module Api module V1 class SecurityRolesController < BaseController def index query = params[:query] parent_iids = params[:parent] include_admin = params[:include_admin] security_roles = [] if parent_iids parent = nil # if the parent param is a comma separated string then # there are multiple parents parent_iids.split(',').each do |parent_iid| parent = nil # if the parent param is a colon separated string then # the parent is nested from left to right parent_iid.split(':').each do |nested_parent_iid| if parent parent = parent.children.where('internal_identifier = ?', nested_parent_iid).first else parent = SecurityRole.where('internal_identifier = ?', nested_parent_iid).first end end security_roles = security_roles.concat parent.children end security_roles = SecurityRole.where(id: security_roles.collect(&:id)) elsif params[:user_id].present? security_roles = User.find(params[:user_id]).party.security_roles else security_roles = nil end respond_to do |format| format.tree do nodes = [].tap do |nodes| unless security_roles security_roles = SecurityRole.roots end security_roles.all.each do |security_role| nodes.push(security_role.to_tree_hash) end end if include_admin nodes.unshift SecurityRole.iid('admin').to_tree_hash end render :json => {success: true, security_roles: nodes} end format.json do sort_hash = params[:sort].blank? ? {} : Hash.symbolize_keys(JSON.parse(params[:sort]).first) sort = sort_hash[:property] || 'description' dir = sort_hash[:direction] || 'ASC' limit = params[:limit] start = params[:start] unless security_roles security_roles = SecurityRole end if query security_role_tbl = SecurityRole.arel_table statement = security_roles.where(security_role_tbl[:description].matches("%#{query}%") .or(security_role_tbl[:internal_identifier].matches("%#{query}%"))) total_count = statement.count security_roles = statement.order("#{sort} #{dir}") else total_count = security_roles.count security_roles = security_roles.order("#{sort} #{dir}") end if limit and start security_roles = security_roles.limit(limit).offset(start) end if include_admin security_roles = security_roles.all security_roles.unshift SecurityRole.iid('admin') end render :json => { success: true, total_count: total_count, security_roles: security_roles.collect do |security_role| security_role.to_data_hash end } end end end def available type = params[:type] id = params[:id] sort = (params[:sort] || 'description').downcase dir = (params[:dir] || 'asc').downcase query_filter = params[:query_filter].strip rescue nil statement = id.blank? ? SecurityRole : type.constantize.find(id).roles_not statement = (params[:query_filter].blank? ? statement : statement.where("UPPER(security_roles.description) LIKE UPPER('%#{query_filter}%')")) available = statement.paginate(:page => page, :per_page => per_page, :order => "#{sort} #{dir}") render :json => {:total_count => statement.count, :security_roles => { |security_role| security_role.to_data_hash }} end def selected type = params[:type] id = params[:id] sort = (params[:sort] || 'description').downcase dir = (params[:dir] || 'asc').downcase query_filter = params[:query_filter].strip rescue nil statement = id.blank? ? SecurityRole : type.constantize.find(id).roles statement = (params[:query_filter].blank? ? statement : statement.where("UPPER(security_roles.description) LIKE UPPER('%#{query_filter}%')")) selected = statement.paginate(:page => page, :per_page => per_page, :order => "#{sort} #{dir}") render :json => {:total_count => statement.count, :security_roles => { |security_role| security_role.to_data_hash }} end def add begin type = params[:type] id = params[:id] security_role_ids = JSON.parse(params[:security_role_ids]) assign_to = type.constantize.find(id) security_role_ids.each do |role_id| role = SecurityRole.find(role_id) case type when 'User' assign_to.add_role(role) when 'Group' assign_to.add_role(role) when 'Capability' role.add_capability(assign_to) end end render :json => {:success => true, :message => 'Security Roles(s) Added'} rescue => ex Rails.logger.error ex.message Rails.logger.error ex.backtrace.join("\n") ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception(ex) if defined? ExceptionNotifier render :json => {:success => false, :message => ex.message} end end def remove begin type = params[:type] id = params[:id] security_role_ids = JSON.parse(params[:security_role_ids]) assign_to = type.constantize.find(id) security_role_ids.each do |role_id| role = SecurityRole.find(role_id) case type when 'User' assign_to.remove_role(role) when 'Group' assign_to.remove_role(role) when 'Capability' role.remove_capability(assign_to) end end render :json => {:success => true, :message => 'Security Roles(s) Removed'} rescue => ex Rails.logger.error ex.message Rails.logger.error ex.backtrace.join("\n") ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception(ex) if defined? ExceptionNotifier render :json => {:success => false, :message => ex.message} end end def create begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction do security_role = SecurityRole.create!(description: params[:description].strip, internal_identifier: params[:internal_identifier].strip) if params[:parent] security_role.move_to_child_of(SecurityRole.iid(params[:parent])) end render :json => { success: true, security_role: security_role.to_data_hash, message: 'Role created successfully' } end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid Rails.logger.error invalid.record.errors message = "" render :json => {:success => false, :message => message} rescue StandardError => ex Rails.logger.error ex.message Rails.logger.error ex.backtrace.join("\n") ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception(ex) if defined? ExceptionNotifier render :json => {:success => false, :message => 'Error creating Security Role'} end end def update begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.transaction do security_role = SecurityRole.find(params[:id]) security_role.description = params[:description].strip security_role.internal_identifier = params[:internal_identifier].strip! render json: {success: true, security_role: security_role.to_data_hash} end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid Rails.logger.error invalid.record.errors message = "" render :json => {:success => false, :message => message} rescue StandardError => ex Rails.logger.error ex.message Rails.logger.error ex.backtrace.join("\n") ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception(ex) if defined? ExceptionNotifier render :json => {:success => false, :message => 'Error updating Security Role'} end end def destroy security_role = SecurityRole.find(params[:id]) render json: {success: security_role.destroy} end def page offset = params[:start].to_f offset > 0 ? (offset / params[:limit].to_f).to_i + 1 : 1 end def per_page params[:limit].nil? ? 10 : params[:limit].to_i end end # SecurityRolesController end # V1 end # Api