module Osm class Section attr_reader :id, :name, :subscription_level, :subscription_expires, :type, :num_scouts, :has_badge_records, :has_programme, :wizard, :column_names, :fields, :intouch_fields, :mobile_fields, :extra_records, :role # Initialize a new SectionConfig using the hash returned by the API call # @param id the section ID used by the API to refer to this section # @param data the hash of data for the object returned by the API def initialize(id, name, data, role) subscription_levels = [:bronze, :silver, :gold] subscription_level = data['subscription_level'].to_i - 1 @id = Osm::to_i_or_nil(id) @name = name @subscription_level = (subscription_levels[subscription_level] unless subscription_level < 0) || :unknown @subscription_expires = data['subscription_expires'] ? Date.parse(data['subscription_expires'], 'yyyy-mm-dd') : nil @type = !data['sectionType'].nil? ? data['sectionType'].to_sym : :unknown @num_scouts = data['numscouts'] @has_badge_records = data['hasUsedBadgeRecords'].eql?('1') ? true : false @has_programme = data['hasProgramme'] @wizard = (data['wizard'] || '').downcase.eql?('true') ? true : false @column_names = Osm::symbolize_hash(data['columnNames'] || {}) @fields = Osm::symbolize_hash(data['fields'] || {}) @intouch_fields = Osm::symbolize_hash(data['intouch'] || {}) @mobile_fields = Osm::symbolize_hash(data['mobFields'] || {}) @extra_records = data['extraRecords'] || [] @role = role # Symbolise the keys in each hash of the extra_records array @extra_records.each do |item| # Expect item to be: {:name=>String, :extraid=>FixNum} # Sometimes get item as: [String, {"name"=>String, "extraid"=>FixNum}] if item.is_a?(Array) item = Osm::symbolize_hash(item[1]) else item = Osm::symbolize_hash(item) end end end def youth_section? [:beavers, :cubs, :scouts, :explorers].include?(@type) end # Custom section type checkers [:beavers, :cubs, :scouts, :explorers, :adults, :waiting].each do |attribute| define_method "#{attribute}?" do @type == attribute end end def <=>(another_section) self.role <=> another_section.try(:role) end def ==(another_section) == another_section.try(:id) end end end