response_type** | [**ResponseType**](ResponseType.md) | | [optional] **order_id** | **String** | Client order ID if supplied by client, otherwise the order ID. | [optional] **transaction_time** | **Integer** | The transaction time in seconds since epoch. | [optional] **billing** | [**Billing**](Billing.md) | | [optional] **shipping** | [**Shipping**](Shipping.md) | | [optional] **mandate** | [**SepaMandate**](SepaMandate.md) | | [optional] **transactions** | [**Array<Transaction>**](Transaction.md) | Required for some payment methods (for example, Klarna). | [optional] **processor** | [**ProcessorData**](ProcessorData.md) | | [optional] **recurring_payment_details** | [**RecurringPaymentDetails**](RecurringPaymentDetails.md) | | [optional]