#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'facter/util/collection' describe Facter::Util::Collection do it "should have a method for adding facts" do Facter::Util::Collection.new.should respond_to(:add) end it "should have a method for returning a loader" do Facter::Util::Collection.new.should respond_to(:loader) end it "should use an instance of the Loader class as its loader" do Facter::Util::Collection.new.loader.should be_instance_of(Facter::Util::Loader) end it "should cache its loader" do coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new coll.loader.should equal(coll.loader) end it "should have a method for loading all facts" do Facter::Util::Collection.new.should respond_to(:load_all) end it "should delegate its load_all method to its loader" do coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new coll.loader.expects(:load_all) coll.load_all end describe "when adding facts" do before do @coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new end it "should create a new fact if no fact with the same name already exists" do fact = mock 'fact' Facter::Util::Fact.expects(:new).with { |name, *args| name == :myname }.returns fact @coll.add(:myname) end it "should accept options" do @coll.add(:myname, :ldapname => "whatever") { } end it "should set any appropriate options on the fact instances" do # Use a real fact instance, because we're using respond_to? fact = Facter::Util::Fact.new(:myname) fact.expects(:ldapname=).with("testing") Facter::Util::Fact.expects(:new).with(:myname).returns fact @coll.add(:myname, :ldapname => "testing") end it "should set appropriate options on the resolution instance" do fact = Facter::Util::Fact.new(:myname) Facter::Util::Fact.expects(:new).with(:myname).returns fact resolve = Facter::Util::Resolution.new(:myname) {} fact.expects(:add).returns resolve @coll.add(:myname, :timeout => "myval") {} end it "should not pass fact-specific options to resolutions" do fact = Facter::Util::Fact.new(:myname) Facter::Util::Fact.expects(:new).with(:myname).returns fact resolve = Facter::Util::Resolution.new(:myname) {} fact.expects(:add).returns resolve fact.expects(:ldapname=).with("foo") resolve.expects(:timeout=).with("myval") @coll.add(:myname, :timeout => "myval", :ldapname => "foo") {} end it "should fail if invalid options are provided" do lambda { @coll.add(:myname, :foo => :bar) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end describe "and a block is provided" do it "should use the block to add a resolution to the fact" do fact = mock 'fact' Facter::Util::Fact.expects(:new).returns fact fact.expects(:add) @coll.add(:myname) {} end end end it "should have a method for retrieving facts by name" do Facter::Util::Collection.new.should respond_to(:fact) end describe "when retrieving facts" do before do @coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new @fact = @coll.add("YayNess") end it "should return the fact instance specified by the name" do @coll.fact("YayNess").should equal(@fact) end it "should be case-insensitive" do @coll.fact("yayness").should equal(@fact) end it "should treat strings and symbols equivalently" do @coll.fact(:yayness).should equal(@fact) end it "should use its loader to try to load the fact if no fact can be found" do @coll.loader.expects(:load).with(:testing) @coll.fact("testing") end it "should return nil if it cannot find or load the fact" do @coll.loader.expects(:load).with(:testing) @coll.fact("testing").should be_nil end end it "should have a method for returning a fact's value" do Facter::Util::Collection.new.should respond_to(:value) end describe "when returning a fact's value" do before do @coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new @fact = @coll.add("YayNess") @fact.stubs(:value).returns "result" end it "should use the 'fact' method to retrieve the fact" do @coll.expects(:fact).with(:yayness).returns @fact @coll.value(:yayness) end it "should return the result of calling :value on the fact" do @fact.expects(:value).returns "result" @coll.value("YayNess").should == "result" end it "should be case-insensitive" do @coll.value("yayness").should_not be_nil end it "should treat strings and symbols equivalently" do @coll.value(:yayness).should_not be_nil end end it "should return the fact's value when the array index method is used" do @coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new @coll.expects(:value).with("myfact").returns "foo" @coll["myfact"].should == "foo" end it "should have a method for flushing all facts" do @coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new @fact = @coll.add("YayNess") @fact.expects(:flush) @coll.flush end it "should have a method that returns all fact names" do @coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new @coll.add(:one) @coll.add(:two) @coll.list.sort { |a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.should == [:one, :two] end it "should have a method for returning a hash of fact values" do Facter::Util::Collection.new.should respond_to(:to_hash) end describe "when returning a hash of values" do before do @coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new @fact = @coll.add(:one) @fact.stubs(:value).returns "me" end it "should return a hash of fact names and values with the fact names as strings" do @coll.to_hash.should == {"one" => "me"} end it "should not include facts that did not return a value" do f = @coll.add(:two) f.stubs(:value).returns nil @coll.to_hash.should_not be_include(:two) end end it "should have a method for iterating over all facts" do Facter::Util::Collection.new.should respond_to(:each) end it "should include Enumerable" do Facter::Util::Collection.ancestors.should be_include(Enumerable) end describe "when iterating over facts" do before do @coll = Facter::Util::Collection.new @one = @coll.add(:one) @two = @coll.add(:two) end it "should yield each fact name and the fact value" do @one.stubs(:value).returns "ONE" @two.stubs(:value).returns "TWO" facts = {} @coll.each do |fact, value| facts[fact] = value end facts.should == {"one" => "ONE", "two" => "TWO"} end it "should convert the fact name to a string" do @one.stubs(:value).returns "ONE" @two.stubs(:value).returns "TWO" facts = {} @coll.each do |fact, value| fact.should be_instance_of(String) end end it "should only yield facts that have values" do @one.stubs(:value).returns "ONE" @two.stubs(:value).returns nil facts = {} @coll.each do |fact, value| facts[fact] = value end facts.should_not be_include("two") end end end