<%- if @managed_content.empty? -%>

No FAQs have been added yet.

<%- else -%>

To reorder the questions and answers, drag and drop the rows below using the drag icon on the right hand side of the table.

<%- @managed_content.each do |managed_content| -%> <%- end -%>
<%= @publication.headline_label -%> <%= @publication.content_label -%> Status Publication Date Revision Date <%= image_tag '/images/icons/move_white.png' -%>
<%= link_to managed_content.headline, admin_publication_managed_content_path(@publication, managed_content) -%> <%= strip_tags(managed_content.content).truncate(100).html_safe -%> <%= managed_content.state.capitalize -%> <%= managed_content.publication_date ? managed_content.publication_date.to_s(:concise) : '-' -%> <%= managed_content.revision_date ? managed_content.revision_date.to_s(:concise) : '-' -%> Move
<%= sortable_element 'content_list', :update => nil, :url => admin_publication_reorder_managed_contents_path(@publication), :method => :put, :tag => 'tr' unless Rails.env.test? -%> <%- end -%>