def colorize(text, color_code) puts "\033[#{color_code}m#{text}\033[0m" end { :red => 31, :green => 32, :yellow => 33 }.each do |key, color_code| define_method key do |text| colorize(text, color_code) end end namespace :acceptance do desc "Run full acceptance suite" task :full => [:check_env, :run_full] desc "Run smoke tests" task :smoke => [:check_env, :run_smoke] desc "shows components that can be tested separately" task :components do exec("bundle exec vagrant-spec components") end desc "checks if environment variables are set" task :check_env do yellow "NOTE: For acceptance tests to be functional, correct ssh key needs to be added to GCE metadata." unless ENV["GOOGLE_JSON_KEY_LOCATION"] abort "Environment variables GOOGLE_JSON_KEY_LOCATION is not set. Aborting." end unless ENV["GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID"] abort "Environment variable GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID is not set. Aborting." end unless ENV["GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL"] abort "Environment variable GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL is not set. Aborting." end unless ENV["GOOGLE_SSH_USER"] yellow "WARNING: GOOGLE_SSH_USER variable is not set. Will try to start tests using insecure Vagrant private key." end if ENV["GOOGLE_SSH_KEY_LOCATION"] if["GOOGLE_SSH_KEY_LOCATION"]).include?('ENCRYPTED') unless `ssh-add -L`.include?(ENV["GOOGLE_SSH_KEY_LOCATION"]) yellow "WARNING: It looks like ssh key is encrypted and ssh-agent doesn't contain any identities." puts "Trying to add identity, executing ssh-add..." system("ssh-add #{ENV["GOOGLE_SSH_KEY_LOCATION"]}") end end end # Set vagrant env to avoid "Encoded files can't be read" error. ENV["VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR"] = File.expand_path("../../", __FILE__) end task :run_full do components = %w( halt multi_instance preemptible reload scopes instance_groups image_family synced_folder/rsync provisioner/shell provisioner/chef-solo ).map{ |s| "provider/google/#{s}" } command = "vagrant-spec test --components=#{components.join(" ")}" puts command puts exec(command) end task :run_smoke do components = %w( provisioner/shell ).map{ |s| "provider/google/#{s}" } command = "vagrant-spec test --components=#{components.join(" ")}" puts command puts exec(command) end end