require 'cgi' module ActiveFulfillment class ShipwireService < Service SERVICE_URLS = { :fulfillment => '', :inventory => '', :tracking => '' }.freeze SCHEMA_URLS = { :fulfillment => '', :inventory => '', :tracking => '' }.freeze POST_VARS = { :fulfillment => 'OrderListXML', :inventory => 'InventoryUpdateXML', :tracking => 'TrackingUpdateXML' }.freeze WAREHOUSES = { 'CHI' => 'Chicago', 'LAX' => 'Los Angeles', 'REN' => 'Reno', 'VAN' => 'Vancouver', 'TOR' => 'Toronto', 'UK' => 'United Kingdom' }.freeze SHIPPING_METHODS = { '1 Day Service' => '1D', '2 Day Service' => '2D', 'Ground Service' => 'GD', 'Freight Service' => 'FT', 'International' => 'INTL' }.freeze INVALID_LOGIN = /(Error with Valid Username\/EmailAddress and Password Required)|(Could not verify Username\/EmailAddress and Password combination)/ class_attribute :affiliate_id # The first is the label, and the last is the code def self.shipping_methods SHIPPING_METHODS end # Pass in the login and password for the shipwire account. # Optionally pass in the :test => true to force test mode def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) super end def fulfill(order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options = {}) commit :fulfillment, build_fulfillment_request(order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options) end def fetch_stock_levels(options = {}) commit :inventory, build_inventory_request(options) end def fetch_tracking_data(order_ids, options = {}) commit :tracking, build_tracking_request(order_ids) end def valid_credentials? response = fetch_tracking_numbers([]) response.message !~ INVALID_LOGIN end def test_mode? true end def include_pending_stock? @options[:include_pending_stock] end def include_empty_stock? @options[:include_empty_stock] end private def build_fulfillment_request(order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options) xml = :indent => 2 xml.instruct! xml.declare! :DOCTYPE, :OrderList, :SYSTEM, SCHEMA_URLS[:fulfillment] xml.tag! 'OrderList' do add_credentials(xml) xml.tag! 'Referer', 'Active Fulfillment' add_order(xml, order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options) end! end def build_inventory_request(options) xml = :indent => 2 xml.instruct! xml.declare! :DOCTYPE, :InventoryStatus, :SYSTEM, SCHEMA_URLS[:inventory] xml.tag! 'InventoryUpdate' do add_credentials(xml) xml.tag! 'Warehouse', WAREHOUSES[options[:warehouse]] xml.tag! 'ProductCode', options[:sku] xml.tag! 'IncludeEmpty' if include_empty_stock? end end def build_tracking_request(order_ids) xml = xml.instruct! xml.declare! :DOCTYPE, :InventoryStatus, :SYSTEM, SCHEMA_URLS[:inventory] xml.tag! 'TrackingUpdate' do add_credentials(xml) xml.tag! 'Server', test? ? 'Test' : 'Production' order_ids.each do |o_id| xml.tag! 'OrderNo', o_id end end end def add_credentials(xml) xml.tag! 'EmailAddress', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'Password', @options[:password] xml.tag! 'Server', test? ? 'Test' : 'Production' xml.tag! 'AffiliateId', affiliate_id if affiliate_id.present? end def add_order(xml, order_id, shipping_address, line_items, options) xml.tag! 'Order', :id => order_id do xml.tag! 'Warehouse', options[:warehouse] || '00' add_address(xml, shipping_address, options) xml.tag! 'Shipping', options[:shipping_method] unless options[:shipping_method].blank? Array(line_items).each_with_index do |line_item, index| add_item(xml, line_item, index) end xml.tag! 'Note' do xml.cdata! options[:note] unless options[:note].blank? end end end def add_address(xml, address, options) xml.tag! 'AddressInfo', :type => 'Ship' do xml.tag! 'Name' do xml.tag! 'Full', address[:name] end xml.tag! 'Address1', address[:address1] xml.tag! 'Address2', address[:address2] xml.tag! 'Company', address[:company] xml.tag! 'City', address[:city] xml.tag! 'State', address[:state] unless address[:state].blank? xml.tag! 'Country', address[:country] xml.tag! 'Zip', address[:zip] xml.tag! 'Phone', address[:phone] unless address[:phone].blank? xml.tag! 'Email', options[:email] unless options[:email].blank? end end # Code is limited to 12 characters def add_item(xml, item, index) xml.tag! 'Item', :num => index do xml.tag! 'Code', item[:sku] xml.tag! 'Quantity', item[:quantity] end end def commit(action, request) log_query = request.dup [@options[:password], affiliate_id].each { |key| log_query.gsub!(key.to_s, '[filtered]') if key.present? } "[#{self.class}][#{SERVICE_URLS[action]}][#{POST_VARS[action]}] query=#{log_query}" data = ssl_post(SERVICE_URLS[action], "#{POST_VARS[action]}=#{CGI.escape(request)}") "[#{self.class}][result] #{data}" response = parse_response(action, data)[:success], response[:message], response, :test => test?) end def parse_response(action, data) case action when :fulfillment parse_fulfillment_response(data) when :inventory parse_inventory_response(data) when :tracking parse_tracking_response(data) else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown action #{action}" end end def parse_fulfillment_response(xml) Parsing.with_xml_document(xml) do |document, response| document.root.try do |root_document| root_document.elements.each do |node| response[] = node.text.strip end end response[:success] = response[:status] == '0'.freeze response[:message] = response[:success] ? 'Successfully submitted the order'.freeze : message_from(response[:error_message]) response end end def compute_stock_levels(document) items = {} products = document.xpath('//Product'.freeze) products.each do |product| qty = product.at_xpath('@quantity'.freeze).child.content.to_i code = product.at_xpath('@code'.freeze).child.content pending_qty = include_pending_stock? ? product.at_xpath('@pending'.freeze).child.content.to_i : 0 items[code] = qty + pending_qty end items end def parse_inventory_response(xml) response = { stock_levels: {} } Parsing.with_xml_document(xml, response) do |document| status = document.at_xpath('//Status'.freeze).child.content success = test? ? status == 'Test'.freeze : status == '0'.freeze total_products = success ? document.at_xpath('//TotalProducts'.freeze).child.content : 0 message = success ? 'Successfully received the stock levels'.freeze : document.at_xpath('//ErrorMessage'.freeze).child.content { status: status, total_products: total_products, stock_levels: compute_stock_levels(document), message: message, success: success } end end def shipped_order?(node) == 'Order'.freeze && node.attributes['shipped'.freeze].text == 'YES'.freeze end def parse_tracking_response(xml) response = { tracking_numbers: {}, tracking_companies: {}, tracking_urls: {} } Parsing.with_xml_document(xml, response) do |document, response| document.root.try do |root_document| root_document.elements.each do |node| if shipped_order?(node) node_tracking = node.at_css('TrackingNumber'.freeze) unless node_tracking.nil? node_id = node.attributes['id'.freeze].text.strip tracking_number = node_tracking.text.strip response[:tracking_numbers][node_id] = [tracking_number] tracking_company = node_tracking.attributes['carrier'.freeze].try { |item| item.text.strip } response[:tracking_companies][node_id] = [tracking_company] if tracking_company tracking_url = node_tracking.attributes['href'.freeze].try { |item| item.text.strip } response[:tracking_urls][node_id] = [tracking_url] if tracking_url end else response[] = node.text.strip end end end end response[:success] = test? ? (response[:status] == '0'.freeze || response[:status] == 'Test'.freeze) : response[:status] == '0'.freeze response[:message] = response[:success] ? 'Successfully received the tracking numbers'.freeze : message_from(response[:error_message]) response end def message_from(string) return if string.blank? string.gsub("\n", ''.freeze).squeeze(' '.freeze) end end end