# Copyright 2019 Pixar # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") # with the following modification; you may not use this file except in # compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: # Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: # # 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade # names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor # and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of # the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. # # You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. # # # The module module Jamf # A Collection Resource in Jamf Pro # # See {Jamf::Resource} for general info about API resources. # # Collection resources have more than one resource within them, and those # can (usually) be created and deleted as well as fetched and updated. # The entire collection (or a part of it) can also be fetched as an Array. # When the whole collection is fetched, the result is cached for future use. # # # Subclassing # # ## Creatability, & Deletability # # Sometimes the API doesn't support creation of new members of the collection. # If that's the case, just extend the subclass with Jamf::UnCreatable # and the '.create' class method will raise an error. # # Similarly for deletion of members: if the API doesn't have a way to delete # them, extend the subclass with Jamf::UnDeletable # # See also Jamf::JSONObject, which talks about extending subclasses # with Jamf::Immutable # # ## Bulk Deletion # # Some collection resources have a resource for bulk deletion, passing in # a JSON array of ids to delete. # # If so, just define a BULK_DELETE_RSRC, and the .delete class method # will use it, rather than making multiple calls to delete individual # items. See Jamf::Category::BULK_DELETE_RSRC for an example # # @abstract # class CollectionResource < Jamf::Resource extend Jamf::Abstract include Comparable # Public Class Methods ##################################### # @return [Array] the attribute names that are marked as identifiers # def self.identifiers self::OBJECT_MODEL.select { |_attr, deets| deets[:identifier] }.keys end # An array of attribute names that are required when # making new CollectionResources # See the OBJECT_MODEL documentation in {Jamf::JSONObject} def self.required_attributes self::OBJECT_MODEL.select { |_attr, deets| deets[:required] }.keys end # The Collection members Array for this class, retrieved from # the RSRC_PATH as Parsed JSON, but not instantiated into instances # unless instantiate: is truthy. # # E.g. for {Jamf::Settings::Building}, this would be the Array of Hashes # returned by GETing the resource .../settings/obj/building # # This Array is cached in the {Jamf::Connection} instance used to # retrieve it, and future calls to .all will return the cached Array # unless refresh is truthy. # # TODO: Investigate https://www.rubydoc.info/github/mloughran/api_cache # # @param refresh[Boolean] re-read the data from the API? # # @param cnx[Jamf::Connection] an API connection to use for the query. # Defaults to the corrently active connection. See {Jamf::Connection} # # @param instantiate[Boolean] The Array contains instances of this class # rather than the JSON Hashes from the API. # # @return [Array] An Array of all objects of this class in the JSS. # def self.all(refresh = false, cnx: Jamf.cnx, instantiate: false) validate_not_abstract cnx.collection_cache[self] = nil if refresh return cnx.collection_cache[self] if cnx.collection_cache[self] raw = cnx.get rsrc_path cnx.collection_cache[self] = if raw.is_a?(Hash) && raw[:results] raw[:results] else raw end return cnx.collection_cache[self] unless instantiate cnx.collection_cache[self].map { |m| new m } end # An array of the ids for all collection members # # @param refresh (see .all) # # @param cnx (see .all) # # @return [Array] # def self.all_ids(refresh = false, cnx: Jamf.cnx) all(refresh, cnx: cnx).map { |m| m[:id] } end # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName # A Hash of all members of this collection where the keys are some # identifier and values are any other attribute. # # @param ident [Symbol] An identifier of this Class, used as the key # for the mapping Hash. # # @param to [Symbol] The attribute to which the ident will be mapped # # @param refresh (see .all) # # @param cnx (see .all) # # @return [Hash {Symbol: Object}] A Hash of identifier mapped to attribute # def self.map_all(ident, to:, cnx: Jamf.cnx, refresh: false) raise Jamf::InvalidDataError, "No identifier #{ident} for class #{self}" unless identifiers.include? ident raise Jamf::NoSuchItemError, "No attribute #{to} for class #{self}" unless self::OBJECT_MODEL.key? to list = all refresh, cnx: cnx to_class = self::OBJECT_MODEL[to][:class] mapped = list.map do |i| [ i[ident], to_class.is_a?(Symbol) ? i[to] : to_class.new(i[to]) ] end # do i mapped.to_h end # rubocop:enable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName # Given any identfier value for this collection, return the valid # id, or nil if there's no match for the given value. # # If you know the value is a certain identifier, e.g. a serial_number # then you can specify the identifier, for a faster search: # # valid_id serial_number: 'AB12DE34' # => Int or nil # # If you don't know wich identifier you have, just pass the value and # all identifiers are searched # # valid_id 'AB12DE34' # => Int or nil # valid_id 'SomeComputerName' # => Int or nil # # When the value is a string, the seach is case-insensitive # # TODO: When 'Searchability' is more dialed in via the searchable # mixin, which implements enpoints like 'POST /v1/search-mobile-devices' # then use that before using the 'all' list. # # @param value [Object] A value to search for as an identifier. # # @param refresh[Boolean] Reload the list data from the API # # @param ident: [Symbol] Restrict the search to this identifier. # E.g. if :serial_number, then the value must be # a known serial number, it is not checked against other identifiers # # @param cnx: (see .all) # # @return [Object, nil] the primary identifier of the matching object, # or nil if it doesn't exist # def self.valid_id(value = nil, refresh: true, cnx: Jamf.cnx, **ident_hash) unless ident_hash.empty? ident, value = ident_hash.first return id_from_other_ident ident, value, refresh, cnx: cnx end # check the id itself first return value if all_ids(refresh, cnx: cnx).include? value idents = identifiers - [:id] val_is_str = value.is_a? String idents.each do |ident| match = all(cnx: cnx).select do |m| val_is_str ? m[ident].to_s.casecmp?(value) : m[ident] == value end.first return match[:id] if match end # identifiers.each do |ident| nil end # Bu default, subclasses are creatable, i.e. new instances can be created # with .create, and added to the JSS with .save # If a subclass is NOT creatble for any reason, just add # extend Jamf::UnCreatable # and this method will return false # # @return [Boolean] def self.creatable? true end # Make a new thing to be added to the API def self.create(params, cnx: Jamf.cnx) raise Jamf::UnsupportedError, "#{self}'s are not currently creatable via the API" unless self.creatable? validate_not_abstract params.delete :id # no such animal when .creating validate_create_params(params, cnx) params[:creating_from_create] = true new params, cnx: cnx end # Retrieve a member of a CollectionResource from the API # # To create new members to be added to the JSS, use # {Jamf::CollectionResource.create} # # If you know the specific identifier attribute you're looking up, e.g. # :id or :name or :udid, (or an aliase thereof) then you can specify it like # `.fetch name: 'somename'`, or `.fetch udid: 'someudid'` # # If you don't know if (or don't want to type it) you can just use # `.fetch 'somename'`, or `.fetch 'someudid'` and all identifiers will be # searched for a match. # # @param ident_value[Object] A value for any identifier for this subclass. # All identifier attributes will be searched for a match. # # @param cnx[Jamf::Connection] the connection to use to fetch the object # # @param ident_hash[Hash] an identifier attribute key and a search value # # @return [CollectionResource] The ruby-instance of a Jamf object # def self.fetch(ident_value = nil, cnx: Jamf.cnx, **ident_hash) validate_not_abstract id = if ident_value == :random all_ids.sample elsif ident_value valid_id ident_value elsif ident_hash.empty? nil else ident, lookup_value = ident_hash.first valid_id ident => lookup_value end raise Jamf::NoSuchItemError, "No matching #{self}" unless id data = cnx.get "#{rsrc_path}/#{id}" new data, cnx: cnx end # fetch # By default, CollectionResource subclass instances are deletable. # If not, just extend the subclass with Jamf::UnDeletable, and this # will return false, and .delete & #delete will raise errors def self.deletable? true end # Delete one or more objects by identifier # Any valid identifier for the class can be used (id, name, udid, etc) # Identifiers can be provided as an array or as separate parameters # # e.g. .delete [1,3, 34, 4] # or .delete 'myComputer', 'that-computer', 'OtherComputer' # # @param idents[Array, Integer] # # @param cnx[Jamf::Connection] # # @return [Array] the identifiers that were not found, so couldn't be deleted # def self.delete(*idents, cnx: Jamf.cnx) raise Jamf::UnsupportedError, "Deleting #{self} objects is not currently supported" unless deletable? idents.flatten! no_valid_ids = [] idents.map do |ident| id = valid_id ident no_valid_ids << ident unless id id end idents.compact! # TODO: some rsrcs have a 'bulk delete' version... idents.each { |id| cnx.delete "#{rsrc_path}/#{id}" } no_valid_ids end # Private Class Methods ##################################### # TODO: better pluralizing? # def self.create_list_methods(attr_name, attr_def) list_method_name = "all_#{attr_name}s" define_singleton_method(list_method_name) do |refresh = false, cnx: Jamf.cnx| all_list = all(refresh, cnx: cnx) if attr_def[:class].is_a? Symbol all_list.map { |i| i[attr_name] }.uniq else all_list.map { |i| attr_def[:class].new i[attr_name] } end end # define_singleton_method return unless attr_def[:aliases] # aliases - TODO: is there a more elegant way? attr_def[:aliases].each do |a| define_singleton_method("all_#{a}s") do |refresh = false, cnx: Jamf.cnx| send list_method_name, refresh, cnx: cnx end # define_singleton_method end # each alias end # create_list_methods private_class_method :create_list_methods # validate that our .create data is OK # def self.validate_create_params(params, cnx) params.keys.each do |param| raise ArgumentError, "Unknown parameter: #{param}" unless self::OBJECT_MODEL.key? param params[param] = validate_attr param, params[param], cnx: cnx end end private_class_method :validate_create_params # Given an indentier attr. key, and a value, # return the id where that ident has that value, or nil # def self.id_from_other_ident(ident, value, refresh = true, cnx: Jamf.cnx) raise ArgumentError, "Unknown identifier '#{ident}' for #{self}" unless identifiers.include? ident # check the id itself first return value if ident == :id && all_ids(refresh, cnx: cnx).include?(value) # all ident values => ids ident_map = map_all(ident, to: :id, cnx: cnx, refresh: refresh) # case-insensitivity for string values value = ident_map.keys.j_ci_fetch_string(value) if value.is_a? String ident_map[value] end private_class_method :id_from_other_ident # Instance Methods ##################################### def exist? !@id.nil? end def rsrc_path return unless exist? "#{self.class.rsrc_path}/#{@id}" end def delete raise Jamf::UnsupportedError, "Deleting #{self} objects is not currently supported" unless self.class.deletable? @cnx.delete rsrc_path end # Two collection resource objects are the same if their id's are the same def <=>(other) id <=> other.id end # Private Instance Methods ############################################ private def create_in_jamf result = @cnx.post self.class.rsrc_path, to_jamf @id = result[:id] end end # class CollectionResource end # module JAMF