require 'awestruct/page' require 'json' require 'rack' module Awestruct module Rack class Debug def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) engine = ::Awestruct::Engine.instance debug = false query = ::Rack::Utils.parse_query(env['QUERY_STRING']) path = env['REQUEST_PATH'] path = path + 'index.html' if path.end_with? '/' page =[path] debug = true if !page.nil? and query.include? 'debug' if debug debug_exp = [] debug_exp = query['debug'].split('.').reverse unless query['debug'].nil? if debug_exp.size == 0 html =, 'trace.html')) return [200, {'Content-Type'.freeze => 'text/html', 'Content-Length'.freeze => html.size.to_s}, [html] ] else json = '' begin json = dump(introspect(page, {}, debug_exp)) rescue Exception => e json += e.message end return [200, {'Content-Type'.freeze => 'application/json', 'Content-Length'.freeze => json.size.to_s}, [json] ] end else source_call = if source_call[1]['Content-Type'].eql? 'text/html' html = source_call[2][0] html += %Q( ) source_call[1]['Content-Length'] = html.size.to_s source_call[2][0] = html end source_call end end def introspect(source, target, exp, depth = 0) return target if source.nil? exp_all_curr = exp.clone exp_curr = exp_all_curr.pop if source.is_a? Array if !exp_curr.nil? and exp_curr[/^-?\d+$/] target_arr = [] (0...source.size).each {|x| target_arr[x] = {}} target_arr[exp_curr.to_i] = introspect(source[exp_curr.to_i], {}, exp_all_curr, depth+1) return target_arr else target_arr = [] source.each{ |var| target_arr << introspect(var, {}, exp, depth+1)} return target_arr end end return target if exp_curr.nil? data = nil if source.is_a? Awestruct::Page data = source.original_entries elsif source.is_a? Hash data = source elsif source.is_a? OpenStruct data = source.to_h end return source.to_s if data.nil? data.each do |key, value| if key.to_s == exp_curr or exp_curr == '*' if value.is_a? Hash or value.is_a? OpenStruct or value.is_a? Awestruct::Page target[key] = introspect(value, {}, exp_all_curr, depth+1) elsif value.is_a? Array target[key] = introspect(value, {}, exp_all_curr, depth+1) else target[key] = value end elsif exp_curr[/^-?\d+$/] if value.is_a? Array target_arr = [] target_arr << introspect(value[exp_curr.to_i], {}, exp_all_curr, depth+1) target[key] = target_arr end end end target end def dump(value) value = value.to_h if value.is_a? OpenStruct JSON.pretty_generate(value) end end end end