# Attachments class ASF::Board::Agenda parse do pattern = / -{41}\n Attachment\s\s?(?\w+):\s(?.*?)\n+ (?<report>.*?) (?=-{41,}\n(?:End|Attach)) /mx scan @file, pattern do |attrs| attrs['title'].sub! /^Report from the VP of /, '' attrs['title'].sub! /^Report from the /, '' attrs['title'].sub! /^Status report for the /, '' attrs['title'].sub! /^Apache /, '' if attrs['title'] =~ /\s*\[.*\]$/ attrs['owner'] = attrs['title'][/\[(.*?)\]/, 1] attrs['title'].sub! /\s*\[.*\]$/, '' end attrs['title'].sub! /\sTeam$/, '' attrs['title'].sub! /\sCommittee$/, '' attrs['title'].sub! /\sProject$/, '' attrs['digest'] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(attrs['report']) attrs['report'].sub! /\n+\Z/, "\n" attrs.delete('report') if attrs['report'] == "\n" attrs['missing'] = true if attrs['report'].strip.empty? begin attrs['chair_email'] = ASF::Committee.find(attrs['title']).chair.mail.first rescue end end end end