module AbsorbApi::Relations
Public Instance Methods
create(attributes = []) { |object| ... }
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# File lib/absorb_api/relations.rb, line 45 def create(attributes = [], &block) object = yield object if block_given? attrs = JSON.parse(object.to_json) attrs.keys.each { |k| attrs[ k.camelize ] = attrs.delete(k) } response ="#{to_s.demodulize.pluralize}", attrs) if response.status == 500 raise ValidationError elsif response.status == 405 raise RouteNotFound else = response.body["Id"] object end end
has_many(rel_name, klass = nil)
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# File lib/absorb_api/relations.rb, line 6 def has_many(rel_name, klass = nil) klass ||= rel_name define_method "#{rel_name.to_s}" do |**conditions| AbsorbApi.api.get("#{self.class.to_s.demodulize.pluralize}/#{id}/#{rel_name.to_s}", conditions)! do |attributes| "AbsorbApi::#{klass.to_s.classify}" end end define_method "find_#{rel_name.to_s.singularize}" do |child_id| response = AbsorbApi.api.get("#{self.class.to_s.demodulize.pluralize}/#{id}/#{rel_name.to_s}/#{child_id}") if response.status == 400 raise ResourceNotFound else "AbsorbApi::#{klass.to_s.classify}" end end define_method "#{rel_name.to_s.singularize}_ids" do AbsorbApi.api.get("#{self.class.to_s.demodulize.pluralize}/#{id}/#{rel_name.to_s}")! do |attributes| "AbsorbApi::#{klass.to_s.classify}" end end
has_one(rel_name, klass = nil)
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# File lib/absorb_api/relations.rb, line 31 def has_one(rel_name, klass = nil) klass ||= rel_name define_method "#{rel_name.to_s}" do "AbsorbApi::#{klass.to_s.classify}""#{klass.to_s.pluralize}/"+ send(rel_name.to_s + "_id")).body) end end
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# File lib/absorb_api/relations.rb, line 39 def where(**conditions) AbsorbApi.api.get("#{to_s.demodulize.pluralize}", conditions)! do |attributes| new(attributes) end, {klass: to_s.demodulize } ) end