define([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'backbone_apps/models/school', 'jquery_plugins/jquery.formparams', 'jquery_plugins/jquery.blockUI-2.3.7' ], function($, _, Backbone, School){ $.blockUI.defaults.css = {}; var SchoolSelectorView = Backbone.View.extend({ newSchoolForm : $($('#new-school-form-tpl').html()).html(), stateDefs : { 'schools-found' : function() { $(this.el).addClass('schools-found').removeClass('schools-not-found'); }, 'schools-not-found' : function() { $(this.el).addClass('schools-not-found').removeClass('schools-found'); }, 'adding-school' : function() { $(this.el).addClass('adding-school').removeClass('cancelled-school-edit'); }, 'editing-school' : function() { $(this.el).addClass('editing-school').removeClass('cancelled-school-edit'); }, 'cancelled-school-edit' : function() { $(this.el).addClass('cancelled-school-edit').removeClass('adding-school editing-school'); }, 'new-school-exists' : function() { $(this.el).addClass('new-school-exists').removeClass('adding-school editing-school'); }, 'new-school-updated' : function() { $(this.el).addClass('new-school-updated').removeClass('adding-school editing-school'); } }, events : { 'click a[href="#add-new-school"]' : 'addNewSchool', 'click a[href="#edit-new-school"]' : 'editNewSchool', 'click a[href*="cancel-edit-school"]' : 'cancelEditSchool', // the *= attribute portion of the selector is necessary for IE7 'click a[href="#select-new-school"]' : 'selectNewSchool', 'click #school_submit' : 'submitSchool' }, initialize : function(opts) { var self = this; _.bindAll(this, 'validateZipcode', 'handleSchoolsFound', 'handleSchoolsNotFound', 'handleNewSchoolSaved', 'handleAudienceChange', 'addSchoolFields', 'setState', 'detach', 'reattach', 'populateSchoolsSelect'); // used later when we detach and reattach this view element to the DOM this.$prevEl = $(this.el).prev(); // handle changes in the audience field. show the school selector if audience is educator this.$audienceField = opts.audienceField; if( opts.audienceField.length ) { this.$'change', this.handleAudienceChange); this.handleAudienceChange(); } // intialize zipcode validation and Ajax posting this.validateZipcode = _.debounce(this.validateZipcode, 500); this.$('#school-select-zipcode').bind('keydown', function(e) { self.supressFormSubmission(e); self.validateZipcode(); }); // search for a zipcode if one is pre-populated in the form; run this once per page load var $zipcodeField = this.$('#school-select-zipcode'); var zipcode = $zipcodeField.val(); if(zipcode &&\d{5}/) >= 0) { $zipcodeField.trigger('keydown'); } = new School(); }, addNewSchool : function(e) { var $newSchoolForm; e.preventDefault(); this.disableSelection(); this.disableZipcodeInput(); // $('#new-school-form').show(); this.showNewSchoolForm() // a jQuery ref to the form is returned .find('#school_zipcode') .val( $('#school-select-zipcode').val() ); this.setState('adding-school'); }, editNewSchool : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.disableSelection(); this.disableZipcodeInput(); this.showEditSchoolForm(); this.setState('editing-school'); }, selectNewSchool : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var zipcode ='zipcode'); this.$('#school-select-zipcode').val(zipcode); this.getSchoolsForZipcode(zipcode,; }, cancelEditSchool : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.hideNewSchoolForm(); if(this.schoolsFound) { this.enableSelection(); } this.enableZipcodeInput(); this.setState('cancelled-school-edit'); }, showSchoolForm : function(action) { return $('#new-school-form').empty() .append(this[action + 'SchoolForm']) .show() .find('#school_name') .focus() .end(); }, showNewSchoolForm : function() { return this.showSchoolForm('new'); }, showEditSchoolForm : function() { return this.showSchoolForm('edit'); }, hideNewSchoolForm : function() { $('#new-school-form').fadeOut('slow',function(){ $(this).empty(); }); }, selectedSchoolIdFromServer : function() { return $('#school-id').data('selected-id'); }, populateSchoolsSelect : function(optionsHTML) { var $schoolSelect = $('#school-id'), selectedId = this.selectedSchoolIdFromServer(); $schoolSelect.html(optionsHTML); if( !(_.isUndefined(selectedId) || selectedId === '') ) { $schoolSelect.val(selectedId); } this.populateSchoolsSelect = function(optionsHTML) { $schoolSelect.html(optionsHTML); }; }, enableSelection : function() { $('#school-id').removeAttr('disabled'); }, enableZipcodeInput : function() { $('#school-select-zipcode').removeAttr('disabled'); }, disableZipcodeInput : function() { $('#school-select-zipcode').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }, disableSelection : function() { $('#school-id').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }, supressFormSubmission : function(e) { if(e.which == 13) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }, validateZipcode : function(e) { var $zipcode = $("#school-select-zipcode"); var isValid = $zipcode.prop('validity').valid; if(isValid) { this.getSchoolsForZipcode($('#school-select-zipcode').val(), || this.selectedSchoolIdFromServer()); } else { this.disableSelection(); } }, handleSchoolsFound : function(schoolsOptionsHTML) { this.schoolsFound = true; this.enableSelection(); this.enableZipcodeInput(); this.populateSchoolsSelect(schoolsOptionsHTML); this.setState('schools-found'); }, handleSchoolsNotFound : function() { this.schoolsFound = false; this.enableZipcodeInput(); this.populateSchoolsSelect(''); this.setState('schools-not-found'); }, handleNewSchoolSaved : function(saveOp) { var context = this, schoolsOptionsCache = this.getSchoolsForZipcode, zipcode ='zipcode'), id =; /* update the DOM after we've fetched the new edit form so the old edit form isn't accidentally used if the user *quickly* clicks the edit link */ this.fetchEditSchoolForm( function() { if(saveOp == 'update') { delete schoolsOptionsCache[zipcode + id]; context.setState('new-school-updated'); } else { context.setState('new-school-exists'); } $('#school-id-input .inline-errors').remove(); context.$('#school-select-zipcode').val(zipcode).trigger('refreshCustomValidityRules'); context.getSchoolsForZipcode(zipcode, id); $('#new-school-form').unblock({fadeOut: 0}); context.hideNewSchoolForm(); } ); }, handleNewSchoolSavedError : function(model, response) { var errors = $.parseJSON(response.responseText); this.editSchoolForm = errors.html; this.showEditSchoolForm(); }, handleAudienceChange : function() { var selectedText = this.$audienceField.find(':selected').text(); if( selectedText.toLowerCase() != 'educator' ) { this.detach(); } else { this.addSchoolFields(); } }, addSchoolFields : function() { // if not already in DOM, add it if(!$($(this.el).selector).length) { this.reattach(); } }, fetchEditSchoolForm : function(success_callback) { $.ajax({ url : '/schools/' + + '/edit', context: this, success : function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) { if(success_callback) { success_callback(); } this.editSchoolForm = response; } }); }, setState : function(state) { this.stateDefs[state].call(this); }, getSchoolsForZipCodeXhr : function(zipcode, selectedId) { this.enableSelection(); $('#school-id option').first().text('Searching...'); $.ajax('/schools', { context : this, data : { zipcode : zipcode, new_school_id : selectedId }, success : function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) { if(response.html) { this.handleSchoolsFound(response.html); } else { this.handleSchoolsNotFound(); } // memoize the response html on the getSchoolsForZipCode function this.getSchoolsForZipcode[zipcode + ( || '')] = response.html; } }); }, getSchoolsForZipcode : function(zipcode, selectedId) { this.disableZipcodeInput(); var schoolOptionsHTML = arguments.callee[zipcode + ( selectedId || '' )]; if(_.isUndefined(schoolOptionsHTML)) { this.getSchoolsForZipCodeXhr(zipcode, selectedId); } else { if(schoolOptionsHTML === '') { this.handleSchoolsNotFound(); } else { this.handleSchoolsFound(schoolOptionsHTML); } } return schoolOptionsHTML; }, clearSchoolQueryCacheFor : function(zipcode, id) { var schoolsQueryCache = this.getSchoolsForZipcode; delete schoolsQueryCache[zipcode + id]; }, submitSchool : function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var formParamsConvertTypes = false, formParams = this.$('#new-school-form').formParams(formParamsConvertTypes), saveOp = ? 'update' : 'create'; $('#new-school-form').block({ message: 'Saving educational institution ', overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: null, opacity: null } }); // Clear the cached search result related to the new school, as the user is now changing the zipcode if(saveOp == 'update' && !='zipcode')) { this.clearSchoolQueryCacheFor('zipcode'),; }, { success : _.bind(this.handleNewSchoolSaved, this, saveOp), error : _.bind(this.handleNewSchoolSavedError, this) }); }, detach : function() { $(this.el).detach(); }, reattach : function() { $(this.el).insertAfter(this.$prevEl); } }); // called when plugin is loaded and document is ready return function($) { var $schoolSelectorEl = $('#profile-school'); if($schoolSelectorEl.length) { new SchoolSelectorView({ el : $schoolSelectorEl.get(), audienceField : $('#user_profile_attributes_audience_id') }); } return SchoolSelectorView; }; // anonymous define return function }); // define