\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,sans]{moderncv} % ==> Document management \usepackage{import} % ==> Character, Language, Encoding settings % Unicode support \usepackage{xunicode} \usepackage{xltxtra} % Internationalization \usepackage[english]{babel} % Character encoding \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Facilities for inline and display quotations \usepackage[babel]{csquotes} % ==> Layout % Change the page layout in the middle of a document \usepackage{chngpage} % ==> Math \usepackage{amsmath,unicode-math} % ==> Miscellaneous additional features % Allow colors \usepackage{xcolor} % ==> Miscellaneous Additional elements % Capabilities for highlight and underline \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % Create hyperlinks \usepackage{url} \usepackage[colorlinks=true, unicode, pdfencoding=auto]{hyperref} % Todos \usepackage[colorinlistoftodos, textwidth=4cm, shadow]{todonotes} % Typeset relevant quotations \usepackage{epigraph} % Code inclusion with syntax highlighting \usepackage{minted} % Beautiful frames \usepackage{framed} % ==> Theme % Theme style \moderncvstyle{casual} % Theme color (used for decorations) \moderncvcolor{blue} % ==> Page settings % Adjust the page margins \usepackage[scale=0.8]{geometry} % Adjust the columns margin for the tabular \setlength\arrayrulewidth{.4pt} \setlength\tabcolsep{2pt} % ==> Author data % First name \firstname{<= global.first_name =>} % Second name \familyname{<= global.sur_name =>} % Address \address% {<= global.address.street =>}% {<= global.address.postal_code =>}% {<= global.address.city =>} % Mobile phone \mobile{<= global.mobile_phone =>} % Main phone \phone{<= global.phone =>} % Fax \fax{<= global.fax =>} % Email \email{<= global.email =>} % Homepage for personal website \homepage{<= global.homepage =>} % Additional informations \extrainfo{<= global.additional_informations =>} % Photo of the author \photo[64pt][0.4pt]{./resources/AuthorPhoto} % ==> Document informations % Document title \title{<= global.title =>} % A quote to recap my point of view \quote{<= global.quote =>} % ==> Bibliography \makeatletter \renewcommand*{\bibliographyitemlabel}{[\arabic{enumiv}]} \makeatother % ==> Content \begin{document} \makecvtitle % ==> Personal Information \section{<= titles.S_1.personal_info =>} % Fullname \cvitem{<= titles.S_1.name =>}{<= global.first_name =>~<= global.sur_name =>} % Address \cvitem{<= titles.S_1.address =>}{% <= global.address.street =>~--~% <= global.address.postal_code =>~--~% <= global.address.city =>% } % Telephone \cvitem{<= titles.S_1.telephone =>}{<= global.mobile_phone =>} % Fax \cvitem{<= titles.S_1.fax =>}{<= global.fax =>} % Email \cvitem{<= titles.S_1.email =>}{<= global.email =>} % Nationality \cvitem{<= titles.S_1.nationality =>}{<= global.nationality =>} % Birthdate \cvitem{<= titles.S_1.date_birth =>}{<= global.date_birth =>} % Gender \cvitem{<= titles.S_1.sex =>}{<= global.sex =>} % ==> Desired Employment \section{<= titles.S_2.desired_employment => } <= generate(cvlistitem, desired_employments) => % ==> Education and training \section{<= titles.S_4.education_and_training =>} <= generate(education, education) => % ==> Work Experience \section{<= titles.S_3.work_experience =>} <= generate(work_experience, work_experience) => % ==> Personal skills and competences \section{<= titles.S_5.personal_skills =>} % Mother tongue \cvitem{<= titles.S_5.mother_tongue =>}{<= language_skills.mother_tongue =>} % Other languages \cvitem{<= titles.S_5.other_languages =>}{<= generate(list, language_skills.other_languages) =>} % Self assessment <= generate(self_assessment, self_assessment) => % Driving license \cvitem{<= titles.S_5.driving_license =>}{<= driving_license =>} % Social skills \cvitem{<= titles.S_5.social_skills =>}{<= generate(list, social_skills) =>} % Organisational skills \cvitem{<= titles.S_5.organisational_skills =>}{<= generate(list, organisational_skills) =>} % Analysis skills \subsection{<= titles.S_5.analysis_skills =>} <= generate(cvitemwithcomment, technical_skills.analysis) => % Design skills \subsection{<= titles.S_5.design_skills =>} <= generate(cvitemwithcomment, technical_skills.design) => % Programming skills \subsection{<= titles.S_5.programming_skills =>} <= generate(cvitemwithcomment, technical_skills.programming) => % Other skills \subsection{<= titles.S_5.other_skills =>} <= generate(cvitemwithcomment, other_skills) => % ==> Additional Informations %\section{<= titles.S_6.additional_information =>} % \cvitem{<= titles.S_6.publications =>}{<= generate(list, publications) =>} % ==> Bibliography % The heading string \renewcommand{\refname}{Articles} \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{plain} % Bibliography is from that BibTeX file \bibliography{publications} \end{document}