================================================================================ Using DBD tests ================================================================================ Before you do anything, read the TESTING file. Create a YAML file named .ruby-dbi.test-config.yaml in your home directory. This file is a hash of keys that determine what you want to test and how you access the databases related to those tests. The key 'dbtypes' is an array which determines what tests you want to run. They *do not* correspond to the driver names, they correspond to the test directories that were made for them. Each 'dbtype' has a key that contains a hash of values: - username: the username of your account - password: the password for your account - dbname: the name of the database to connect to NOTE that tests expect to connect to a database on localhost currently. This may be fixed in the future, especially when we start writing Oracle and SQLServer tests. Each DBD test relies on database semantics which may not match up entirely with this configuration. For instance, the postgresql tests expect you to be able to work with the database directly via the `psql' client. This is something which will eventually be remedied as time and ability allows. Here is a sample configuration to get you started with the postgresql tests: ################################################################################ --- dbtypes: - postgresql postgresql: username: erikh password: monkeys dbname: rubytest ################################################################################ NOTE the --- is part of the file and is not a separator. ================================================================================ Writing DBD tests ================================================================================ Coming soon.