/* * YMKPinAnnotationView.h * * This file is a part of the Yandex Map Kit. * * Version for iOS © 2011 YANDEX * * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://legal.yandex.ru/mapkit/ */ #import #import "YMKAnnotationView.h" /** The supported colors for pin annotations */ enum { YMKPinAnnotationColorBlue = 0, /**< The head of the pin is blue */ YMKPinAnnotationColorGreen, /**< The head of the pin is green */ YMKPinAnnotationColorBlueCommercial /**< The head of the pin is blue with a yellow star */ }; typedef NSUInteger YMKPinAnnotationColor; /** The YMKPinAnnotationView class provides a concrete annotation view that displays a pin icon. Using this class, you can configure the type of pin to drop and whether you want the pin to be animated into place. */ @interface YMKPinAnnotationView : YMKAnnotationView { @private id _pinInternal; BOOL _animatesDrop; YMKPinAnnotationColor _pinColor; } /** Specifies whether pin annotation view should be animated upon adding to the map */ @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL animatesDrop; /** Specifies pin color */ @property (nonatomic, assign) YMKPinAnnotationColor pinColor; @end