require 'psych'
rescue LoadError
require 'yaml'
require 'erb'
require 'cartage/plugin'
class Cartage
# Upload the target package to S3.
# == Configuration
# Cartage::S3 is configured in the +plugins.s3+ section of the Cartage
# configuration file, and supports the following keys:
# +path+:: The path name or bucket name where the targets will be uploaded.
# The --path option will override a config-provided path
# setting.
# +credentials+:: A dictionary which, if present, will be used to initialize
# a Fog::Storage object. If +credentials+ is set in a
# configuration file, the command-line parameters
# --key-id, --secret-key, and
# --region will be ignored.
# For AWS in us-west-2, this configuration would look like this:
# ---
# plugins:
# s3:
# path: PATHNAME
# credentials:
# provider: AWS
# aws_access_key_id: YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
# aws_secret_access_key: YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
# region: us-west-2
# For Rackspace CloudFiles London, it would be:
# ---
# plugins:
# s3:
# path: PATHNAME
# credentials:
# provider: Rackspace
# rackspace_username: RACKSPACE_USERNAME
# rackspace_api_key: RACKSPACE_API_KEY
# rackspace_auth_url:
# For Google Cloud Storage, it would be:
# ---
# plugins:
# s3:
# path: PATHNAME
# credentials:
# provider: Google
# google_storage_access_key_id: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID
# google_storage_secret_access_key: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
# If Cartage#environment has been set, that value will be used to select
# partitioned configuration values.
# ---
# development:
# plugins:
# s3:
# path: PATHNAME
# credentials:
# provider: AWS
# aws_access_key_id: YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
# aws_secret_access_key: YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
# region: us-west-2
# === Cloud Storage Security Considerations
# cartage-s3 does not create the target path and expects to place both
# files in the same directory. The only thing that is required from the
# access user is that it may put a file directly into the bucket/path. The
# files in question are timestamped UTC, so there is little chance for
# collision.
class S3 < Cartage::Plugin
VERSION = '1.0' #:nodoc:
# The AWS S3 path (bucket) to use for uploading the cartage package.
attr_accessor :path
# The AWS S3 Access Key ID. If a +credentials+ section is not present in
# the configuration file and this is not provided, this will be pulled from
attr_accessor :aws_access_key_id
# The AWS S3 Secret Access Key. If a +credentials+ section is not present
# in the configuration file and this is not provided, this will be pulled
attr_accessor :aws_secret_access_key
# The AWS S3 Region name.
attr_accessor :region
# Perform the upload.
def upload
require 'fog'
connection =
@cartage.display "Uploading #{@cartage.final_release_hashref.basename}..."
connection.put_object(@target, @cartage.final_release_hashref.basename.to_s,
@cartage.display "Uploading #{@cartage.final_tarball.basename}..."
connection.put_object(@target, @cartage.final_tarball.basename.to_s,
def resolve_config!(s3_config)
@target = s3_config && s3_config.path
@access = if s3_config && s3_config.credentials
provider: 'AWS',
aws_access_key_id: value_for!(:aws_access_key_id),
aws_secret_access_key: value_for!(:aws_secret_access_key),
region: region
provider = @access[:provider]
raise ArgumentError, <<-exception if provider.nil? or provider.empty?
Cannot upload: no provider set.
@target = path || @target
raise ArgumentError, <<-exception if @target.nil? or @target.empty?
Cannot upload to #{provider}: path is not set.
def value_for!(name)
(send(name) || ENV[name.to_s.upcase]).tap do |value|
raise ArgumentError, <<-exception if value.nil? or value.empty?
Cannot upload: AWS S3 requires #{name.to_s.upcase} be provided.
def self.commands
require_relative 's3/command'
[ Cartage::S3::Command ]