require 'nokogiri' require 'ms/ident' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/msms_pipeline_analysis' module Ms ; module Ident ; end ; end class Numeric # returns a string with a + or - on the front def to_plus_minus_string if self >= 0 '+' << self.to_s else self.to_s end end end class Ms::Ident::Pepxml XML_STYLESHEET_LOCATION = '/tools/bin/TPP/tpp/schema/pepXML_std.xsl' DEFAULT_PEPXML_VERSION = MsmsPipelineAnalysis::PEPXML_VERSION XML_ENCODING = 'UTF-8' attr_accessor :msms_pipeline_analysis def pepxml_version msms_pipeline_analysis.pepxml_version end # returns an array of spectrum queries def spectrum_queries msms_pipeline_analysis.msms_run_summary.spectrum_queries end # yields a new Msms_Pipeline_Analysis object if given a block def initialize(&block) if block end # takes an xml document object and sets it with the xml stylesheet def add_stylesheet(doc, location) xml_stylesheet =, "xml-stylesheet", %Q{type="text/xsl" href="#{location}"}) doc.root.add_previous_sibling xml_stylesheet doc end # writes xml file named msms_pipeline_analysis.summary_xml into the msms_run_summary.base_name directory def to_xml_file to_xml(File.dirname(msms_pipeline_analysis.msms_run_summary.base_name) + '/' + msms_pipeline_analysis.summary_xml) end # if no outfile is given, an xml string is returned. summary_xml should # have already been set and is not influenced by the outfile given here. def to_xml(outfile=nil) builder = => XML_ENCODING) msms_pipeline_analysis.to_xml(builder) add_stylesheet(builder.doc, Ms::Ident::Pepxml::XML_STYLESHEET_LOCATION) string = builder.doc.to_xml outfile ?,'w') {|out| out.print(string) } : string end end