module Krikri ## # Implements SPARQL queries for finding values and counts of values in # RDF Resources by edm:provider. module QAQueryClient SPARQL_CLIENT = Repository.query_client TYPE = :aggregation VALUE = :value module_function ## # Writes a {SPARQL::Client::Query} against the Repository for values # matching at the end of a chain of predicates. # # @example # QAQueryClient.values_for_predicate(RDF::EDM.hasView, # RDF::URI('')) # => # # . # ?aggregation a # . # OPTIONAL { # ?aggregation # ?value . # ?aggregation # ?isShownAt . # } # } ORDER BY ?aggregation)> # # @example # QAQueryClient.values_for_predicate([RDF::EDM.aggregatedCHO, # RDF::DC.title], # RDF::URI('').execute.first.value # => # # . # ?aggregation a # . # OPTIONAL { # ?aggregation # ?obj0 . # ?obj0 ?value . # ?aggregation # ?isShownAt . # } # } ORDER BY ?aggregation)> # # @example # QAQueryClient.values_for_predicate([RDF::EDM.aggregatedCHO, # RDF::DC.title], # RDF::URI('').execute.first.value # # => "Stonewall Inn [2]" # # @param predicates [#to_uri, Array<#to_uri>] a predicate or list of # predicates to query # @param provider_uri [#to_uri] a URI for an edm:provider value. Results # will be filtered to Resources that have this provider. # # @return [SPARQL::Client::Query] a query object that will give solutions # with `:value`, `:aggregation`, and `:isShownAt` variables. def values_for_predicate(predicates, provider_uri = nil) raise ArgumentError, 'provider_uri must be an RDF::URI' unless provider_uri.respond_to? :to_uri optional_patterns = build_optional_patterns(predicates) optional_patterns << [TYPE, RDF::EDM.isShownAt, :isShownAt], VALUE, :isShownAt) .where(*where_patterns(provider_uri)) .optional(*optional_patterns) .order_by(TYPE) end ## # Writes a {SPARQL::Client::Query} against the Repository for counts of # values matching at the end of a chain of predicates. # # @example # QAQueryClient.counts_for_predicate(RDF::EDM.hasView, # RDF::URI('') # => # # . # ?aggregation a # . # OPTIONAL { # ?aggregation # ?value . # } # } GROUP BY ?value ORDER BY DESC(?count))> # # @param predicates [#to_uri, Array<#to_uri>] a predicate or list of # predicates to query # @param provider_uri [#to_uri] a URI for an edm:provider value. Results # will be filtered to Resources that have this provider. # # @return [SPARQL::Client::Query] a query object that will give solutions # with `:value` and `:count` variables. def counts_for_predicate(predicates, provider_uri = nil) raise ArgumentError, 'provider_uri must be an RDF::URI' unless provider_uri.respond_to? :to_uri optional_patterns = build_optional_patterns(predicates), count: { '*' => :count }) .where(*where_patterns(provider_uri)) .optional(*optional_patterns) .group_by(VALUE) .order_by('DESC(?count)') end ## # @param provider_uri [#to_uri] a URI for an edm:provider value. # # @return [Array>] An array of pattern arrays that match # ore:Aggregations with the given provider_uri # @see RDF::Query # @see RDF::Query::Pattern def where_patterns(provider_uri) [[TYPE, RDF::EDM.provider, provider_uri], [TYPE, RDF.type, RDF::ORE.Aggregation]] end ## # Builds patterns matching a predicate or chain of predicates given, # assigning an unbound variable to each set of matches and passing it to # the next pattern. # # @param predicates [#to_uri, Array<#to_uri>] a predicate or list of # predicates to build patterns against. # # @return [Array>] An array of pattern arrays # @see RDF::Query # @see RDF::Query::Pattern def build_optional_patterns(predicates) return [[TYPE, predicates, VALUE]] unless predicates.is_a? Enumerable var1 = TYPE patterns = predicates.each_with_object([]) do |predicate, ps| var2 = (ps.count == predicates.size - 1) ? VALUE : "obj#{ps.count}".to_sym ps << [var1, predicate, var2] var1 = var2 end end end end