now my turn :( :( i would say stick with something with structure. you guys are having it without me?! aww man! :( :( i know !! :( ima need to get some asap lol sekolah, jemput gue dong main ndah. emang lo dimana? aaaa pengen pulaaaang baju gue basah bgt :( no :( i wish man. but im going to his concert on august 28.and im going to stalk him!im going to try and get his autograph in the e.r. yes i did get injured. :-( i miss my best friend :( *pathetic sobbing me too, but it's not going to be playing here :( i can't, brianna is playing on xbox :( i need a foot rub. bet you get your wine glass filled before i get my whine fulfilled. :-( john forsythe died :( goodbye blake carrington: wished you would've joined cheer when i was still in cempaka :( my stomach hurts. :( awwh universal studios is close :( i didnt know that they closed at 7 ahelah gua udah buat rumah susah2 di the sims3 eh di uninstall :( windows crashed. :( doc on e way. :) fuk dat shyt there are a slim pickin of straight black men these days...all these men in here want what i want :( :( fuckin sick of sitting at my goddamn house alone >:( im not in yo faves? :( i jus saw dis..word? afta i wished u gud luck ☹ lolrt good 4u phone dying and i'm all the way uptown fml ughh :( well i think your rong abt that. its definately bad 2 forget and it effects me :( 'nd its wierd u kno wit alot of tweets no i need to, i have so much craziness going on i am behind, i suck! :( aww, what's wrong? :( talk to me later today, ok? i'll be back on in about an hour and a half, hopefully. hope you're alright!! oh to go shopping like "pretty woman" of course one needs to be a size 8 or smaler. :( so much for real gals.. augh! lol. i hate when it's wet. it's too much to deal with! :( i wanna sum1 2 kill meeeh... riggght nnnow! :( fml... =/ i hate do it :( lmaooooo heyyyyy :( idk where they came frm getting very sick! cough, sneezing, sore throat, all the usual symptoms. go away whatever you are :( so...nobody is excited. :( :( what happened?? ghost adventures before work maannnn i don't wanna work downtown :( nahh :( ima be back monday night today is my last day here :( i will miss soooooo much!!!!!! em saw them all goin in & out of the hotel & gettin off the bus security was too over protective esp over joe :( xx we gained only 3 followers overnight :( we wanna make it to 150 today. can we get some #ffs or shoutouts? help us out? :) nawwww don't say that. :( we love yoooou :):)<3 lmaooooo charlotte reminds me uf stupid ass » why you say that :( there's no special someoneout there for me.i hate watching cute teenage love shows; just makes me depressed. and i was doingso good today :( damn it should've donated more last yr for a bigger tax refund :-( #taxreturn does any1 know how to delete all my tweets w/o a hard work? i mean... something like ill last forever if i do it 1 by 1 :( stuff happens... :( i'll be there again eventually...i promised your malaysian fans scream for you...we are happy you guys are coming but so many of us can't go coz we can't get tickets!!! :-( wekekeke -.......- hah, tiada maaf bagimu(?) maaf :( helloo gue udah cukup s practice rained out :( dude, if i would have known yall were gonna go to wendys, i wouldnt have left... :( why :( the kids handled the whole "animals everywhere" situation a lot more casually than i'd hoped :( , glad your living your dream, some of us are scared to live ours :( don't tell me to shut up :( u shut up insensitive ass hahaha. :) ...............crap lady gaga and lights are sold out :( bout to see why did i get married too with the fam =) i miss my boo :( ~ that movie is great! haha you should try them , they're heaps nice :) well i think they're heaps nice x) yeah i want jellybeans now :( morningggg everybody!! im trying to read eyeshield, but i cant. its totally not interesting for me :( aww :( well, don't get so tired that you eat grandma, lmao. home alone today :( arghhhh ! imma cry now :( haven't been able to watch the show with out momo :( i swear be making me feel like shit :( lols the itunes interface for finding #ipad apps now is kinda broken, it only work to see top 100, sub-category doesn't work :-( bein on dis laptopp remindz mee hw much ii misz minee ... :( is being mean to me :( what happened :( :( que mujer!!! lol call her lokita for me :) dang milw pissed u off pretty quick :( i'm tryna hurry home so i can take this benedryl this is sumin serious :( thanks lovemss :( im kidding.. lol but i really wanted to go. : ( how did the no.1 attempt go? tried to contact you guys re playing the film here again as so many missed the 1wk? run :-( apologizing 4 2 many tweets today by sending 1 more. goodnight everyone. oh & sorry peter, but i gotta say it...still missing :( i'm sad u didn't come visit me in lv :( i'm torn!!!! :( i know!!!!!!!!! but i already have nikon glass!!!! this is such a predicament. grrrr :( cant go see why did i get married too 2nite. its a shame my lil sis went to see it w/ her friends.... i suck :( you all enjoy the back rub tonight! i have to get ready for work :( happy birthday@wannawahlberg! luv ya noooooooooo. shiiiitt. i just accidently blocked now he isnt following me anymore :( damnit! having dinner at my sister's so can't watch the #canucks game till we're done :( i hope u can rest your eyes & be as pain-free as pos.! pain is so exhausting & debilitating. :( thats not cool :( well, just keep playing the song and sing it really loud! haha hittin the sack early. work in the morning :( listenin to #1 on youtube lawdd i wish he didnt give it to justin bieber smh y ?? :( i wish our hearts could come together as one :( d: i wishh babe were here. :( checking my emergency dental coverage, considering i only pay $14 a month i am thinkin i have none :( * hi fives back* <3 i'm going to be so upset if they have the new doctor fall in love with the new companion. :( i miss rose aw! i maybe trying but it's not working... :( i'm starting to think you don't want drinks with me :( ahh, i just don't want her to be in pain or scared :( but it makes me feel better that your pup recovered so quickly, thanks!! xo arghhhh ! imma cry now :( ---> awww y and i were just given bad luck :( :( you could :( it is so fucking amazing ngl :( but there's so many :( well that wasn't good news. :( i am so boreddd :( some one save meee :'( -dieing from boredom- : noooo! :( i'm going back to england soon and will be too caught up if s3 has started! :-( pukey? sick? or booze? nah thts long, i learnt the basics. n i tweeet too muchh, hw can i av 14 k ? :( *picks up fone n txts insted* #fml everybody is going out except me and cuz we have exams tmrw!! :-( yeah :( he took the job. my mom, sister, and i are staying here until my sister and i finish school :( don't know what i'm gonna :( :( :( :( :( :( (@aboutis live on no that needs tuh stop....he is not cute but his hair looks soft i wanna feel :( i'm sad n no one cares about me :( << i care ;) «~~ yea right quero mais followers :( wackness i wanna go :( lol nah, imma jus bring sum saving patron for a special i cheated :( i know booo :( u better be there at 9 bitch hehe spartan blood and sand is so awkward to watch with your dad..lots of nakedness & all i want to do is comment on the sexiness of the men. :( at wendys with jake, eric, & chelsea but its closed :( someone take us home!!! hahaha yeaaah :( i'm selling to pay my soundcheck hahaha dangggg , bad night. gonna be an even worse day tomorrow :( pray for me yall ! aw sweetie hang in there :( tell your mom you need to make a phonecall and go somewhere else too bad u live so far now. i coulda gone to pick u up :( i'm going on a cruise... so i won't be able to talk to u in one week!! :( i'm gonna miss every11 i know! :) ya'll have fun, im miss him :( haha! knapa roomate lo lagi a? seriously, not to be racist but indian food is super not nice!!! :( just retweeted a tweet and i got way over excited for a minute there :( im so bored :( someone come and take me to the cineemaaaaa! hlkashlkhskd creedo :( i need a new group of friends asap--> what?...i'm not good enough for you!! «~~ i never see u anymore :( :( don't have a working tv lol sad day... i wished it turned out better :( just realized that i lost my yellow bracelet from spain. no idea where it could be. :( not the eyes :-( you're here!!! but i almost gtg. :( não váaaaa :( (@aboutis live on i want to follow me for easter. i love them so much :( i thing that i will change my name for bigbeliebers or something like that.. :(