Voxbone ======= Ruby gem for consuming the [Voxbone SOAP API](http://voxbone.com/APIGettingStarted.jsf). Installation ------------ gem install voxbone Example ------- [API Docs](http://jsgoecke.github.com/voxbone) require 'rubygems' require 'voxbone' voxbone = Voxbone.new(:username => 'test', :password => 'test') voxbone.get_countries_list(:type => 'GEOGRAPHIC') Returns (using awesome_print gem): { :get_countries_list_response => { :array_of_countries => { :country => [ [ 0] { :country_name => "ARGENTINA", :country_code => "54", :country_id => "10", :has_states => false, :code_a2 => "AR" }, [ 1] { :country_name => "AUSTRALIA", :country_code => "61", :country_id => "13", :has_states => false, :code_a2 => "AU" } ] }, :xmlns => "http://www.voxbone.com/VoxAPI" } } Available Methods ----------------- Full details of available methods [here](http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/voxbone-client/index.php?title=VoxAPI.Methods). [ 0] :place_order_for_lock [ 1] :remove_did_from_capacity_group [ 2] :create_address_for_regulation [ 3] :configure_dnis [ 4] :configure_cpc [ 5] :remove_di_ds_from_trunk [ 6] :link_dids_to_address [ 7] :get_purchase_info_data [ 8] :get_trunk_list [ 9] :map_did_to_capacity_group [10] :get_order_status [11] :cancel_did [12] :get_regulation_address_list [13] :get_did_group_purchase_lock [14] :place_di_ds_on_trunk [15] :configure_codecs [16] :create_capacity_group [17] :get_capacity_group_list [18] :place_di_ds_order [19] :get_di_ds_info [20] :map_did [21] :delete_capacity_group [22] :get_features_list [23] :configure_dtmf_mode [24] :get_did_group_list [25] :is_purchase_info_valid [26] :purchase_tollfree_credit [27] :get_did_group_pricing [28] :get_pop_list [29] :request_address_verification [30] :limit_did_channels [31] :get_states_list [32] :configure_t38 [33] :delete_regulation_address [34] :get_countries_list [35] :get_did_group_info [36] :update_capacity_group [37] :get_tollfree_credit_package_list [38] :map_did_checking_status [39] :update_delivery [40] :get_account_balance Copyright --------- Copyright (c) 2011 Jason Goecke. See LICENSE.txt for further details.