require 'yaml' require 'pathname' require_relative 'util' class I18nFlow::Configuration module Validation def self.included(base) base.include(InstanceMethods) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def _validators @_validators ||= [] end def validate(attr, message, &block) _validators << [attr, message, block] end end module InstanceMethods def validate! self.class._validators.each do |attr, message, block| next if instance_eval(&block) raise, message) end end end end class NoConfigurationFileFoundError < ::IOError def message 'no configuration file found' end end class ValueError < ::StandardError def initialize(attr, message) @attr = attr @message = message end def message '%s: %s' % [@attr, @message] end end end class I18nFlow::Configuration include Validation CONFIG_FILES = [ 'i18n_flow.yml', 'i18n_flow.yaml', ].freeze LINTERS = %i[ file_scope symmetry ].freeze attr_reader(*%i[ base_path glob_patterns valid_locales locale_pairs linters split_max_level split_line_threshold ]) validate :base_path, 'need to be an absolute path' do !!base_path&.absolute? end validate :glob_patterns, 'should be an array' do !glob_patterns.nil? end validate :glob_patterns, 'should contain at least one pattern' do glob_patterns.any? end validate :valid_locales, 'should be an array' do !valid_locales.nil? end validate :valid_locales, 'should contain at least one pattern' do valid_locales.any? end validate :locale_pairs, 'should be an array' do !locale_pairs.nil? end validate :linters, "should be an array" do !linters.nil? end validate :linters, "should contain any of [#{LINTERS.join(', ')}]" do (linters - LINTERS).empty? end validate :split_max_level, 'must be set' do !split_max_level.nil? end validate :split_line_threshold, 'must be set' do !split_line_threshold.nil? end def initialize update(validate: false) do |c| c.base_path = File.expand_path('.') c.glob_patterns = ['*.en.yml'] c.valid_locales = %w[en] c.locale_pairs = [] c.linters = LINTERS c.split_max_level = 3 c.split_line_threshold = 50 end end def base_path=(path) @base_path = path&.tap do |v| break end end def glob_patterns=(patterns) @glob_patterns = patterns&.tap do |v| break unless v.is_a?(Array) break end end def locale_pairs=(pairs) @locale_pairs = pairs&.tap do |v| break unless v.is_a?(Array) break unless v.all? { |e| e.size == 2 } break { |e| } end end def valid_locales=(locales) @valid_locales = locales&.tap do |v| break unless v.is_a?(Array) break end end def linters=(linters) @linters = linters&.tap do |v| break unless v.is_a?(Array) break end end def split_max_level=(level) @split_max_level = level&.tap do |v| break unless v.is_a?(Integer) end end def split_line_threshold=(threshold) @split_line_threshold = threshold&.tap do |v| break unless v.is_a?(Integer) end end def update(validate: true) yield self if block_given? validate! if validate end def auto_configure! load_from_file! update end private def load_from_file! config_file = I18nFlow::Util.find_file_upward(*CONFIG_FILES) unless config_file raise NoConfigurationFileFoundError end yaml = YAML.load_file(config_file) yaml_dir = File.dirname(config_file) _base_path = yaml.delete('base_path') self.base_path = _base_path ? File.absolute_path(_base_path, yaml_dir) : yaml_dir yaml.each do |k, v| if respond_to?("#{k}=") send("#{k}=", v) else raise'invalid option: %s' % [k]) end end end end