# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' try_spec do require './spec/fixtures/article' describe DataMapper::TypesFixtures::Article do supported_by :all do describe "persisted with title and slug set to 'New DataMapper Type'" do before :all do @input = 'New DataMapper Type' @resource = DataMapper::TypesFixtures::Article.create(:title => @input, :slug => @input) @resource.reload end it 'has slug equal to "new-datamapper-type"' do @resource.slug.should == 'new-datamapper-type' end it 'can be found by slug' do DataMapper::TypesFixtures::Article.first(:slug => 'new-datamapper-type').should == @resource end end [ ['Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn', 'internationalizaetion' ], ["This is Dan's Blog", 'this-is-dans-blog'], ['This is My Site, and Blog', 'this-is-my-site-and-blog'], ['Google searches for holy grail of Python performance', 'google-searches-for-holy-grail-of-python-performance'], ['iPhone dev: Creating length-controlled data sources', 'iphone-dev-creating-length-controlled-data-sources'], ["Review: Nintendo's New DSi -- A Quantum Leap Forward", 'review-nintendos-new-dsi-a-quantum-leap-forward'], ["Arriva BraiVe, è l'auto-robot che si 'guida' da sola'", 'arriva-braive-e-lauto-robot-che-si-guida-da-sola'], ["La ley antipiratería reduce un 33% el tráfico online en Suecia", 'la-ley-antipirateria-reduce-un-33-percent-el-trafico-online-en-suecia'], ["L'Etat américain du Texas s'apprête à interdire Windows Vista", 'letat-americain-du-texas-sapprete-a-interdire-windows-vista'] ].each do |title, slug| describe "set with title '#{title}'" do before :all do @resource = DataMapper::TypesFixtures::Article.new(:title => title) @resource.valid?.should be(true) end it "has slug equal to '#{slug}'" do @resource.slug.should == slug end describe "and persisted" do before :all do @resource.save.should be(true) @resource.reload end it 'can be found by slug' do DataMapper::TypesFixtures::Article.first(:slug => slug).should == @resource end end end end end end end