#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' require 'haml/template' require 'sass/plugin' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/mocks/article' require 'action_pack/version' module Haml::Filters::Test include Haml::Filters::Base def render(text) "TESTING HAHAHAHA!" end end module Haml::Helpers def test_partial(name, locals = {}) Haml::Engine.new(File.read(File.join(TemplateTest::TEMPLATE_PATH, "_#{name}.haml"))).render(self, locals) end end class Egocentic def method_missing(*args) self end end class DummyController attr_accessor :logger def initialize @logger = Egocentic.new end def self.controller_path '' end def controller_path '' end end class TemplateTest < Test::Unit::TestCase TEMPLATE_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates") TEMPLATES = %w{ very_basic standard helpers whitespace_handling original_engine list helpful silent_script tag_parsing just_stuff partials filters nuke_outer_whitespace nuke_inner_whitespace render_layout } # partial layouts were introduced in 2.0.0 TEMPLATES << 'partial_layout' unless ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR < 2 def setup @base = create_base # filters template uses :sass Sass::Plugin.options.update(:line_comments => true, :style => :compact) end def create_base vars = { 'article' => Article.new, 'foo' => 'value one' } unless Haml::Util.has?(:instance_method, ActionView::Base, :finder) base = ActionView::Base.new(TEMPLATE_PATH, vars) else # Rails 2.1.0 base = ActionView::Base.new([], vars) base.finder.append_view_path(TEMPLATE_PATH) end if Haml::Util.has?(:private_method, base, :evaluate_assigns) # Rails < 3.0 base.send(:evaluate_assigns) elsif Haml::Util.has?(:private_method, base, :_evaluate_assigns_and_ivars) # Rails 2.2 base.send(:_evaluate_assigns_and_ivars) end # This is needed by RJS in (at least) Rails 3 base.instance_variable_set('@template', base) # This is used by form_for. # It's usually provided by ActionController::Base. def base.protect_against_forgery?; false; end # In Rails <= 2.1, a fake controller object was needed # to provide the controller path. if ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR < 2 || (ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR == 2 && ActionPack::VERSION::MINOR < 2) base.controller = DummyController.new end base end def render(text, opts = {}) return @base.render(:inline => text, :type => :haml) if opts == :action_view Haml::Engine.new(text, opts).to_html(@base) end def load_result(name) @result = '' File.new(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/results/#{name}.xhtml").each_line { |l| @result += l } @result end def assert_renders_correctly(name, &render_method) old_options = Haml::Template.options.dup Haml::Template.options[:escape_html] = false if ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR < 2 || (ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR == 2 && ActionPack::VERSION::MINOR < 2) render_method ||= proc { |name| @base.render(name) } else render_method ||= proc { |name| @base.render(:file => name) } end load_result(name).split("\n").zip(render_method[name].split("\n")).each_with_index do |pair, line| message = "template: #{name}\nline: #{line}" assert_equal(pair.first, pair.last, message) end rescue Haml::Util.av_template_class(:Error) => e if e.message =~ /Can't run [\w:]+ filter; required (one of|file) ((?:'\w+'(?: or )?)+)(, but none were found| not found)/ puts "\nCouldn't require #{$2}; skipping a test." else raise e end ensure Haml::Template.options = old_options end def test_empty_render_should_remain_empty assert_equal('', render('')) end TEMPLATES.each do |template| define_method "test_template_should_render_correctly [template: #{template}] " do assert_renders_correctly template end end def test_templates_should_render_correctly_with_render_proc assert_renders_correctly("standard") do |name| engine = Haml::Engine.new(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/#{name}.haml")) engine.render_proc(@base).call end end def test_templates_should_render_correctly_with_def_method assert_renders_correctly("standard") do |name| engine = Haml::Engine.new(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/#{name}.haml")) engine.def_method(@base, "render_standard") @base.render_standard end end if ActionPack::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 # Rails 3.0.0 deprecates the use of yield with a layout # for calls to render :file def test_action_view_templates_render_correctly proc = lambda do @base.content_for(:layout) {'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'} assert_renders_correctly 'content_for_layout' end if @base.respond_to?(:with_output_buffer) @base.with_output_buffer("", &proc) else proc.call end end end def test_instance_variables_should_work_inside_templates @base.instance_variable_set("@content_for_layout", 'something') assert_equal("


", render("%p= @content_for_layout").chomp) @base.instance_eval("@author = 'Hampton Catlin'") assert_equal("
Hampton Catlin
", render(".author= @author").chomp) @base.instance_eval("@author = 'Hampton'") assert_equal("Hampton", render("= @author").chomp) @base.instance_eval("@author = 'Catlin'") assert_equal("Catlin", render("= @author").chomp) end def test_instance_variables_should_work_inside_attributes @base.instance_eval("@author = 'hcatlin'") assert_equal("


", render("%p{:class => @author} foo").chomp) end def test_template_renders_should_eval assert_equal("2\n", render("= 1+1")) end unless Haml::Util.ap_geq_3? def test_form_for_error_return assert_raise(Haml::Error) { render(< '' do |f| Title: = f.text_field :title Body: = f.text_field :body HAML end def test_form_tag_error_return assert_raise(Haml::Error) { render(< true))

foo baz

HTML %p foo -# Parenthesis required due to Rails 3.0 deprecation of block helpers -# that return strings. - (with_output_buffer do bar = "foo".gsub(/./) do |s| - "flup" - end; nil) baz HAML end def test_exceptions_should_work_correctly begin render("- raise 'oops!'") rescue Exception => e assert_equal("oops!", e.message) assert_match(/^\(haml\):1/, e.backtrace[0]) else assert false end template = < e assert_match(/^\(haml\):5/, e.backtrace[0]) else assert false end end if defined?(ActionView::OutputBuffer) && Haml::Util.has?(:instance_method, ActionView::OutputBuffer, :append_if_string=) def test_av_block_deprecation_warning assert_warning(/^DEPRECATION WARNING: - style block helpers are deprecated\. Please use =\./) do assert_equal < Title: Body: HTML - form_for #{form_for_calling_convention(:article)}, :url => '' do |f| Title: = f.text_field :title Body: = f.text_field :body HAML end end end ## XSS Protection Tests # In order to enable these, either test against Rails 3.0 # or test against Rails 2.2.5+ with the rails_xss plugin # (http://github.com/NZKoz/rails_xss) in test/plugins. if Haml::Util.rails_xss_safe? def test_escape_html_option_set assert Haml::Template.options[:escape_html] end def test_xss_protection assert_equal("Foo & Bar\n", render('= "Foo & Bar"', :action_view)) end def test_xss_protection_with_safe_strings assert_equal("Foo & Bar\n", render('= Haml::Util.html_safe("Foo & Bar")', :action_view)) end def test_xss_protection_with_bang assert_equal("Foo & Bar\n", render('!= "Foo & Bar"', :action_view)) end def test_xss_protection_in_interpolation assert_equal("Foo & Bar\n", render('Foo #{"&"} Bar', :action_view)) end def test_xss_protection_with_bang_in_interpolation assert_equal("Foo & Bar\n", render('! Foo #{"&"} Bar', :action_view)) end def test_xss_protection_with_safe_strings_in_interpolation assert_equal("Foo & Bar\n", render('Foo #{Haml::Util.html_safe("&")} Bar', :action_view)) end def test_xss_protection_with_mixed_strings_in_interpolation assert_equal("Foo & Bar & Baz\n", render('Foo #{Haml::Util.html_safe("&")} Bar #{"&"} Baz', :action_view)) end def test_rendered_string_is_html_safe assert(render("Foo").html_safe?) end def test_rendered_string_is_html_safe_with_action_view assert(render("Foo", :action_view).html_safe?) end def test_xss_html_escaping_with_non_strings assert_equal("4\n", render("= html_escape(4)")) end def test_xss_protection_with_concat assert_equal("Foo & Bar", render('- concat "Foo & Bar"', :action_view)) end def test_xss_protection_with_concat_with_safe_string assert_equal("Foo & Bar", render('- concat(Haml::Util.html_safe("Foo & Bar"))', :action_view)) end if Haml::Util.has?(:instance_method, ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper, :safe_concat) def test_xss_protection_with_safe_concat assert_equal("Foo & Bar", render('- safe_concat "Foo & Bar"', :action_view)) end end ## Regression def test_xss_protection_with_nested_haml_tag assert_equal(<
  • Content!
HTML - haml_tag :div do - haml_tag :ul do - haml_tag :li, "Content!" HAML end def test_xss_protection_with_form_for assert_equal(< Title: Body: HTML #{rails_block_helper_char} form_for #{form_for_calling_convention(:article)}, :url => '' do |f| Title: = f.text_field :title Body: = f.text_field :body HAML end def test_rjs assert_equal(<