# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- class Patron < ActiveRecord::Base enju_export if defined?(EnjuExport) attr_accessible :last_name, :middle_name, :first_name, :last_name_transcription, :middle_name_transcription, :first_name_transcription, :corporate_name, :corporate_name_transcription, :full_name, :full_name_transcription, :full_name_alternative, :other_designation, :language_id, :country_id, :patron_type_id, :note, :required_role_id, :email, :url, :full_name_alternative_transcription, :title, :patron_identifier scope :readable_by, lambda{|user| {:conditions => ['required_role_id <= ?', user.try(:user_has_role).try(:role_id) || Role.where(:name => 'Guest').select(:id).first.id]}} has_many :creates, :dependent => :destroy has_many :works, :through => :creates has_many :realizes, :dependent => :destroy has_many :expressions, :through => :realizes has_many :produces, :dependent => :destroy has_many :manifestations, :through => :produces has_many :children, :foreign_key => 'parent_id', :class_name => 'PatronRelationship', :dependent => :destroy has_many :parents, :foreign_key => 'child_id', :class_name => 'PatronRelationship', :dependent => :destroy has_many :derived_patrons, :through => :children, :source => :child has_many :original_patrons, :through => :parents, :source => :parent has_many :picture_files, :as => :picture_attachable, :dependent => :destroy has_many :donates has_many :donated_items, :through => :donates, :source => :item has_many :owns, :dependent => :destroy has_many :items, :through => :owns if defined?(EnjuResourceMerge) has_many :patron_merges, :dependent => :destroy has_many :patron_merge_lists, :through => :patron_merges end #belongs_to :user belongs_to :patron_type belongs_to :required_role, :class_name => 'Role', :foreign_key => 'required_role_id', :validate => true belongs_to :language belongs_to :country has_one :patron_import_result validates_presence_of :language, :patron_type, :country validates_associated :language, :patron_type, :country validates :full_name, :presence => true, :length => {:maximum => 255} #validates :user_id, :uniqueness => true, :allow_nil => true validates :birth_date, :format => {:with => /\A\d+(-\d{0,2}){0,2}\z/}, :allow_blank => true validates :death_date, :format => {:with => /\A\d+(-\d{0,2}){0,2}\z/}, :allow_blank => true validates :email, :format => {:with => /\A([\w\.%\+\-]+)@([\w\-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})\z/i}, :allow_blank => true validate :check_birth_date before_validation :set_role_and_name, :on => :create before_save :set_date_of_birth, :set_date_of_death has_paper_trail #attr_accessor :user_username #[:address_1, :address_2].each do |column| # encrypt_with_public_key column, # :key_pair => File.join(Rails.root.to_s,'config','keypair.pem'), # :base64 => true #end searchable do text :name, :place, :address_1, :address_2, :other_designation, :note string :zip_code_1 string :zip_code_2 #string :username do # user.username if user #end time :created_at time :updated_at time :date_of_birth time :date_of_death #string :user integer :work_ids, :multiple => true integer :expression_ids, :multiple => true integer :manifestation_ids, :multiple => true integer :patron_merge_list_ids, :multiple => true if defined?(EnjuResourceMerge) integer :original_patron_ids, :multiple => true integer :required_role_id integer :patron_type_id end paginates_per 10 def set_role_and_name self.required_role = Role.where(:name => 'Librarian').first if self.required_role_id.nil? set_full_name end def set_full_name if self.full_name.blank? if self.last_name.to_s.strip and self.first_name.to_s.strip and Setting.family_name_first == true self.full_name = [last_name, middle_name, first_name].compact.join(" ").to_s.strip else self.full_name = [first_name, last_name, middle_name].compact.join(" ").to_s.strip end end if self.full_name_transcription.blank? self.full_name_transcription = [last_name_transcription, middle_name_transcription, first_name_transcription].join(" ").to_s.strip end [self.full_name, self.full_name_transcription] end def set_date_of_birth return if birth_date.blank? begin date = Time.zone.parse("#{birth_date}") rescue ArgumentError begin date = Time.zone.parse("#{birth_date}-01") rescue ArgumentError begin date = Time.zone.parse("#{birth_date}-01-01") rescue nil end end end self.date_of_birth = date end def set_date_of_death return if death_date.blank? begin date = Time.zone.parse("#{death_date}") rescue ArgumentError begin date = Time.zone.parse("#{death_date}-01") rescue ArgumentError begin date = Time.zone.parse("#{death_date}-01-01") rescue nil end end end self.date_of_death = date end def check_birth_date if date_of_birth.present? and date_of_death.present? if date_of_birth > date_of_death errors.add(:birth_date) errors.add(:death_date) end end end #def full_name_generate # # TODO: 日本人以外は? # name = [] # name << self.last_name.to_s.strip # name << self.middle_name.to_s.strip unless self.middle_name.blank? # name << self.first_name.to_s.strip # name << self.corporate_name.to_s.strip # name.join(" ").strip #end def full_name_without_space full_name.gsub(/[\s,]/, "") # # TODO: 日本人以外は? # name = [] # name << self.last_name.to_s.strip # name << self.middle_name.to_s.strip # name << self.first_name.to_s.strip # name << self.corporate_name.to_s.strip # name.join("").strip end def full_name_transcription_without_space full_name_transcription.to_s.gsub(/\s/, "") end def full_name_alternative_without_space full_name_alternative.to_s.gsub(/\s/, "") end def name name = [] name << full_name.to_s.strip name << full_name_transcription.to_s.strip name << full_name_alternative.to_s.strip name << full_name_without_space #name << full_name_transcription_without_space #name << full_name_alternative_without_space #name << full_name.wakati rescue nil #name << full_name_transcription.wakati rescue nil #name << full_name_alternative.wakati rescue nil name end def date if date_of_birth if date_of_death "#{date_of_birth} - #{date_of_death}" else "#{date_of_birth} -" end end end def creator?(resource) resource.creators.include?(self) end def publisher?(resource) resource.publishers.include?(self) end def created(work) creates.where(:work_id => work.id).first end def realized(expression) realizes.where(:expression_id => expression.id).first end def produced(manifestation) produces.where(:manifestation_id => manifestation.id).first end def owned(item) owns.where(:item_id => item.id) end def self.import_patrons(patron_lists) patrons = [] patron_lists.each do |patron_list| name_and_role = patron_list[:full_name].split('||') if patron_list[:patron_identifier].present? patron = Patron.where(:patron_identifier => patron_list[:patron_identifier]).first else patron = Patron.where(:full_name => name_and_role[0]).first end role_type = name_and_role[1].to_s.strip unless patron patron = Patron.new( :full_name => name_and_role[0], :full_name_transcription => patron_list[:full_name_transcription], :patron_identifier => patron_list[:patron_identifier], :language_id => 1 ) patron.required_role = Role.where(:name => 'Guest').first patron.save end patrons << patron end patrons end def patrons self.original_patrons + self.derived_patrons end def user # TODO: 外部サービスから取得する end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: patrons # # id :integer not null, primary key # user_id :integer # last_name :string(255) # middle_name :string(255) # first_name :string(255) # last_name_transcription :string(255) # middle_name_transcription :string(255) # first_name_transcription :string(255) # corporate_name :string(255) # corporate_name_transcription :string(255) # full_name :string(255) # full_name_transcription :text # full_name_alternative :text # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # deleted_at :datetime # zip_code_1 :string(255) # zip_code_2 :string(255) # address_1 :text # address_2 :text # address_1_note :text # address_2_note :text # telephone_number_1 :string(255) # telephone_number_2 :string(255) # fax_number_1 :string(255) # fax_number_2 :string(255) # other_designation :text # place :text # postal_code :string(255) # street :text # locality :text # region :text # date_of_birth :datetime # date_of_death :datetime # language_id :integer default(1), not null # country_id :integer default(1), not null # patron_type_id :integer default(1), not null # lock_version :integer default(0), not null # note :text # required_role_id :integer default(1), not null # required_score :integer default(0), not null # state :string(255) # email :text # url :text # full_name_alternative_transcription :text # birth_date :string(255) # death_date :string(255) # patron_identifier :string(255) #