require 'json' require 'httparty' require 'clipboard' require 'os' module Githubrepo # no need for classes (will never create instance of self)... refactor and use just modules and methods # include HTTParty def self.create(attributes) post = '', :headers => { # When API Keys are supported we will want to pass them via the headers #'Authorization' => "token #{token}", 'User-Agent' => 'Githubrepo', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json' }, :basic_auth => { :username => attributes[:username], :password => attributes[:password] }, :body => { 'name' => attributes[:repository], 'description' => attributes[:description] }.to_json ) Githubrepo.parse_response_from( post.merge(attributes) ) # for testing purposes only -- rspec if attributes[:rspec] return post end end # DRY this by moving to a Parse.response_from(post) def self.parse_response_from(post) attributes = post if attributes[:wants_ssh] repo_url = attributes['ssh_url'] else repo_url = attributes['clone_url'] end message = if attributes['message'] != nil attributes['message'] end error_message = if attributes['errors'] != nil attributes['errors'].first['message'] end # messages to console if repo_url if OS.mac? puts "#{repo_url} --- COPIED TO CLIPBOARD" Clipboard.copy repo_url elsif OS.linux? print repo_url unless `which xclip`.empty? print " --- COPIED TO CLIPBOARD\n" Clipboard.copy repo_url else puts "\nInstall xclip if you want to auto-copy repository URL to your clipboard." puts "debian/ubuntu: apt-get install xclip" end elsif print repo_url if Gem::Specification::find_all_by_name('ffi').any? print " --- COPIED TO CLIPBOARD\n" Clipboard.copy repo_url else puts "\nInstall ruby gem 'ffi' to auto-copy repository to your clipboard." puts "gem install ffi" end else puts repo_url end end puts message.capitalize if message puts error_message.capitalize if error_message end end