import React from 'react'; import { propsToCamelCase } from 'foremanReact/common/helpers'; import { renderWithRedux, patientlyWaitFor, fireEvent } from 'react-testing-lib-wrapper'; import HOST_DETAILS from '../../../HostDetailsConstants'; import SystemPurposeEditModal from '../SystemPurposeEditModal'; import { assertNockRequest, nockInstance } from '../../../../../../test-utils/nockWrapper'; import katelloApi, { foremanApi } from '../../../../../../services/api'; import { ACTIVATION_KEY } from '../../../../../../scenes/ActivationKeys/Details/ActivationKeyConstants'; const organizationDetails = katelloApi.getApiUrl('/organizations/1'); const availableReleaseVersions = foremanApi.getApiUrl('/hosts/1/subscriptions/available_release_versions'); const akAvailableReleaseVersions = katelloApi.getApiUrl('/activation_keys/1/releases'); const hostEditUrl = foremanApi.getApiUrl('/hosts/1'); const akEditUrl = katelloApi.getApiUrl('/activation_keys/1'); const akDetailsGetUrl = akEditUrl; const hostDetailsGetUrl = '/api/hosts/test-host'; const baseHostDetails = { id: 1, organization_id: 1, permissions: { edit_hosts: true, }, subscription_facet_attributes: { purpose_addons: ['Addon1', 'Addon2'], purpose_role: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server', purpose_usage: 'Production', service_level: 'Premium', release_version: '8', }, }; const akHostDetails = { ...baseHostDetails, permissions: { edit_activation_keys: true, }, subscription_facet_attributes: undefined, ...baseHostDetails.subscription_facet_attributes, }; const facetAttributes = propsToCamelCase(baseHostDetails.subscription_facet_attributes); const baseAttributes = { name: 'test-host', closeModal: jest.fn(), isOpen: true, orgId: 1, id: 1, }; const renderOptions = (apiNamespace = HOST_DETAILS) => ({ apiNamespace, initialState: { API: { [apiNamespace]: { response: { id: 1, name: 'test-host', ...(apiNamespace === HOST_DETAILS ? baseHostDetails : akHostDetails), }, status: 'RESOLVED', }, }, }, }); describe('SystemPurposeEditModal', () => { test('Shows currently selected attributes as defaults', (done) => { const orgScope = nockInstance .get(organizationDetails) .reply(200, { id: 1, }); const availableReleaseVersionsScope = nockInstance .get(availableReleaseVersions) .reply(200, []); const { getByText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions()); expect(getByText('Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Production')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Premium')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Addon1')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('Addon2')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('8')).toBeInTheDocument(); assertNockRequest(orgScope); assertNockRequest(availableReleaseVersionsScope, done); }); test('Shows blank options as (unset)', () => { const orgScope = nockInstance .get(organizationDetails) .reply(200, { id: 1, }); const availableReleaseVersionsScope = nockInstance .get(availableReleaseVersions) .reply(200, []); const { getAllByText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions()); expect(getAllByText('(unset)')[0]).toBeVisible(); assertNockRequest(orgScope); assertNockRequest(availableReleaseVersionsScope); }); test('Calls API and changes syspurpose values for host', async (done) => { const orgScope = nockInstance .get(organizationDetails) .reply(200, { id: 1, }); const availableReleaseVersionsScope = nockInstance .get(availableReleaseVersions) .reply(200, []); const hostEditScope = nockInstance .put(hostEditUrl, { id: 1, host: { subscription_facet_attributes: { autoheal: true, // we're going to change role from 'Server' to 'Workstation' purpose_role: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation', purpose_usage: 'Production', purpose_addons: ['Addon1', 'Addon2'], release_version: '8', service_level: 'Premium', }, }, }) .reply(200); const hostDetailsScope = nockInstance .get(hostDetailsGetUrl) .reply(200); const { getByLabelText, getByRole } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions()); const saveButton = getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }); // Save button should be disabled if no values have been changed expect(saveButton).toHaveAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true'); const roleDropdown = getByLabelText('Role'); fireEvent.change(roleDropdown, { target: { value: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation' } }); // Save button should now be enabled expect(saveButton).toHaveAttribute('aria-disabled', 'false');; await patientlyWaitFor(() => { expect(baseAttributes.closeModal).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); [orgScope, availableReleaseVersionsScope, hostEditScope].forEach((scope) => { assertNockRequest(scope); }); assertNockRequest(hostDetailsScope, done); }); test('Calls API and changes syspurpose values for activation key', async (done) => { const orgScope = nockInstance .get(organizationDetails) .reply(200, { id: 1, }); const availableReleaseVersionsScope = nockInstance .get(akAvailableReleaseVersions) .reply(200, []); const akEditScope = nockInstance .put(akEditUrl, { id: 1, activation_key: { // we're going to change role from 'Server' to 'Workstation' autoheal: true, purpose_role: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation', purpose_usage: 'Production', purpose_addons: ['Addon1', 'Addon2'], release_version: '8', service_level: 'Premium', }, }) .reply(200); const akDetailsScope = nockInstance .get(akDetailsGetUrl) .reply(200); const { getByLabelText, getByRole } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions(ACTIVATION_KEY)); const saveButton = getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }); // Save button should be disabled if no values have been changed expect(saveButton).toHaveAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true'); const roleDropdown = getByLabelText('Role'); fireEvent.change(roleDropdown, { target: { value: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation' } }); // Save button should now be enabled expect(saveButton).toHaveAttribute('aria-disabled', 'false');; await patientlyWaitFor(() => { expect(baseAttributes.closeModal).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); [orgScope, availableReleaseVersionsScope, akEditScope].forEach((scope) => { assertNockRequest(scope); }); assertNockRequest(akDetailsScope, done); }); test('Retrieves available release versions for host', async (done) => { const orgScope = nockInstance .get(organizationDetails) .reply(200, { id: 1, }); const availableReleaseVersionsScope = nockInstance .get(availableReleaseVersions) .reply(200, { results: ['8', '9'] }); const { getByLabelText, getByText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions()); const releaseVersionDropdown = getByLabelText('Release version');; await patientlyWaitFor(() => { expect(getByText('8')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('9')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); [orgScope, availableReleaseVersionsScope].forEach((scope) => { assertNockRequest(scope); }); done(); }); test('Retrieves available release versions for activation key', async (done) => { const orgScope = nockInstance .get(organizationDetails) .reply(200, { id: 1, }); const availableReleaseVersionsScope = nockInstance .get(akAvailableReleaseVersions) .reply(200, { results: ['8', '9'] }); const { getByLabelText, getByText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions(ACTIVATION_KEY)); const releaseVersionDropdown = getByLabelText('Release version');; await patientlyWaitFor(() => { expect(getByText('8')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(getByText('9')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); [orgScope, availableReleaseVersionsScope].forEach((scope) => { assertNockRequest(scope); }); done(); }); });