XML Security Library




bignum -- Big numbers helper functions.


SECItem*            xmlSecNssNodeGetBigNumValue         (PRArenaPool *arena,
                                                         const xmlNodePtr cur,
                                                         SECItem *a);
intxmlSecNssNodeSetBigNumValue         (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                                         const SECItem *a,
                                                         int addLineBreaks);


Big numbers helper functions.


xmlSecNssNodeGetBigNumValue ()

SECItem*            xmlSecNssNodeGetBigNumValue         (PRArenaPool *arena,
                                                         const xmlNodePtr cur,
                                                         SECItem *a);

Converts the node content from CryptoBinary format (http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/sec-CryptoBinary) to a SECItem. If no SECItem object provided then a new one is created (caller is responsible for freeing it).

arena :

the arena from which to allocate memory

cur :

the poitner to an XML node.

a :

a SECItem object to hold the BigNum value

Returns :

a pointer to SECItem produced from CryptoBinary string or NULL if an error occurs.

xmlSecNssNodeSetBigNumValue ()

int                 xmlSecNssNodeSetBigNumValue         (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                                         const SECItem *a,
                                                         int addLineBreaks);

Converts SECItem to CryptoBinary string (http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/sec-CryptoBinary) and sets it as the content of the given node. If the addLineBreaks is set then line breaks are added before and after the CryptoBinary string.

cur :

the pointer to an XML node.

a :

a SECItem containing the BigNum value.

addLineBreaks :

if the flag is equal to 1 then linebreaks will be added before and after new buffer content.

Returns :

0 on success or -1 otherwise.